
День яркого солнца portia

Day of the Bright Sun

The Day of the Bright Sun is a festival to celebrate the event of Peach ending the 330-year-long Age of Darkness by clearing the clouds and letting the sun rays shine over the land once again, which occurred around 100 years prior to the events of the game. It occurs on the 19th day of Month 1 every year.


History [ edit | edit source ]

Mural of Peach bringing the light back

When chaos and darkness befell the world, a man named Peach created a machine that ended the 330-year darkness. The common folk honored Peach for his heroic act, thus creating and dedicating a holiday known as the Day of the Bright Sun to him.

Festivities [ edit | edit source ]

During the first year, at the fireside meeting on Day 14, Mayor Gale requests that all citizens of Portia participate in the gift-giving event by donating an item. The builder can participate in this through Present for the Celebration mission. Although the festival will occur every year, there will not be a fireside about it after year 1. The mission, however, is repeatable each year.

Before the festivities start Gale delivers a short speech:

Happy Brightness everyone!
It has been almost a century since Peach brought back our sun. It’s impossible for us to even imagine what that dark world was like.
So let’s have fun today, but let us also remember. Remember that we need to respect the earth, the sky, and most of all, each other.
May the spirit of telesis be with us all!

At the start of the day of the festival, an airship will fly from the north of the Workshop towards town. Once the event begins at 10:00, a few gift boxes will be seen falling from it one at a time, tumbling to the ground. Townsfolk will follow its path and run in a mad scramble for each box. If the player is able to reach a box before someone else claims it, they can press the interact button («E» on keyboard, «A» on controller) to pick it up. The airship travels from Peach Plaza towards Central Plaza, following the road. After the event, it stops dropping presents and flies off again.

The player needs to be hasty and retrieve as many gifts before the event ends. Most townsfolk will participate in the event (making the festival a good time and place to give everyone gifts to improve their Relationship) and are able to claim the gifts. After claiming a gift, the player receives a letter of gratitude from the benefactor.

Presents [ edit | edit source ]

The player can receive the following items when collecting presents at the festival:

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My time at portia prohozhdenie 9 den yarkogo solnca

ДЕНЬ ЯРКОГО СОЛНЦА. БИТВА ЗА ПОДАРКИ ► My time at Portia прохождение #9 Подробнее

My Time At Portia Прохождение № 9 День яркого солнца. Подробнее

День Яркого Солнца ☀ My Time At Portia Прохождение #8 Подробнее

My Time At Portia — #9 — Постройка моста и День Яркого Солнца Подробнее

Хиггинс изменился, День яркого солнца ❄ My Time At Portia ❄ №128 Подробнее

Арбузы Эмили и воры в Портии ☀ My Time At Portia Прохождение #10 Подробнее

Портовый кран, день яркого солнца ❄ My Time At Portia ❄ №62 Подробнее

Отжимают мастерскую ☀ My Time At Portia Прохождение #9 Подробнее

ДЕНЬ ЯРКОГО СОЛНЦА И ВЕРСТАК 2 УРОВНЯ | My Time At Portia #10 Подробнее

Прохождение My time at Portia #15 Праздник Яркого Солнца Подробнее


День Рыбака ☀ My Time At Portia Прохождение #5 Подробнее

Мост на янтарный остров ❄ My Time At Portia ❄ №9 Подробнее

Книга для Джинджер, вечернее свидание ❄ My Time At Portia ❄ №84 Подробнее


День Яркого Солнца И Верстак 2 Уровня, My Time At Portia — 10

Nilamop HD 37:37


Сегодня в игре Май Тайм эт Портия — My Time At Portia мы будем принимать участие в конкурсе и празднике под названием Дня Яркого Солнца. А кроме праздника мы еще займемся крафтом верстака второго уровня. А так же получим рецепт на новую постройку и задание от мэрии связанное с Янтарным Островом.
Плейлист игры My Time At Portia https://goo.gl/rA33jT
Другие игры на канале:
Hello Neighbor (Привет Сосед): https://goo.gl/dUvz6S
Treasure Hunter Simulator https://goo.gl/mKumvU
Happy Room https://goo.gl/BysKfS
The Long Dark https://goo.gl/x3aGKs
Deltarune (Дельтарун) https://goo.gl/dx4PMe
Granny (Гренни) — https://goo.gl/1d8whp
Ashen (Пепельный) https://goo.gl/TqQXzf
Sally Face (Салли Кромсали) https://goo.gl/LNXDpb
Thief Simulator https://goo.gl/Ngzrdx
Bendy and the Ink Machine https://goo.gl/nPH7GY
Roblox (Роблокс) https://goo.gl/WK4oPS
Kick the Buddy: https://goo.gl/nqDBtM
My Memory of Us https://goo.gl/MDrHqb
Raft (Рафт) https://goo.gl/sWPoUj
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (Кровная вражда: Ведьмак. Истории) https://goo.gl/mUHWNS
Breathedge: https://goo.gl/BXn3ab
Момо (Momo) — https://goo.gl/sLkApx
House Flipper — https://goo.gl/5jS2RU
Sonic Generations — https://goo.gl/NSAAgF
Sonic Forces — https://goo.gl/tS9KDz
CHUCHEL (ЧУЧЕЛ) — https://goo.gl/2WhwFb
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time — https://goo.gl/Bxk1CS
Sea of Thieves (Воры Морей) — https://goo.gl/Sdzyga
ROBLOX (Роблокс) — https://goo.gl/NNU9Je
Slime Rancher (Слайм Ранчер) — https://goo.gl/QFbLYa
Alice: Madness Returns https://goo.gl/VCjdm2
Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest — Episode 1 https://goo.gl/v2rFWq
Doki Doki Literature Club (Тук Тук Литературный Клуб) https://goo.gl/7ZkMy8
HIVESWAP https://goo.gl/MdK4r6
Subnautica https://goo.gl/yyYzbj
Little Inferno https://goo.gl/SVmFsD
Octodad: Dadliest Catch https://goo.gl/NfziSq
Bridge Constructor Portal https://goo.gl/v1Myiz
Yooka-Laylee https://goo.gl/gtywfD
Portal 2 https://goo.gl/7dzsss
Silence https://goo.gl/Hn9VwP
Little Nightmares (Маленькие кошмары) https://goo.gl/qskojA
Deep Rock Galactic https://goo.gl/j4xm9B
Wuppo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hO77MmqJNSEA7vOTv3L8z12
Claybook https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOnkGMb5WAsB00aH1Wbmccs
Cefore https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hP9g5oFS_Jv0PXGUdzGnBQX
Heartbound https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOEqWC-3W9B5GdLlqy8AyoZ
LIMBO https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPvx-NsqNapc5Iv9e573AIo
Вечное лето(Everlasting Summer) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMzd5DgCO0Zo9WTqnIJksup
de Blob https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOLbMaXSg7qS0v_oEB09v-8
Swamp Attack https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMqj5OaCyWp2czPkA7nFwGV
I am Bread https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMrXzG1vYFti0dSRvY6bTn9
Night in the Woods https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hNFK2_jnfGNJsWgTgB6m0Cf
Youtubers Life https://goo.gl/UFLkb3
The Joy of Creation: Story Mode https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPkKWBrVszxy2ir8JPxTFPl
Suicide guy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hM8wuNrkedxidnt0BGzSrIv
Как достать соседа: Каникулы олигарха https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOSYpJC0ER4FvBhtu7hUEqC
Как достать соседа 2: Адские каникулы https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hN62Lw5Doim5F132ZJvt2EC
Fran Bow https://goo.gl/AmDRnL
КАК ДОСТАТЬ СОСЕДА(Neighbors from Hell) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMUvJUL9TjPBhiT0bV6ZmAc
Undertale https://goo.gl/f1hhxJ
Among the Sleep https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOmYqLivPj_eZK992WL7sFp
Выжить в Мотеле Медведей Ужасы https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPPoTJ15dFWFnNyooC4Wgwa
Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble (Воришка Боб) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hP2onqmScDNOyqOpUOSdQV0
Grand Theft Auto V https://goo.gl/zPTiuE
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 https://goo.gl/D9LLwP
Human: Fall Flat https://goo.gl/2EpKCc
Fat Kid https://goo.gl/BhySKS
Unravel Two https://goo.gl/3n4saQ
The Gardens Between https://goo.gl/5uA5KT
Troll Face Quest https://goo.gl/JPndRP
60 Parsecs! https://goo.gl/UszVvy
We Happy Few https://goo.gl/8LeM9G
My Brother Rabbit https://goo.gl/eY1Uhf
Hungry Shark World https://goo.gl/qLiwL1
Hollow Knight https://goo.gl/m535Qi
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden https://goo.gl/VKc5Hc
BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition https://goo.gl/HG6YKU
Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition https://goo.gl/UohJuD
Sonic Mania https://goo.gl/vU3ZHi
DISTRAINT https://goo.gl/tiun4w
DISTRAINT 2 https://goo.gl/54HunM
Protocol (Протокол) https://goo.gl/Y1SXuK
Super Meat Boy https://goo.gl/ksNyyB
103 the game https://goo.gl/GtG71U
Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle https://goo.gl/1KVQ84

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  • День Яркого Солнца И Верстак 2 Уровня, My Time At Portia — 10, Nilamop


    My Time At Portia Прохождение № 9 День яркого солнца.

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    Портовый кран, день яркого солнца ❄ My Time At Portia ❄ №62 Подробнее

    Арбузы Эмили и воры в Портии ☀ My Time At Portia Прохождение #10 Подробнее

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    СКРАФТИЛ МОСТ НА ЯНТАРНЫЙ ОСТРОВ | My Time At Portia #9 Подробнее

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    День Яркого Солнца И Верстак 2 Уровня, My Time At Portia — 10

    Nilamop HD 37:37


    Сегодня в игре Май Тайм эт Портия — My Time At Portia мы будем принимать участие в конкурсе и празднике под названием Дня Яркого Солнца. А кроме праздника мы еще займемся крафтом верстака второго уровня. А так же получим рецепт на новую постройку и задание от мэрии связанное с Янтарным Островом.
    Плейлист игры My Time At Portia https://goo.gl/rA33jT
    Другие игры на канале:
    Hello Neighbor (Привет Сосед): https://goo.gl/dUvz6S
    Treasure Hunter Simulator https://goo.gl/mKumvU
    Happy Room https://goo.gl/BysKfS
    The Long Dark https://goo.gl/x3aGKs
    Deltarune (Дельтарун) https://goo.gl/dx4PMe
    Granny (Гренни) — https://goo.gl/1d8whp
    Ashen (Пепельный) https://goo.gl/TqQXzf
    Sally Face (Салли Кромсали) https://goo.gl/LNXDpb
    Thief Simulator https://goo.gl/Ngzrdx
    Bendy and the Ink Machine https://goo.gl/nPH7GY
    Roblox (Роблокс) https://goo.gl/WK4oPS
    Kick the Buddy: https://goo.gl/nqDBtM
    My Memory of Us https://goo.gl/MDrHqb
    Raft (Рафт) https://goo.gl/sWPoUj
    Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (Кровная вражда: Ведьмак. Истории) https://goo.gl/mUHWNS
    Breathedge: https://goo.gl/BXn3ab
    Момо (Momo) — https://goo.gl/sLkApx
    House Flipper — https://goo.gl/5jS2RU
    Sonic Generations — https://goo.gl/NSAAgF
    Sonic Forces — https://goo.gl/tS9KDz
    CHUCHEL (ЧУЧЕЛ) — https://goo.gl/2WhwFb
    Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time — https://goo.gl/Bxk1CS
    Sea of Thieves (Воры Морей) — https://goo.gl/Sdzyga
    ROBLOX (Роблокс) — https://goo.gl/NNU9Je
    Slime Rancher (Слайм Ранчер) — https://goo.gl/QFbLYa
    Alice: Madness Returns https://goo.gl/VCjdm2
    Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest — Episode 1 https://goo.gl/v2rFWq
    Doki Doki Literature Club (Тук Тук Литературный Клуб) https://goo.gl/7ZkMy8
    HIVESWAP https://goo.gl/MdK4r6
    Subnautica https://goo.gl/yyYzbj
    Little Inferno https://goo.gl/SVmFsD
    Octodad: Dadliest Catch https://goo.gl/NfziSq
    Bridge Constructor Portal https://goo.gl/v1Myiz
    Yooka-Laylee https://goo.gl/gtywfD
    Portal 2 https://goo.gl/7dzsss
    Silence https://goo.gl/Hn9VwP
    Little Nightmares (Маленькие кошмары) https://goo.gl/qskojA
    Deep Rock Galactic https://goo.gl/j4xm9B
    Wuppo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hO77MmqJNSEA7vOTv3L8z12
    Claybook https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOnkGMb5WAsB00aH1Wbmccs
    Cefore https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hP9g5oFS_Jv0PXGUdzGnBQX
    Heartbound https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOEqWC-3W9B5GdLlqy8AyoZ
    LIMBO https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPvx-NsqNapc5Iv9e573AIo
    Вечное лето(Everlasting Summer) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMzd5DgCO0Zo9WTqnIJksup
    de Blob https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOLbMaXSg7qS0v_oEB09v-8
    Swamp Attack https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMqj5OaCyWp2czPkA7nFwGV
    I am Bread https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMrXzG1vYFti0dSRvY6bTn9
    Night in the Woods https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hNFK2_jnfGNJsWgTgB6m0Cf
    Youtubers Life https://goo.gl/UFLkb3
    The Joy of Creation: Story Mode https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPkKWBrVszxy2ir8JPxTFPl
    Suicide guy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hM8wuNrkedxidnt0BGzSrIv
    Как достать соседа: Каникулы олигарха https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOSYpJC0ER4FvBhtu7hUEqC
    Как достать соседа 2: Адские каникулы https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hN62Lw5Doim5F132ZJvt2EC
    Fran Bow https://goo.gl/AmDRnL
    КАК ДОСТАТЬ СОСЕДА(Neighbors from Hell) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hMUvJUL9TjPBhiT0bV6ZmAc
    Undertale https://goo.gl/f1hhxJ
    Among the Sleep https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hOmYqLivPj_eZK992WL7sFp
    Выжить в Мотеле Медведей Ужасы https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hPPoTJ15dFWFnNyooC4Wgwa
    Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble (Воришка Боб) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvGmYY7j2hP2onqmScDNOyqOpUOSdQV0
    Grand Theft Auto V https://goo.gl/zPTiuE
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 https://goo.gl/D9LLwP
    Human: Fall Flat https://goo.gl/2EpKCc
    Fat Kid https://goo.gl/BhySKS
    Unravel Two https://goo.gl/3n4saQ
    The Gardens Between https://goo.gl/5uA5KT
    Troll Face Quest https://goo.gl/JPndRP
    60 Parsecs! https://goo.gl/UszVvy
    We Happy Few https://goo.gl/8LeM9G
    My Brother Rabbit https://goo.gl/eY1Uhf
    Hungry Shark World https://goo.gl/qLiwL1
    Hollow Knight https://goo.gl/m535Qi
    Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden https://goo.gl/VKc5Hc
    BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition https://goo.gl/HG6YKU
    Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition https://goo.gl/UohJuD
    Sonic Mania https://goo.gl/vU3ZHi
    DISTRAINT https://goo.gl/tiun4w
    DISTRAINT 2 https://goo.gl/54HunM
    Protocol (Протокол) https://goo.gl/Y1SXuK
    Super Meat Boy https://goo.gl/ksNyyB
    103 the game https://goo.gl/GtG71U
    Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle https://goo.gl/1KVQ84

    Читайте также:  Солнце вращается вокруг земли правда или нет

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  • День Яркого Солнца И Верстак 2 Уровня, My Time At Portia — 10, Nilamop


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