
Док станция linedock 13 серый космос


Google For Startups

Black Founders Fund backs LINE

Give Earth a Break

Certified Re/Furb Program


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Google For Startups

Black Founders Fund backs LINE

Give Earth a Break

Certified Re/Furb Program

As featured in

«Best USB-C Dock for Desk Space»

«Best of CES Show 2020 Award»

» The perfect M1 companion «

«I t will quickly become indispensable in your home office. «


Made for the MacBook Air and Pro 13″


Made for the MacBook Pro 16″


Made for the MacBook Air and Pro 13″


Made for the MacBook Pro 16″

2 Business Days Shipping

All orders ship within 2 Business Days.
Standard and Expedited Shipping available.

1 Year Warranty

LINEDOCK comes with a 1 Year Warranty on all parts and Lifetime support and troubleshooting.
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15 Days Return

If you are not totally satisfied with your order of if you changed your mind, we offer a 15 Days return Policy.
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Got a question about buying a LINEDOCK?

Ask us in the chat!

2 Business Days Shipping

All orders ship within 2 Business Days.
Standard and Expedited Shipping available.

1 Year Warranty

LINEDOCK comes with a 1 Year Warranty on all parts and Lifetime support and troubleshooting.
Learn More

15 Days Return

If you are not totally satisfied with your order of if you changed your mind, we offer a 15 Days return Policy.
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Got a question about buying a LINEDOCK?

Ask us in the chat!



Live dongle-free

LINEDOCK is an all-in-one MacBook Pro power dock that is designed to simplify your life. Whether you are on the road, setting up in your favorite coffee shop, or working in the office, LINEDOCK is a must-have accessory for any MacBook owner. The docking station offers an additional 8+ hours of battery life, not restricting you to the table by the outlet. Additionally, it allows you to ditch the dongles. LINEDOCK offers 9 additional ports, including HDMI, three USB-C, three USB 3.0, SD card reader, and more, making it ideal for content creators and professionals on the go. With all the additional ports and battery life, LINEDOCK is less than half an inch tall and weighs only 2 lbs., allowing you to keep the slim form factor of your MacBook.

Browse our all-in-one MacBook Pro power dock today!

Live dongle-free

LINEDOCK is an all-in-one MacBook Pro power dock that is designed to simplify your life. Whether you are on the road, setting up in your favorite coffee shop, or working in the office, LINEDOCK is a must-have accessory for any MacBook owner. The docking station offers an additional 8+ hours of battery life, not restricting you to the table by the outlet. Additionally, it allows you to ditch the dongles. LINEDOCK offers 9 additional ports, including HDMI, three USB-C, three USB 3.0, SD card reader, and more, making it ideal for content creators and professionals on the go. With all the additional ports and battery life, LINEDOCK is less than half an inch tall and weighs only 2 lbs., allowing you to keep the slim form factor of your MacBook.

Browse our all-in-one MacBook Pro power dock today!


Обзор Linedock: самый дорогой переходник для MacBook

С кучей разъёмов, встроенным Power Bank и SSD.

В новостях мы рассказывали о док-станции Linedock. Судя по отзывам, она вам понравилась, поэтому я раздобыл её для теста и спешу поделиться впечатлениями.

Царь-переходник с Power Bank для MacBook Pro

Сразу скажу, что устройство крайне специфическое как минимум в силу своей цены. Но и возможности впечатляют: это док-станция с кучей разъёмов, встроенным Power Bank и дополнительным SSD. Ого!

Дизайн и размеры

Док-станция напоминает MacBook Air или Pro по размерам, для полного сходства только экрана не хватает. Корпус может быть светло-серым или тёмно-серым. По ощущениям, алюминий такой же, как и в оригинальных макбуках. Жаль, что в комплекте нет чехла, но его при желании можно купить отдельно, хотя цена в $70 за опциональный аксессуар как-то не радует.

Носить док-станцию с собой можно, но весит она под килограмм, так что придётся тренировать спину или руки. Зато если нужен мобильная док-станция со встроенной батарейкой, то здесь без вариантов, аналогов я не видел.

Док-станция и 16-дюймовый макбук для сравнения размеров

Отдельно хочется поблагодарить создателей аксессуара за юмор: в комплекте идёт специальная подставка под названием «Кладбище переходников» — серьёзно, так в руководстве пользователя именуется эта коробка — с отверстиями под разные адаптеры.

Внешний вид у подставки достойный: смотрится и ощущается дорого, не хуже корпуса самого макбука. С этим разобрались, давайте смотреть, что умеет этот супердок.

Читайте также:  Калина хэтчбек цвет космос

Что с разъёмами

По части портов всё в порядке:

  • SD-слот;
  • Mini DisplayPort;
  • HDMI 2.0;
  • Три USB 3.0;
  • Три USB Type-C версии USB 3.1 с поддержкой Power Delivery.

Скорость копирования

В ходе тестирования оказалось, что SD-слот крайне медленный и даже скоростные карточки памяти выдают около 20 МБ/с на чтение и запись. Это совсем немного по современным меркам, тем более если планируете копировать не только фото, но и видео. Так что простой процесс затягивается надолго.

Для сравнения, вот скорость работы встроенного ридера в iMac 5K образца 2018 года в паре с той же карточкой:

Что касается встроенного SSD, то это опция — по умолчанию док-станция идёт без дополнительного накопителя. Но можно выбрать и варианты покруче. Предусмотрено две версии: на 256 ГБ и на 1 ТБ. В тестовом образце был SSD на 256 ГБ, что немного по меркам наступающего 2020 года.

В плане скорости всё не так плохо, как в случае с SD-ридером, но и хвалить особо нечего. На мой взгляд, проще и дешевле купить себе внешний SSD: он будет маленьким, лёгким, а по скорости ещё быстрее этого встроенного диска.

Обратите внимание на эту небольшую перемычку — это специальный кабель USB Type-C особого формата. Он прилагается в комплекте и служит для связи док-станции с макбуком. Мне такой лаконичный дизайн понравился, пластик гибкий и можно не опасаться, что ненароком сломаешь порт. В то же время можно использовать и любой другой совместимый кабель, если вдруг нужен длинный шнурочек.


Ёмкость батареи 20 000 мАч или 71,6 Вт·ч — для сравнения, у MacBook Pro 13 ёмкость на уровне 4 800 мАч. Но учтите неизбежные потери при зарядке через Power Bank. Тем не менее можно и ноутбук зарядить, и для телефона запас останется.

Из интересных моментов — режим быстрой зарядки Saian charge (прямо как в мультфильме Dragon Ball Z). В таком случае аккумулятор MacBook Air зарядится за час с нуля до 70 %. Для запуска функции нужно дважды нажать на кнопку питания, расположенную на торце. Для отключения необходимо повторить это действие.

К док-станции можно подключать блоки питания различной мощности, производитель допускает использование зарядок до 100 Вт. Сможете и свой макбук зарядить, пока он подключён к доку, и другие устройства. Одновременно заряжается до шести гаджетов.

Для каких макбуков

Док-станция существует только в одном размере и подходит к 13-дюймовым MacBook Air или Pro последних поколений. Разработка версии для старших 15- и 16-дюймовых ноутбуков пока в процессе.

Покупать или нет

В России Linedock со встроенным SSD на 256 ГБ появится в продаже за 49 990 рублей. Да, ценник бодрый, но и аксессуар довольно специфический. Помимо разнообразных разъёмов, получаем в придачу ещё и Power Bank, ну и про симпатичный дизайн в стиле MacBook Pro тоже не забывайте.

В то же время нельзя закрыть глаза на недостатки вроде медленного SSD и очень тормозного кардридера. Идея была интересной, но реализация на практике оказалась с недочётами.

Тем не менее радует, что проект прошёл длинный и сложный путь от идеи до сбора средств на краудфандинге, а теперь необычный адаптер Linedock уже на пути в магазины.



LINEDOCK features a 9 ports USB-C Docking station for the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13″ and iPad Pro, +8 hours of extra battery, 60W Power Delivery, 100W Pass-Through Charging and up to 1TB onboard SSD storage.

Ships within 15 Days

1 Year Warranty

Climate Neutral Certified

For those
who need

This is LINEDOCK. It’s an iPad Pro, a MacBook Air and MacBook Pro 13 docking station. It’s a massive portable battery. It’s a hard-drive. It’s a 100W charger.
It is 99% plastic-free. It is user-friendly.

It is all this.
And more than that.

Made for the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air 13” and latest M1 MacBook, LINEDOCK is the ultimate all-in-one pro tool designed to deliver a seamless and premium working experience in every way.

Made for Macbook

1TB SSD Storage

9 Ports Docking Station

1TB SSD Storage

Made for Macbook

It’s a match.

Made for the MacBook Pro and the MacBook Air 13”, LINEDOCK puts all the tools you need right at your fingertip. Take your workstation to a whole new level.

«With an extremely low-profile design that almost looks like an official Apple accessory, the Linedock is a versatile platform for the 13-inch MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.

It is one of the few docking solutions that’s at home on the road as well as at your desk.»

PC Mag

«With an extremely low-profile design that almost looks like an official Apple accessory, the Linedock is a versatile platform for the 13-inch MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.
It is one of the few docking solutions that’s at home on the road as well as at your desk.»

PC Mag

Lots of ports.

9 ports
USB-C to Everything

The LINEDOCK MacBook Air and MacBook Pro dock comes with a lot of ports to connect all your brand-new and legacy devices. Upgrade your workstation by seamlessly connecting one extra 4K monitor in HDMI or Mini DisplayPort, one SD card, three USB devices, and one additional USB-C device, all this while charging your MacBook at full speed.

SD Card Reader

iPad Pro Compatible

LINEDOCK is fully compatible with the iPad Pro.
Enjoy a fully customized setup by connecting everything you need to your iPad Pro: a 4K monitor, up to 5 additional devices and get access to LINEDOCK internal drive.

«The Linedock is a great looking docking station that you’ll hardly notice as it sits underneath your MacBook.

It fits right in with the Apple aesthetic, and adds nine ports including three USB-A, HDMI and an SD Card reader.»


Whether you’re working from home or at the office, workspace is essential. And the more you love your workspace, the more productive you are.

Made to sit flush right under your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, LINEDOCK perfectly blends into your workspace, so you can you focus on what matters while keeping everything connected. Get a perfect setup, where everything is tidy, neat, dongle-free and super minimal.

You’ll never love your setup more than with anything like it.

**For the neat freaks

Live Dongle-free.

If you’re a pro, you know the hassle of carrying around dongles, battery packs and drives. LINEDOCK is the go-to item in any business professional and creative travel bag by gathering everything you need for your MacBook Air, MacBook Pro or iPad, saving you space, time and money.

«It really is the Swiss Army knife of MacBook accessories.
If you’ve just purchased or are thinking about buying a new MacBook Pro, the Linedock should definitely be on your radar.»

Make Use Of


Extended performance.

No matter what day you are in, LINEDOCK got you covered. At desk, LINEDOCK is a powerful and central piece of your workstation. It lets you charge all our gears from a single source of power while connecting everything you need to be productive. Simply connect an AC Adapter to its central port and spread up to 100W of power through all your devices. On the go, LINEDOCK is the ultimate mobile workstation. It comes with a powerful built-in battery to keep you up throughout the day, back up your work and connect all types of accessories.

100W Pass-Through

When connected to a charger*, LINEDOCK can spread up to 100W of Power across all your connected devices. That’s enough to keep your MacBook and 4 additional devices fully charged while working.
*60W or more.

60W Power Delivery

In battery mode, LINEDOCK‘s built-in battery can provide one extra-charge for your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air in just 2 hours*.
Requires a fully charged LINEDOCK.

Quintessence of Power Delivery

USB-C has a specific and complex protocol to manage power. Called Power Delivery 2.0, it compounds over hundreds of different power profiles. LINEDOCK is compatible with all of them, meaning it can be charged from any USB-C charger. LINEDOCK internal battery provides up to 60W of power output from its left or right port, enough to fast charge a MacBook Air and getting 50% charge in just 45 min.

More power from a single charger

Smart Power Allocation (SPA) works by simply connecting a charger to the central port of the LINEDOCK. Connect 5 devices at 0% battery to a Linedock at 0% battery. then plug a charger to the LINEDOCK back port. SPA will allocate the power from the charger to all devices until everything is 100% charged. SPA is ideal if you have multiple devices to charge overnight. By multiple, we literally mean 2 MacBooks, one GoPro, one iPad and. an iPhone. That’s a lot of power.

Engineered performance

LINEDOCK packs custom engineered solutions. We developed advanced algorithms to allow for a deep control over power management and optimal transfer speed. From engineering the first dual mode USB-C Hub to tripling the power output of USB-C chargers, LINEDOCK was designed for maximum performance with minimum human interaction.

«It really is the Swiss Army knife of MacBook accessories. If you’ve just purchased or are thinking about buying a new MacBook Pro, the Linedock should definitely be on your radar.»

Make Use Of

«The Linedock is a great looking docking station that you’ll hardly notice as it sits underneath your MacBook.
It fits right in with the Apple aesthetic, and adds nine ports including three USB-A, HDMI and an SD Card reader.»



Back up your work

1TB Built-in Storage

LINEDOCK is available in 3 storage options: 0GB (no storage), 256GB and 1TB, to fit your needs. Both SSD versions support AES-256 Encryption.

M.2 Solid State Drive

M.2 standard is the sweet spot between efficiency and performance. A durable and ultra-compact solution to store a lifetime of pictures and videos.

Carbon Zero

Climate Neutral

LINE is a Climate Neutral Certified brand. This means that we’ve measured our 2020 carbon emissions, offset them, and are now committed to reducing future emissions.


LINE is a Climate Neutral Certified brand. This means that we’ve measured our 2020 carbon emissions, offset them, and are now committed to reducing future emissions.


Our case is made out of Aircraft Grade Aluminum alloy. Extremely robust, it is also 99.7% recyclable. A shot-peening after treatment further strengthens the surface while giving it a nice matte texture.
Read more


Our case is made out of Aircraft Grade Aluminum alloy. Extremely robust, it is also 99.7% recyclable. A shot-peening after treatment further strengthens the surface while giving it a nice matte texture.
Read more

Our case is made out of Aircraft Grade Aluminum alloy. Extremely robust, it is also 99.7% recyclable. A shot-peening after treatment further strengthens the surface while giving it a nice matte texture.
Read more


LINEDOCK comes with a one-year warranty and a 15-days return policy. While it is not yet fully user-serviceable, we strive to always provide the best assistance if you experience any issue that is not covered by the warranty or if you want to upgrade your device yourself. Contact us for more information about our MacBook Air and MacBook Pro 13″ docking station.

Technical Specifications


  • USB-C: 3
  • USB: 3
  • *HDMI: 1
  • *Mini DisplayPort: 1
  • SD Card Reader: 1
  • *Display : only 1 screen at a time

Data Speed

  • USB-C: USB 3.1 Gen 1 (5GB/s)
  • USB: USB3.0 (5GB/s)


  • Capacity: 19,350mAh / 71.61Wh
  • Power Output: 60W
  • Airplane: OK


  • Standard USB: 1.5A (slow)
  • USB-C Power Adapter: 20W-100W (best)
  • Recharging time: 2H (with a 20W-100W MacBook Power Adapter

Size and weight

  • Width: 11.97′ (30.41 cm)
  • Depth: 8.36′ in (21.24 cm)
  • Height: 0.35′ in (0.9 cm)
  • Weight: 2 lbs (912g)


  • Capacity: 0GB / 256GB / 1TB
  • Physical dimensions: M2 2280
  • Sata: Gen 3.0
  • Encryption: AES-256

Video support

  • HDMI: 2.0 / 4K / 30Fps
  • (Mini) Display Port 1.4 / 4K / 60FPS
  • USB-C: DisplayPort 1.4 / 4K / 60Fps
  • *Display : only 1 screen at a time


  • 60W from battery (L & R port)
  • 100W pass-through (from central port)
  • 196.5W equivalent with Power Allocation Function

Electrical & Operating

  • Recommended Operating Temperature: 50-95F (10-35C)
  • Relative Humidity: 0%-90% (non-condensing)
  • Operating Altitude: Tested up to 10,000ft.

What’s in the box

  • LINEDOCK: x 1
  • U-Cable: x 1 (currently out of stock)


Why should I get a LINEDOCK ?

Type “USB-C Dock” on Amazon and you’ll surely find a ton of stuff for half the price.

We won’t argue on the specs nor on quality here but if you’re looking for something very basic, some dongles out there might be enough for you. When you’re buying a LINEDOCK, you’re buying a kick ass piece of tech. It lets you do many things and it has great specs. But that’s not all.

You’re making a long-term investment 🤙

Improving productivity is an investment, especially in 2020. You are buying the piece of accessory you’ll ever need for the next years to come. And if it breaks, we’ll be happy to help you out fixing it.

You’re helping small companies ❤️

Unlike most accessory company, we are no average OEM and in fact, no O-anything at all. We’re a small studio working our *** off to invent, build and and deliver the best products to you. We do everything in-house and we’re proud of it (read more about what’s inside the LINEDOCK here). That’s why you haven’t seen anything similar on the market yet. You’re welcome.

You’re building a greener planet 🌿

When it comes to environment, consumer electronics are at the center of the debate. We do not have solutions for all problems on earth, but at least we are dedicated to build products that are fully repairable, plastic-free and soon, fully recyclable. More about this here.

You’ll have the most minimalistic, Instagrammable setup 👀

Aren’t you dreaming of this super clean and neat setup ? Oh come on.

