Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)
It is common knowledge that the twentieth century is the beginning of space exploration. Many people claim that it was the most significant achievement of the last century. However, there are those who think that there were more meaningful discoveries.
In my opinion, there are numerous advantages to the space exploration. Firstly, Yuri Gagarin’s flight encouraged many other cosmonauts to explore huge and mysterious space. This first flight proved that people can survive in the cosmos and explore it as well. Secondly, from the first experiments scientists could systematic their knowledge of astronomy. Now we know a lot about the solar system, different planets and our own planet Earth thanks to the space exploration.
Nevertheless, the opponents of this view argue that space research was not the greatest event of the previous century.
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They say that there were other useful discoveries for mankind such as mobile phones, computers and Internet connection. In comparison with them, space exploration does not have positive impact on our society.
Despite this, I disagree. I think there is a direct link between the development of space research programmes and different earth technologies. For instance, the satellite provides us with television programmes, weather forecast and many other things.
In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that space research was the biggest success of the twentieth century even though there are different opinions.
All in all i agree with this point of view.
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Сочинение на тему «Космос» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык
Space, or outer space, is the void existed between celestial bodies. That void is not completely empty. It also contains a low density of some particles, especially, hydrogen, electromagnetic radiation and interstellar medium. Scientists argue where the boundary between the atmosphere of the Earth and the space is because the density of the atmosphere decreases gradually as the altitude increases.
Космос, или космическое пространство, – пустота, существующая между небесными телами. Это пространство не является полностью пустым. Оно также содержит низкую плотность некоторых частиц, особенно водорода, электромагнитное излучение и межзвездную среду. Ученые спорят, где находится граница между атмосферой Земли и космосом. Дело в том, что плотность атмосферы постепенно уменьшается по мере увеличения высоты.
There are many space secrets. Many things concerning the space are not known or not studied. Anyway, modern people, especially scientists and astronauts, do their best to study the space. Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space. His spacecraft completed the Earth orbit on the 12th of April in 1961. After that in 1969 the spacecraft “Apolo-11” landed humans on the Moon. Nowadays the International Space Station works in low Earth orbit.
Существует множество загадок, связанных с космосом. Многие вещи, относящиеся к космосу, до сих пор неизвестны или не изучены. Во всяком случае, современные люди, особенно ученые и астронавты, делают все возможное, чтобы изучить космос. Юрий Гагарин был первым человеком, который отправился в космос. Он совершил орбитальный космический полет 12 апреля 1961 года. После этого в 1969 году космический корабль «Аполлон-11» высадил людей на Луну. В настоящее время Международная космическая станция работает на орбите.
One of the problems concerning the work of the astronauts is safety. First of all, it is the threat of orbital debris. It containing different objects such as spent rocket stages, different materials, defunct satellites and so on. One more problem is radiation. An astronaut in the space experiences the dose of radiation per day which a human on the Earth experiences per year.
Одна из проблем, касающихся работы космонавтов, – безопасность. Прежде всего, это угроза орбитального мусора. Он содержит различные объекты, такие как отработанные ступени ракеты, различные материалы, выведенные из эксплуатации спутники и т.д. Еще одна проблема – радиация. Космонавт в космосе в день подвергается такой дозе радиации, которой человек на Земле подвергается в год.
People are always interested in the theme of the space. Some people think about extraterrestrial civilizations. Other people just enjoy looking at the night sky and the stars. The space is one of the main themes in literature, film industry and even music industry.
Людей всегда интересует тема космоса. Некоторые люди думают о внеземных цивилизациях. Другие люди просто любят смотреть на ночное небо и звезды. Космос является одной из главных тем в литературе, киноиндустрии и даже в музыке.
Эссе английский тема космос
Outer Space / Космос
The universe is huge. Scientists say it continues to expand. There are plenty of galaxies in the universe. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy.
Eight planets revolve around the Sun, including our Earth. The moon is a satellite of the earth. Previously nine objects were considered planets. But in 2006 scientists decided that Pluto did not meet the definition of a planet. It is now considered a dwarf planet.
Space exploration is very important for the future of our civilization. The processes in space affect our planet. When people knew nothing about space, they didn’t even understand what caused solar eclipses.
There are objects such as comets and asteroids in outer space. They are a potential danger. The collision of a massive object with the Earth can be a real disaster.
People have been dreaming of other planets colonization for a long time. So far, humans managed only going to the moon. But technology is constantly improving. Scientists from different countries conduct research on orbital stations.
No one knows for sure if there are habitable planets like Earth somewhere in the universe. So far, we can only guess.
Вселенная огромна. Ученые говорят, что она продолжает расширяться. Во вселенной есть множество галактик. Наша солнечная система находится в галактике Млечный Путь.
Вокруг Солнца вращаются 8 планет, среди которых наша Земля. Луна — это спутник земли. Ранее считалось, что планет девять. Но в 2006 году ученые решили, что Плутон не соответствует определению планеты. Теперь он считается карликовой планетой.
Изучение космоса очень важно для будущего нашей цивилизации. Процессы, происходящие в космосе, влияют на нашу планету. Когда люди ничего не знали о космосе, они даже не понимали, из-за чего происходят солнечные затмения.
В космосе есть такие объекты как кометы и астероиды. Они представляют потенциальную опасность. Столкновение массивного объекта с Землей может стать настоящей катастрофой.
Люди давно мечтают о колонизации других планет. Пока что, людям удалось побывать только на Луне. Но технологии постоянно совершенствуются. Ученые из разных стран мира проводят исследования на орбитальных станциях.
Никто точно не знает, есть ли где-то во вселенной обитаемые планеты, подобные Земле. Пока мы можем только гадать.
Solving global problems on Earth (essay)
It is reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.
Why do people learn space? In my opinion the first cause is human’s curiosity, the second is fear, fear of the planet’s death. People recognize that they destroy their Planet, and they are afraid of dying with our Earth. Because of it humanity hopes to save itself on any planet in another galaxy. But in my opinion this way is unreal. We should solve global earth problems and save our Planet and life on it. Humanity must overcome crisis appearing between a man and nature. Billions of dollars will be spent with benefit.
What global problems are existed? The amount of them is great. Here is the main of them:
Poverty, food problems, energy problems, environmental problems, demographic problems and the researching of the World Ocean.
People know if these problems are not disappear, the Earth will die. But why many of them want to do nothing? They hope that these problems will disappear themselves. Though, such inactivity is better than active destroying of nature, pollution of bodies of water, deforestation, killing of animals, especially of seldom creatures.
It is impossible to understand behaviour of these people. They should think that their children and grandchildren will have to live on the dying Planet, if the life itself will be possible.
We can’t hope that somebody will get rid us of global problems at once. Global problems of humanity can be solved only together, if all humanity makes efforts.
You shouldn’t think that one person isn’t able to cope with world problems, because of it, it seems that to act is useless, thoughts about weakness in front of difficulties appear . The meaning is to unite efforts and to help to prosper your own town at any rate, to solve problems of your little place of living being.
And when each person on the Earth will be responsible to himself and his country, global problems will be solved, and we won’t find rescue in space and spend so much money on space researches.
Эссе английский тема космос
Comment on the following statement:
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position
The question of space exploration has been discussed for quite a long time. Some people think that the exploration of space is the greatest attainment of the last century, whereas others do not agree. They believe that computers are better achievement.
In my opinion space research is one of the most important accomplishments humans have ever done. First of all , space exploration has integrated a lot of new technologies into our lives. For example , everybody uses satellite television , GPS navigators or weather broadcasts nowadays. It is all only possible because people flew into space and sent their satellites there. Secondly , it has given us understanding that we are not alone and there must be other planets where humans can live. For instance , it is a scientific fact that one day our planet will not exist anymore and people will have to find another place to live.
At the same time there are people who say that computers made a bigger impact on 20 th century. They claim that only computers and computer technologies made other achievements possible.
I do not agree with the statement mentioned above. Computers improved or was the base for a lot of modern things like the Internet, robots some clever technologies. But space exploration has definitely the most outstanding impact since it opened the whole universe for the human race.
In conclusion , I would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sight seemed not so important, but in actual fact it is the most outstanding accomplishment of that time. Thus , I strongly believe that space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20 th century.
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