
Батл кэтс 3 луна

Battle cats chapter 3 moon.

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Battle Cats Beginners’ Guide | How to Beat Chapter 3 Moon (S3E6) Подробнее

How to Beat Chapter 3 Moon EASILY! | The Battle Cats (E.o.C.) Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Chapter 3 Moon Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Moon Chapter 3: A Guide For Newbie Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Chapter 3 Moon. but with Level 1 units Подробнее

How to Beat Into the Future Chapter 3 Moon EASILY! | Battle Cats Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Zombie Outbreaks Moon 1-3 Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Strategy to beat Moon Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Into the Future Chapter 3 — Moon Подробнее

MOON CHAPTER 3 HURTS — The Battle Cats #8 Подробнее

[The Battle Cats] How To Beat Moon Chapter 3 Подробнее

Battle Cats Chapter 3/Moon Подробнее

The Battle Cats — The most gross strat in Ch3 Moon Подробнее

Battle Cats | How to Beat Chapter 3 Moon | Подробнее

The Battle Cats — Chapter 3 Moon Подробнее

[TH]The Battle Cats — Chapter 6 Moon(Bahamutผู้บ้าคลั่ง) Подробнее

Beating chapter 3 moon and unlocking Bahamut Cat! | The Battle Cats Подробнее

How to Beat Chapter 3 Moon (Battle Cats) Подробнее

The Battle Cats Chapter 3 Moon [No Gacha] Подробнее


Луна (империя котов)

Луна — 48-ой и финальный уровень империи котов.

Информация о этапе


60 (Глава 2)70 (Глава 3)

Здоровье базы:

200000 (Глава 2)900000 (Глава 3)


Валькирия (100%) (Глава 2)Бахамут (100%) (Глава 3)

Дополнительная информация

Ширина уровня:

4300 (Глава 2)6000 (Глава 3)

Максимальное число врагов:

12 (Глава 2)8 (Глава 3)

Информация о локации

Пред. уровень:


Поле битвы [ ]

Глава 1 [ ]

Лицо появляется в качестве босса в самом начале. Эти ребята, Бегемоты, Гориллы, Джеки Пинги и Кенгуру работают как спам. При победе вы гарантированно получаете Монеко.

Глава 2 [ ]

Вместо Лица появляется Тёмный Император Ньяндам. Добавились Крокодилы, Белки, а Кенгуру и Гориллы заменены на Носорогов. Все враги усилены на 150%. При победе вы получаете Валькирию.

Глава 3 [ ]

В отличии от Главы 1 и 2, в 3 главе босс появляется не сразу, а когда база лишится здоровья. Боссом является Учитель Бан Бан. Носорог вновь заменён на Кенгуру и Гориллу, а также появляются Кролики, Тюлени и Мотыльки. После победы вы получаете Бахамута.

Стратегия [ ]

Глава 1 [ ]

Для начинающих игроков Лицо может быть очень трудным боссом, ведь оно бьёт хоть и медленно, но больно. Здесь могут хорошо помочь Кот-титан, Кот-дракон, Коты в коробке помогут убить весь вражеский спам. Прикрывайте их мясными щитами. Желательно улучшить ваш кошелёк. Если Лицо погибло, можете смело радоваться — вы победили!

Глава 2 [ ]

Вместо Лица теперь появляется Ньяндам, которого порой прикрывают носороги. Нужно взять анти-красных котов. Например, Коты-суши и Кот-лицо идеально помогут с расправой над носорогами. Также главное — это рассчитывать тайминг. Ньяндам бьёт довольно больно, достаточно чтобы убить весь ваш спам. Поэтому когда босс атаковал, надо строить новых котов и не забывать про кошелёк. Если Ньяндам умер — то уровень смело пройден. Желательно использовать сокровища из прошлых уровней.

Глава 3 [ ]

С самого начала на вас нападут кенгуру. Используйте котов-стен, чтобы задержать натиск и постройте мощного кота. Не забывайте про Валькирий! Когда здоровье базы достигнет половины, появится Учитель Бан Бан. Здесь очень хорошо помогут Коты-драконы, Валькирия, Коты-монахи. Прикрывайте их спамом. Если у вас есть уберы, не забывайте и про них! Когда Бан Бан умрёт, уровень можно считать пройденным.


Moon (Into the Future)

Moon is the 48th and final stage in all Into the Future chapters.

Into The Future

Stage Information


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Score Rewards:

Max number of Enemies:


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Score Rewards:

Max number of Enemies:


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Score Rewards:

Max number of Enemies:

Outbreak Information


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Max number of Enemies:


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Max number of Enemies:


Enemy Base’s Health:

Enemies :

Enemy Boss:


Max number of Enemies:

Misc. Information

XP earned:

Stage Width:

Japanese Version Information

JP Name:



JP Treasure:

Taiwanese Version Information

TW Name:



TW Treasure:

Korean Version Information

KR Name:



KR Treasure:

Location Information


Prev. Stage:

Next Stage:



Chapter 1

  • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 133.33 seconds 4,000f , delay 106.67 seconds 3,200f .
  • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 134 seconds 4,020f , delay 106.67 seconds 3,200f .
  • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 134.67 seconds 4,040f , delay 106.67 seconds 3,200f .
  • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 135.33 seconds 4,060f , delay 106.67 seconds 3,200f .
  • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 20

33.33 seconds 600f

1,000f .
3 Shibalien spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 1

60f .
Infinite Hyppoh spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 30

50 seconds 900f

1,500f .
Infinite Kroxo spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 36.67

53.33 seconds 1,100f

1,600f .
8 Helmut Krabbe spawn after 30 seconds 900f , delay 50

70 seconds 1,500f

2,100f .
4 LeMurr spawn after 100 seconds 3,000f , delay 60

120 seconds 1,800f

3,600f .

  • Infinite Ursamajor spawn after 200 seconds 6,000f , delay 466.67 seconds 14,000f .
  • 1 Maawth spawns after 133.33 seconds 4,000f .
  • 1 Maawth spawns after 135.33 seconds 4,060f .
  • Infinite Elizabeth the LVIth spawn after 400 seconds 12,000f , delay 400 seconds 12,000f .
  • 1 Cli-One spawns as the boss after 0 seconds 0f .
  • Chapter 2

    • 3 Kroxo spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 3

    150f .

  • 1 Imperator Sael spawns after 6.67 seconds 200f .
  • 1 Imperator Sael spawns after 10 seconds 300f .
  • 1 Scissoroo spawns after 20 seconds 600f .
  • Infinite Scissoroo spawn after 133.33 seconds 4,000f , delay 60

    120 seconds 1,800f

    3,600f .

  • Infinite Elizabeth the LVIth spawn after 400 seconds 12,000f , delay 400 seconds 12,000f .
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 5 Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 6.67

    13.33 seconds 200f

    400f .
    Infinite Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 20

    40 seconds 600f

    1,200f .
    Infinite Mistress Celeboodle spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 100

    166.67 seconds 3,000f

    5,000f .
    Infinite Mistress Celeboodle spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 166.67

    333.33 seconds 5,000f

    10,000f .

    When the base reaches 70% HP:

      Infinite Ursmajor spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 266.67

      400 seconds 8,000f

      12,000f .

    • 10 Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • Infinite LeMurr spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 100

      166.67 seconds 3,000f

      5,000f .

    • 1 LeMurr spawns after 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 3 Imperator Sael spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 33.33

      66.67 seconds 1,000f

      2,000f .

    • 10 Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 10 Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 1 Corrupted Valkyrie spawns as the boss after 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • Chapter 3

    • 5 Shibalien spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 5

    10 seconds 150f

    300f .
    3 Kroxo spawn after 10 seconds 300f , delay 6.67

    10 seconds 200f

    300f .

  • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 23.33 seconds 700f .
  • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 33.33 seconds 1,000f .
  • 2 Alpacky spawn after 400 seconds 12,000f , delay 400 seconds 12,000f .
  • When the base reaches 75% HP:
    • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 13.33

    20 seconds 400f

    600f .
    Infinite Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 10

    16.67 seconds 300f

    500f .
    Infinite Mistress Celeboodle spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 100

    133.33 seconds 3,000f

    4,000f .
    5 Hyppoh spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 33.33

    66.67 seconds 1,000f

    2,000f .

  • 5 Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • 3 LeMurr spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 120 seconds 3,600f .
  • 3 Imperator Sael spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 120 seconds 3,600f .
  • 3 Imperator Sael spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 120 seconds 3,600f .
  • 4 Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • 4 Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • 1 Raging Bahamut Cat spawns as the boss after 0.07 seconds 2f .
  • Strategies

    The main rule here is to get as many treasures (Aqua/Plasma Crystal) as possible before attempting this stage. This matters the most in the third chapter. Although you could beat the moons without all treasures, you’ll need them eventually, so there is no reason to not do so.

    Chapter 1

    It is wise to ignore the time reward for now, as this stage will become an absolute joke with the treasures from future chapters.

    Strategy 1

    Lineup: 4 relatively quick meatshields, Jiangshi Cat, Rover Cat, Octopus Cat, Cyborg Cat, Butterfly Cat or an alternative, Bahamut Cat and a similar unit to the latter. Pick an anti-alien Uber if possible for the last slot, about all Elemental Pixies work, while some others may not last despite their abilies.

    Start off by meatshielding and stacking Paris cats. Continue to do this, when the peons are wiped out they should give you a bit of money so sent out some units to deal with Cli-One such as your anti-alien/anti-floating units and Octopus Cat to weaken. If you have the money, send out the last unit and keep spamming until the Ursamajor comes out. Let him advance towards your base, then use Bahamut to kill him. Focus back on killing Cli-One, spam and spam until she dies. If Elizabeth the LVIth comes out, that’s ok! You have Octopus Cat to cancel the waves. Continue doing this until the base is destroyed. Congratulations! You beat chapter one moon and unlocked new cat-combos!

    Strategy 2

    At the beginning, spawn Macho Leg Cat and Crazed Gross Cat to deal with the beginning peons. Then, spawn Dragons and possibly Jamiera Cat. Do this until the Ursamajor comes out. Lure it to the base because it should be knocked back quite far, and upgrade your Worker Cat several times (to about level 6 or 8). Once it’s near your base, spawn Bahamut and everything else and hope for the best. Keep on doing this until Elizabeth the LVIth comes out. Do the same exact thing (except don’t spawn Mohawk Cat or Crazed Cat). Kill the alien pig and then eventually Cli-One.

    Strategy 3

    All aqua and plasma crystal treasures from ItF1 are required for this strategy.

    Really, the key is to just spam catellites and Cyborg/Butterfly whenever you have money. With Catellite’s true form, this stage is really easy.

    Chapter 2

    Note that having all treasures matters even more then in the previous stage, so, if you are struggling, go and get them all (aqua and plasma crystal from both ch.1 and 2).

    Strategy 1 (Ft. Kubilan Pasalan)

    Lineup: 4 meatshields, Neo Psychocat, Macho Legs Cat, a moderately cheap damage dealer (Crazed Whale Cat, Paris Cat), Castaway Cat, Crazed Bahamut Cat and, finally, Kubilan Pasalan.

    You also MUST bring along a Cat CPU. This strategy may not work without it. Sniper The Cat, Rich Cat, and Speed Up power-ups are optional, but you can bring them if you feel like you’ll be safer with them. First, when the first peons come out at the beginning of the stage, simply use a few meatshields to block them, and use Castaway to deal some damage and gain some money. Use this cash to build up your Wallet and upgrade your Worker Cat. By the time all the peons are finished off, you should have a full or nearly full Wallet. Once this is achieved, begin to send out everything you got and turn on CPU. The boss should come out and hit your cats. If the CPU is working to effect, only your meatshields will be hit and your big hitters should be fine. Kubilan should be able to manage your spacing, and about 10-12 hits from Bahamut (Max Level) should be able to defeat the boss. The Macho Legs and your moderately cheap damage dealer will take care of the stronger Alien Enemies.

    At times, your meatshield wall may be compromised, and your Bahamut and Kubilan may be killed, or you will run out of money and your CPU will focus on respawning the more expensive cats rather than the meatshields. At times like these, you will need to turn off CPU and deal the meatshields as best you can with some cheap damage dealers as well in hopes of killing an enemy that will yield lots of money. The boss and strong enemies may come dangerously close to your base, but do not stop spawning the meatshield and damage dealer combo. Eventually the Bahamut or Kubilan will be ready to be respawned, and you will clear some room for yourself.

    Lastly, this method will probably yield some pretty low scores. But hey, it’s about clearing it right? You’ll be able to come back with stronger cats and get the bonuses later.

    Strategy 2

    Basically the core of this strategy is to stack Castaway Cat and Paris Cat and protect them with decent (not too many) meatshields and backed up by Bahamut and other attackers.

    Bring 4 cheap meatshields (including Artist Cat or, better, Rover Cat (optional?)), Neo Psychocat, Castaway Cat, Paris Cat, Bahamut Cat and other medium and heavy attackers (used: Drama Cats and Anubis).

    First, upgrade your Wallet until Scissoroo spawns while occasionally sending some Artist Cats (Artist Cats aren’t Anti-Alien, but it has decent health and no knockback, good for starting many rush stages) Note: Artist Cat has low range and might not be able to attack Scissoroo because of knockback . Then use several Paris Cats to slowly kill the Scissoroo. After it’s dead, upgrade your Wallet and cease spawning anything.

    When the remainder of your Paris Cats reach the Enemy Base, some Mistress Celeboodles will spawn. Allow them to get near your base. Now, your wallet should be at MAX level. Spam all cats (but don’t spam too many meatshields yet) except fast moving-units (in my case Anubis).

    Corrupted Valkyrie should spawn soon.

    When she appears, keep spamming with priority order (high to low): Castaway Cat, meatshields (when necessary), Paris Cat, Neo Psychocat, other heavy attackers.

    Hopefully, after a while the Castaway Cat would stack and eventually freeze Corrupted Valkyrie most of the time. More than 1 heavy attacker should be used so that LeMurrs and Ursamajor can be finished quickly before smashing the stack of Castaway Cats.

    Strategy 3 (Cheese ft. Ururun Wolf)

    This is a cheese strategy that can only be completed with certain cats. Be aware that this is a gacha strat.

    Required Feats: At least all Anti-Alien treasures from Chapters 1 and 2

    Recommended Power-ups: Rich Cat (and Sniper the Cat if you’re not confident.)

    Your line up must consist of 4-5 meatshields, Ururun Wolf, Bahamut Cat, 1-2 long ranged attackers, preferably ones who can deal 15k+ damage and something like Prisoner Cat that outranges the Corrupted Valkyrie, Corrupted Psychocat (though Neo can work) and, if you have some more slots, Castaway Cat/Seafarer and Crazed Dragon).

    This strategy is pretty simple; you should stall Corrupted Valkyrie at her base while your Long-Range attacker(s) kill the base even without defeating the boss. Ururun is used to stall and knockback the boss as much as possible and Psychocat in preventing the boss from advancing. The other cats required are for dealing damage to the boss if ever your timings are inconsistent and preventing you from losing if ever you take too long. Cat Combos aren’t required, but if you have a Unit Attack UP combo, you can replace some of the cats you don’t really get to use that much.

    Strategy 4

    This strategy can be used in chapter 3 as well, with very small changes

    Lineup: 2 meatshields, Bahamut and/or a similar Uber, Paris Cat, Dragon Cat, Macho Leg Cat, any unit with Long Distance and an usable level. If you are in ch. 3, bring Corrupted Psychocat too.

    Start by stacking long range attackers and Psychocats, send the ubers/Bahamut as well.

    Spam meatshields while doing so and, after the boss appears, just keep the meatshields under control; the alien peons will likely push forward bringing the boss with them, so make sure to get rid of them FAST. Eventually, if you keep this up, you will win.

    Strategy 5 (Psychocat TF)

    Psychocat’s True Form really shines here, use it and you’ll see why.

    Lineup: 3-4 meatshields, Paris, Dragon, Legs (TF as it makes it strong against aliens), Psychocat (TF) and any Anti alien ubers/bahamut.

    No power-ups are needed if you’re careful with how to spend your money.

    At the start of the battle, let the enemies draw close to your base. When Scissoroo comes, don’t panic and sent out two meatshields at a time (preferably wall and c wall). When Scissoroo is close to base, begin spamming 3 meatshields, stack some psychocats, legs and paris. Don’t sent all your meatshields until your cats begin hitting the base. Meanwhile, don’t stop stacking psycho and all of your ranged attackers. Once the cash starts flowing, sent in your ubers and bahamut.

    If you’re still having trouble, make sure to get all your anti-floating treasures too (if you plan on using anti floating cats). All should go well, good luck!

    Strategy 6 (Ft. Super Galaxy Cosmo)

    Lineup: 5-6 meatshields, Dragon Cat, Castaway Cat, Bahamut Cat, Super Galaxy Cosmo

    Powerups: Rich Cat (optional), Cat CPU, Sniper the Cat

    Start by killing off peons to get money and when full cash deploy Bahamut and SGC. When Corrupted Valkyrie spawns turn on Cat CPU and watch the battle. Cat Cannon when the SGCs are on attack cooldown and they should start attacking the base.

    Chapter 3

    You should have most of the Crazed Cats and all the True Forms of normal cats by now. Use a bunch of meatshields and bring stuff like Crazed Sexy Legs, Macho Legs, Dragon, Crazed Dragon, Holy Valkyrie, Crazed Bahamut and Ururun Wolf (If you don’t have Ururun use another meatshield), then you shouldn’t have trouble.

    Also take note that the difference between having just, say, 500% treasures and all 600% is HUGE, as the enemies would be HALF as strong with 600% treasures rather than 500%, so it is especially important to have as many treasures as possible.

    Strategy 1

    Lineup: 4 meatshields, Macho Leg Cat, Bahamut, Ururun, Li’l Nyandam or any heavy hitter, King Dragon Cat and Cyborg Cat. You can fill any of the last 6 slots with anti-alien Ubers that you may have.

    Rich Cat is helpful to bring in; it is not required, albeit very useful as the enemies aren’t infinite. Unless you have the ability to pay attention to the lineup very well, bring a Cat CPU to handle your meatshielding.

    You can get a lot of money off of the Mistress Celeboodles; they have mediocre health and drop about $4500.

    Use single Macho Leg Cats, King Dragon Cats, or Paris Cats to kill off the enemies. You never want to have multiple long range attackers at the beginning so you have some time before the boss in case the enemies all die.

    Make sure to have a nest egg for when the boss spawns so you don’t get demolished immediately; turn on the Cat CPU immediately after the boss spawns. If the Cat CPU stops meatshielding due to saving for a more expensive unit, turn it off and continue meatshielding.

    The hardest part about this is the beginning. Once you stack up your stacks of long-range attackers, the only way you can lose is if you don’t pay attention when your Cat CPU stops meatshielding before you die.

    Li’l Nyandam is there so you can outrange Alpacky if it spawns.

    Strategy 2

    Lineup: Crazed Macho, Crazed Wall, Eraser, Dragon, Crazed Dragon, Macho Legs, Crazed Sexy Legs, Holy Valkyrie (Can be replaced with an uber), Crazed Bahamut, Ururun Cat.

    Lure the Shibaliens and Kroxos to the base and spam Eraser Cat, upgrading your wallet whenever possible. When Mistress Celeboodle appears, continue to spam Erasers until there are few left. Spam all of your meatshields and spawn a Crazed Gross too. Use the Cat Cannon whenever possible to keep the Mistress Celeboodle away. Once the Celeboodle is dead, keep spamming meatshields, and stack dual Sexy Legs and dual Dragon.

    When Raging Bahamut appears, only slowly spawn meatshields so as to slowly lure it to your base. Once you do get it near the base, turn on your Cat CPU and sit back. If you find yourself losing money, turn off the Cat CPU and only meatshield.


    The Battle Cats — Into the Future Chapter 3 — Moon

    Nurse Wuffa https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u7J3Gvh8vKE Speedy boi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO37wgUo8b4&t=41s

    Zombie Outbreak


    Chapter 1

    • 5 Zoge spawn after 16.67 seconds 500f , delay 10

    16.67 seconds 300f

    500f .

  • 1 Zackie Peng spawn after 26.67 seconds 800f .
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 40 seconds 1,200f .
  • 3 Zroco spawn after 60 seconds 1,800f , delay 10

    16.67 seconds 300f

    500f .
    When the base reaches 99% HP:

      Infinite Zoge spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 33.33

    50 seconds 1,000f

    1,500f .

  • 1 Cadaver Bear spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
  • 1 Dread Bore spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
  • 1 Lord Gravey spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
  • Chapter 2

    • 3 Mistress Celeboodle spawn after 10 seconds 300f , delay 16.67

    20 seconds 500f

    600f .
    10 The Thrillerz spawn after 20 seconds 600f , delay 3.33

    10 seconds 100f

    300f .

  • 1 Scissoroo spawns after 36.67 seconds 1,100f .
  • 1 Scissoroo spawns after 40 seconds 1,200f .
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 8 Zuche spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 13.33

    16.67 seconds 400f

    500f .

  • 1 Miss Haka spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
  • 2 Elizabeth the LVIth spawn after 0 seconds 0f , delay 33.33 seconds 1,000f .
  • 1 I.M. Phace spawns as the boss after 0 seconds 0f .
  • When the base reaches 50% HP:
    • 1 Elizabeth the LVIth spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
  • Chapter 3

    • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 0 seconds 0f .
    • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 20 seconds 600f .
    • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 36.67 seconds 1,100f .
    • 1 Mistress Celeboodle spawns after 50 seconds 1,500f .
    • 1 Li’l Zyclone spawns after 30 seconds 900f .
    • When the base reaches 99% HP:
      • Infinite Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 20

      30 seconds 600f

      900f .
      Infinite Zoge spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 20

      30 seconds 600f

      900f .
      Infinite Mistress Celeboodle spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 33.33

      40 seconds 1,000f

      1,200f .

    • 1 Miss Haka spawns after 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 3 Hyppoh spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 3 Kroxo spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 3 Shibalien spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 0.07 seconds 2f .
    • 5 Zuche spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 10 seconds 300f .
    • 3 Li’l Zyclone spawn after 0.07 seconds 2f , delay 40 seconds 1,200f .
    • 1 Lord Gravey spawns as the boss after 0.07 seconds 2f .


    You have a lot of time to save up early on. A single Zoge heads your way after you reach Worker Cat level 4, then a single Zackie Peng and a Zang Roo come out about 15 seconds later. Send out Cats when you see the first Zoge so that you can force them to burrow before they get to your base. Once you down the Zang and Zackie, a couple more Zoge spawn as your cats head to the enemy base.

    Once the base reach 99% the rest of the enemies spawn and the peons begin to spawn again. A Cadaver Bear and Dread Bore burrow immediately and will be probably well past your initial wave of damage dealers when they resurface. A well timed cat cannon can keep them from burrowing and allows your front line DPS to be protected. Keeping an uber in reserve to deal with them incase the cannon tactic fails is a good idea, the pair of them can work their way through your meatshield awful quick if you’re not careul.

    Lore Gravey is just a big meatshield with low range, 100% knockback and high damage per hit. Your meatshields will be damaged a lot so bringing survival meatshields like Jiangshi Cat or Cameraman Cat are good ideas( Cameraman also has great dps to help out with the backline). With the mediocre range on Gravey its only a matter of time until your heavy hitting zombie killers take him out. If you can manage the Dread Bore/Bear combo then Gravey is a bit of a cake walk.


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