Full Moon | Don’t Starve & DST | Moon Cycle Guide
Last Updated January 4, 2021 By Johnny Salib Leave a Comment
One of the hidden mechanics players will come across when playing any version of Don’t Starve (DS, RoG, SW & HAM) and Don’t Starve Together (DST) is the Moon Cycle.
While the Moon Cycle doesn’t have a huge amount of impact on a player’s gameplay, there are a few quirks that players are going to make note of that will only be accessible during the Full Moon.
Unfortunately other than the Full Moon itself, players will not benefit from any of the other moons, though players should get used to the different types of moons as they will help players discern when the next Full Moon is going to appear.
Take note that both the Moon Cycle and it’s perks act differently in Don’t Starve Together (DST) comparatively to the other Don’t Starve DLCs, including Shipwrecked (SW), Reign of Giants (RoG) and Hamlet (HAM) though I will try to clearly explain the differences in sections below.
The Moon Cycle is actually a fairly simple mechanic for players to get a hang of as it is a manageable 16 Day cycle which goes as follows:
Day 1 & 2 – New Moon
Day 3 & 4 – Quarter (Waxing Crescent) Moon
Day 5 & 6 – Half Moon
Day 7 & 8 – 3/4 (Waxing Gibbous) Moon
Day 9 & 10 – Full Moon
Day 11 & 12 – 3/4 (Waning Gibbous) Moon
Day 13 & 14 – Half
Day 15 & 16 – Quarter (Waning Crescent) Moon
*Day 17 & 18 – New Moon
*Day 19 & 20 – Quarter (Waxing Crescent) Moon
Players can either decide to install a mod that does the math for them in hopes of keeping track of when the next full moon is on the way, they can use the Lunar Calendar Generator or try to figure out the math for themselves.
It is important to note that the image and information above does not reflect the days in which the Moon cycles in Don’t Starve Together (DST), however, it does reflect the Moon Cycle of sing-player versions of Don’t Starve (DS) including Shipwrecked (SW), Reign of Giants (RoG) and Hamlet (HAM).
Though there are some major differences between the different versions of Don’t Starve, it should be noted that the Full Moon has some of the same impacts in all versions of the game.
The following are the events that take place in all versions of the game during a Full Moon and the differentiations that you may notice in each version.
For players using our favourite Canadian Lumberjack, Woodie, you will be in for a little surprise every time the Full Moon comes around, effectively transforming Woodie into a Werebeaver in the base game of Don’t Starve (DS), Shipwrecked (SW), Reign of Giants (RoG) and Hamlet (HAM).
Woodie will be able to munch on trees quickly, destroy Boulders and deal a decent amount of damage to mobs he would like to attack.
Players in Don’t Starve Together (DST) will have a similar luxury when it comes to the Full Moon, though it should be noted that players will have access to a random transformation for Woodie in DST being either the Werebeaver, Weremoose or Weregoose.
As players do not have the choice of which transformation Woodie takes on when the Full Moon hits, it is recommended that players craft a totem prior to the Full Moon to be able to make the best use of Woodie.
It’s undeniable that all forms of Woodie have their benefits in DST, however, having the right one at the right time is going to be more of a help than a hindrance.
I have to admit that I am a big sucker for Werepigs as they are the only mob in Don’t Starve that guarantee a Pig Skin drop, which is useful when players rely on Ham Bats and Football Helmets.
While Werepigs can be farmed by feeding regular Pigs 4 pieces of Monster Meat, players are encouraged to set up Pig Houses or some sort of equivalent in order to set up farms for when the Full Moon hits.
Take note that the unfortunate reality when it comes to Werepigs is that they are much stronger than regular Pigs, so be ready for some hard whackings when the Full Moon comes around because these guys are vicious.
Pig Farms/Werepig Farms can be strategically placed next to Beefalo in hopes of gaining protection among the herd, though it should be noted that Beefalo sleep at night and one must be under attack for the herd to protect you.
Players can alternatively set up Spider Dens as Webber to ward off the Werepigs.
Players in Don’t Starve Together (DST) will have even more options when it comes to taking down our Werepig friends, having the option of setting up contraptions with Winona, though Werepigs may destroy them, or setting up Mermhouses and Merm Flort-ifications with Wurt.
Chester can come in handy for players who don’t want to carry a Backpack and instead want to wear some nice durable armour instead.
Chester has two transformations, both of which provide some more utility for him.
Snow Chester can be acquired by placing a single Blue Gem into each of Chester’s inventory slots during (or before) a Full Moon.
Show Chester is a great transformation to have in all versions of Don’t Starve as it can keep food and thermal stones cool, being especially useful in Summer.
If players want to use Shadow Chester they can place 9 Nightmare Fuel in him.
Shadow Chester may have more slots in him, but he does make food rot faster. So you may want to strategize with how you want to use Chester.
Although it can be nice to find Mushtrees on the Don’t Starve Overworld, players will want to avoid chopping down these bright beauties as doing so will cause them to become indefinitely harvested having players head back into the Caves for more Mushtrees.
Mushtrees do have the chance to spawn Mushroom Spores, so make sure you have a Bug Net to catch them, though I would recommend some of the other fun aspects of the Full Moon instead.
If players need a quick way to become insane or need a hardy amount of Dark Petals in order to exchange them for Nightmare Fuel, they can do so on a Full Moon.
Flowers will remain Evil Flowers until the 3/4 Waning Gibbous Moon (the next day), so players are in no rush to collect the supplies of Dark Petals or whatever they need from Evil Flowers.
The Full Moon can be a great way that players can replenish Flowers, though players can wait for those April showers.
One of the creepiest things to notice while playing Don’t Starve on a Full Moon is the fact that Pig Heads, Wilbore Heads and Merm Heads begin glowing white and generate an insanity aura.
Although not necessary, players can wait until a Full Moon to smack these grotesque heads in hopes of collecting the regular supplies and the added bonus of Nightmare Fuel.
Nightmare Fuel shouldn’t be too difficult to farm, especially for mid-to-late game players, so it’s not really a major setback if you don’t wait for a Full Moon.
Although completely cosmetic, players will begin seeing Ghosts if they are close enough to Graves (including Water Graves).
I shouldn’t say “completely cosmetic” as Ghosts do come with a healthy 200 Health and 15 Damage when angered, but if players stay far enough from these Spooks, they will do them no harm.
Truthfully, I’d say avoid the Ghosts at all costs, because it’s not like you will be getting anything from them anyways.
Do dig up their graves though, especially if you’re looking for some sweet, sweet Trinkets.
The Glommer Statue is a structure you’re going to want to have eyes on as soon as you can as each Full Moon players will have the opportunity to grab a freshly grown Glommer’s Flower, which spawns at the base of Glommer’s Statue.
If players pick up Glommer’s Flower, they will trigger Glommer to become a permanent “pet” or “follower”, that is unless Glommer takes damage and dies.
In single-player Don’t Starve Reign of Giants, players can also mine Glommer’s Statue using a pickaxe in hopes of receiving 3 Marble and the Old Bell Blueprint, though players should also note that the base of Glommer’s Statue will remain for places to continue to grab Glommer on Full Moons.
Players in Don’t Starve Together will still acquire 3 Marble when hacking Glommer’s Statue, however, they will not get the Old Bell Blueprint as it does not exist in DST.
It must be noted that if Glommer dies during the Full Moon, players will not have an opportunity to retrieve him again until the next Full Moon.
The only way players can retrieve a “second” Glommer is if they already have one prior to the current Full Moon.
Glommer isn’t a huge benefit to players, though it does give players 6.25 Sanity per minute and can provide players with the ingredients required to acquire GlomGlom.
Upon being killed Glommer will drop 3 Monster Meat, Glommer’s Goop and 1 Glommer’s Wings, though players will not receive Glommer’s Wings in DST as their only use is crafting the Old Bell.
Glommer will regularly drop Glommer’s Goop, which can be used for GlomGlom, though players should be aware that if ever they kill Glommer they will immediately summon Krampus.
Shipwrecked players will be happy to know that Tides move the furthest when there is a Full Moon and are completely absent during a New Moon.
Tides are important for replenishing Seashells.
Players who are using Wilba will transform into a Werepig during the Full Moon as she does during the Aporkalypse or after eating 2 Monster Meat (or foods).
Wilba is able to chop, dig, mine, hammer and hack objects while she is a Werepig, similar to Woodie in the Werebeaver form.
I will work at getting a Wilba guide up soon explaining how she works since she’s such a fun character to play.
Unlike single-player Don’t Starve (DS, RoG, HAM & SW) players will experience a 20 day Moon Cycle that features a Full Moon that only lasts for a single day.
Many of the phases of the Moon Cycle also last for extra days, making some of the hidden elements of the game last longer.
It should be noted that players will always experience a Full Moon every 20 days, beyond day 11, landing on day 31, 51, 71, 91, etc.
Players may also want to note that New Moons in DST Chess Pieces from the set-piece will be able to spawn Shadow Pieces if they are reconstructed using and hammered down.
I personally prefer the method Don’t Starve Together takes as it is easier to track and while I would still love to have two Full Moons in a row, having a Full Moon every 20 days is still pretty awesome, especially in group sessions.
Players should also note that the Moon Cycle does not have any effect on Caves and in fact, does not even appear in caves.
The following is what the new Moon Cycle looks like for DST.
Day 1 – New Moon
Day 2 – 4 – Quarter (Waxing Crescent) Moon
Day 5 – 7 – Half Moon
Day 8 – 10 – 3/4 (Waxing Gibbous) Moon
Day 11 – Full Moon
Day 12 – 14 – 3/4 (Waning Gibbous) Moon
Day 15 – 17 – Half
Day 18 – 20 – Quarter (Waning Crescent) Moon
*Day 21 – New Moon
*Day 22 – 24 – Quarter (Waxing Crescent) Moon
Лунный цикл
Лунный цикл (Moon Cycle) — элемент геймплея, влияющий на некоторых существ и растения. Полный лунный цикл длится 16 дней, затем повторяется. Каждая фаза луны длится в течение 2-х ночей.
- Свин, оказавшийся вне своего дома в полнолуние, превращается в свина-оборотня.
- Вуди в полнолуние превращается в бобра (DS, RoG, SW и H) или в одну из трёх форм оборотня (DST).
- Честер трансформируется в полнолуние, если положить в него специальные предметы.
Дни | Лунная фаза |
1-2 | Новолуние |
3-4 | Четверть (полумесяц) луны |
5-6 | Полумесяц |
7-8 | 3/4 луны |
9-10 | Полнолуние |
11-12 | 3/4 луны |
13-14 | Полумесяц |
15-16 | Четверть (полумесяц) луны |
17-18 | Новолуние |
- Рассчитать следующую ночь полнолуния можно по формуле: N*16+9 и N*16+10, где N — целое число.
- Либо можно просто запомнить: 9, 10, 25, 26, 41, 42, 57, 58, 73, 74, 89, 90 и т. д.
В Don’t Starve: Reign of Giants полнолуние становится более «волшебным».
- Большая часть цветов на время полнолуния становятся злыми.
- Грибы превращаются в грибные деревья, которые уже отображаются на карте.
- Во время полнолуния светло, экран приобретает синеватый оттенок.
- Призраки появляются из могил.
- На статуе Гломмера расцветает цветок, а сам Гломмер появляется поблизости.
- Головы свиней и мэрмов открывают глаза (как было в старых версиях игры, рядом с алтарями), если ломать их молотом, будет падать топливо ужаса.
Лунный цикл в Don’t Starve Together немного отличается от стандартного.
- Полнолуние происходит через каждые 20 дней, кроме первого, которое начинается спустя 10 (не считая дня начала).
- Можно также запомнить такую последовательность: 11, 31, 51, 71 и так далее.
- Полнолуние длится 1 ночь.
- Можно определять текущую фазу луны лунными часами.
Эффекты полнолуния в DST практически идентичны полнолунию в DLC, кроме некоторых нюансов и нововведений:
- Цветы не превращаются в злые цветы.
- Грибы не превращаются в грибные деревья.
- Лунная платформа работает в полнолуние.
- Из восстановленных мраморных скульптур можно призвать механических монстров.
- Горячие источники, в которые были брошены ванные бомбы, застывают и становятся доступными для добычи киркой. После добычи опустеют и наполнятся вновь после окончания полнолуния.
- Вуди превращается в одного из трёх случайных оборотней.