
Дело бумажной луны paper moon affair 2005 канада

User Reviews

I read two other extremely negative reviews. I suspect the reviewers were not prepared for a such a slow-paced movie. They wanted something with explosions, car chases, fist fights, murders etc. This movie is a slice of life in a remote BC town on the coast. Not much happens. That’s the way it is in these places, as you will know if you have ever lived in one.

It is a fairly depressing movie about betrayals and abandonment. It looks like there is no easy way for anyone to leave or drastically change their lives. The three emotionally injured main characters have to snatch a little joy any way they can.

I felt completely sympathetic and engaged. These were fully fleshed out real characters that I cared about.

It is bit like Summer of 42 with a polyamorous twist, with a drop of The Last Picture Show. Memories of my early almost-sexual adventures came flooding back. Fletcher portrayed that agitated state so well, not the crude horniness that is usually used to lampoon adolescents.

I did not recognise the specific BC locations, but they are spectacular. The glorious settings contrast with some of the bleakness of the lives. It is possible to feel quite depressed surrounded by the most idyllic settings.

Brendan Fletcher and Sebastian Spence are handsome devils, and pleasant just to look at no matter what they do.

I enjoyed this film, it was quite pleasant and peaceful and I am sorry that others did not. Maybe that was because it was was not the easy to watch, fast moving film filled with action that most seem to prefer? For those who might appreciate a softly sensual and relaxed film dealing with loss, love, regret and yearning please take a look below at what I thought.

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Set in beautiful British Columbia, the characters live in a small fishing town affected by the loss of the industry and they are experiencing all of the social issues normal in that situation. I thought that Brendan Fletcher’s portrayal of Hart, a young man with dreams of a better life while living with an alcoholic father showed just the right sort of anxiety and and anger over his predicament. I could sympathize with his choice to reach out to Keiko for comfort and the friendship that develops between them is fun as well as very touching and tender. Their final scene together was perhaps the only way for Keiko to best show appreciation for Hart’s caring and support and seemed like a very natural and fitting way to say goodbye, give him a small part of his dream and end that chapter in their lives.

Keiko, rejected and abandoned by her sexually violent and philandering husband felt hurt and lonely and met those needs by her friendship with the Hart character and the physical passion with Vern, the local policeman who was spurned by his wife. Both men found some comfort with Keiko and she with them individually but none the happiness or resolution they so much desired.

If you are feeling mellow and can appreciate a film for it’s sensitivity, fine acting, intimate looks at human foibles and needs and for great the great scenery of Bowen Island, Celtic Shipyards in Vancouver and Tofino British Columbia then you may enjoy this one.

