
From лун to ppt

Keynote to PowerPoint Converter

Convert .KEY to .PPT or .PPTX files online using CloudConvert! Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output PowerPoint document will be exactly the same as if it was saved through the latest iWork suite from Apple.

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.key files are presentations, created with Apple’s presentation software Keynote, which is part of the iWork package. Keynote is availabe for Mac OS X and iOS and is a competitor to Microsoft Powerpoint. .key files can contain slides with pictures, charts, transitions and videos.

PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.

+200 Formats Supported

CloudConvert is your Swiss army knife for file conversions. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool without downloading any software.

Data Security

CloudConvert has been trusted by our users and customers since its founding in 2012. No one except you will ever have access to your files. We earn money by selling access to our API, not by selling your data. Read more about that in our Privacy Policy.

High-Quality Conversions

Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.

Powerful API

Our API allows custom integrations with your app. You pay only for what you actually use, and there are huge discounts for high-volume customers. We provide a lot of handy features such as full Amazon S3 integration. Check out the API documentation.


Keynote to PowerPoint Converter

Convert .KEY to .PPT or .PPTX files online using CloudConvert! Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output PowerPoint document will be exactly the same as if it was saved through the latest iWork suite from Apple.

convert to


capture website as

create archive


.key files are presentations, created with Apple’s presentation software Keynote, which is part of the iWork package. Keynote is availabe for Mac OS X and iOS and is a competitor to Microsoft Powerpoint. .key files can contain slides with pictures, charts, transitions and videos.

PPTX is a presentation file format that that is associated with Microsoft Office. It supports Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and its later versions. It can contain text, presentations, data and any kind of multimedia files. It uses zip mechanism and XML to compress the data, charts, diagrams, media files etc.

+200 Formats Supported

CloudConvert is your Swiss army knife for file conversions. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool without downloading any software.

Data Security

CloudConvert has been trusted by our users and customers since its founding in 2012. No one except you will ever have access to your files. We earn money by selling access to our API, not by selling your data. Read more about that in our Privacy Policy.

High-Quality Conversions

Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.

Powerful API

Our API allows custom integrations with your app. You pay only for what you actually use, and there are huge discounts for high-volume customers. We provide a lot of handy features such as full Amazon S3 integration. Check out the API documentation.

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Convert KEY to PPT — online and free


How to convert a KEY to a PPT file?

  1. Choose the KEY file that you want to convert.
  2. Select PPT as the the format you want to convert your KEY file to.
  3. Click «Convert» to convert your KEY file.

Zamzar Pro Tip: You can export KEY files to movies using the export function within Apple Keynote or through our application Zamzar.

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Max. file size 50MB (want more?)

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File Size Warning

You are attempting to upload a file that exceeds our 50MB free limit.

You will need to create a paid Zamzar account to be able to download your converted file. Would you like to continue to upload your file for conversion?

Files to Convert

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You’re in good company:
Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006

KEY (Document)

File extension .key
Category Document File
Description Files with a .key extension are created by Apple’s «Keynote» application which forms part of Apple’s iWork office suite, a set of applications which run on the Mac OS X and iOS operating systems, and also includes Numbers (for spreadsheets) and Pages (for word processing).

Keynote began life in 2002 as an internal Apple tool developed for Steve Jobs to help him present at MacWorld. The first version was made available to the public in 2003 as Keynote 1.0 and was designed to compete with Microsoft’s Powerpoint presentation software which formed part of Microsoft Office.

Designed to let users easily create, play and share presentations, Keynote contains most of the features found in modern presentation software, such as a slide navigator, the ability to add tables, shapes and charts to slides and a powerful media browser which allows users to drag and drop music from from iTunes, and photos from iPhoto and Aperture into their slides.

Keynote contains a large number of pre-designed themes to let users select common presentation formats, and powerful graphics tools to manipulate embedded images and provide advanced 3D transitions between slides (powered by OpenGL). The major Keynote releases are summarised below:

Version Date

Key features
1.0 January 2003 First version — basic features — Import Powerpoint presentations, slide navigator, graphics support for rotations, resizing and opacity, charts and slide transitions.
2.0 January 2005 Released in iWork ’05. Contained improved animations for slides and text, iLife media browser, new themes, more presenter controls, embedded hyperlinks and the ability to export presentations to Macromedia Flash.
3.0 January 2006 Released in iWork ’06 with new themes, HD-capability, improved graphing and table features, cinematic transitions and 3D graphs.
4.0 August 2007 Released in iWork ’08 with easier to use animation features, new templates, smart builds (for predefined animations), instant alpha (for removing backgrounds from photographs), and a new narration to add a voiceover to slideshows.
5.0 January 2009 Released in iWork ’09. Contains support for MathType equations, a new share menu, trackpad support, «magic move» (for easier transitions), improved presenter tools, but removed support for exporting to Flash.
5.1 July 2011 Added support for Mac OS X Lion, and included support for full screen functionality, auto-save, resume and versioning. Also with improved compatibility with Microsoft Office.
5.2 July 2012 Support added for iCloud documents and Retina displays.
5.3 December 2012 Adds Keynote support for iOS 6.0
6.0 October 2013 Part of new iWork suite for Mac, with 64-bit support and iCloud syncing.
6.1 January 2014 Improved compatibility with Microsoft Powerpoint.
6.5 October 2014 Updated design of OS X Yosemite, iOS 8 and a new file format to improve support for 3rd party online services.
Actions KEY to PPT — Convert file now
View other document file formats Technical Details Official file format specifications for iWork Keynote files are not published by Apple, but it is still possible to look at a developer document Apple released for iWork ’05 file formats.

A .key file is actually a compressed ZIP file comprised of a number of other different files combined that together make up a .key file. The most recent version of Keynote saves files with an «Index» directory containing Apple’s proprietary IWA file format, a «Metadata» directory with .plist files, a «Data» directory with image assets (e.g. backgrounds and photos used in slides) and one or more jpg files for allowing quick previews.

Files created by Keynote in iWork cannot be opened by programs other than iWork.

Associated programs Apple iWork
Keynote 5.1
Keynote 5.2
Keynote 5.3
Keynote 6.0
Keynote 6.1
Keynote 6.2
Keynote 6.5 Developed by Apple Inc MIME type application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey
application/vnd.apple.keynote Useful links Keynote details on Wikipedia
Keynote supported file formats
Ars Technica review of iWork ’14
Tim Bray on the early history of the Keynote file format
Apple iWork product page
Keynote file format compatibility
KEY Converter

PPT (Document)

File extension .ppt
Category Document File
Description Originally developed by Forethought, who Microsoft bought out, PPT is the worlds most popular presentation file format. It is a very powerful tool that you can use to create presentations that include pictures, graphs, text and many other objects. Many businesses and students that have to present something will almost always do their presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Actions PPT Converter
View other document file formats
Technical Details A large part of any presentation is how the text enters, appears and exits the screen. Entrance, emphasis, and exit of elements on a slide itself are controlled by what PowerPoint calls Custom Animations Transitions. These can be animated in a variety of ways. For example you can customise the animation to create small story boards by animating pictures to enter, exit or move. With different type of callouts, speech bubbles with edited text can be sent on and off to create speech. The overall design of a presentation can dictate how all the other slides appear and operate, this is called a master slide. Everything from design to the text on the slide can be edited using a primitive outliner.
Associated programs Apple Keynote
Microsoft PowerPoint
Developed by Microsoft
MIME type application/mspowerpoint
Useful links More detail on Microsoft Powerpoint
10 Great Powerpoint Tips
Microsoft Office binary file format specifications
PPT Converter

Convert KEY file

Using Zamzar it is possible to convert KEY files to a variety of other formats

  • key to html (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • key to jpg (JPEG compliant image)
  • key to key09 (Apple iWork ’09 Keynote Document)
  • key to mov (Apple QuickTime Movie)
  • key to pdf (Portable Document Format)
  • key to png (Portable Network Graphic)
  • key to ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
  • key to pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation)
  • key to tiff (Tagged image file format)



Конвертировать KEY в PPT — онлайн и бесплатно

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File Size Warning

You are attempting to upload a file that exceeds our 50MB free limit.

You will need to create a paid Zamzar account to be able to download your converted file. Would you like to continue to upload your file for conversion?

Files to Convert

Overall conversion/upload progress:

Вы в хорошей компании:
Zamzar конвертировал около 510 миллионов файлов начиная с 2006 года

KEY (Document)

Файлы с расширением .key создаваемые Keynote приложением Apple Keynote, которое является частью набора офисных приложений Apple iWork , который работет на операционных системах Mac OS X и iOS, а также включает в себя Numbers (для электронных таблиц) и Pages (для обработки текстов).

Разработанный, чтобы позволить пользователям легко создавать, проигрывать и обмениваться презентациями, Keynote содержит большинство особенностей, которые можно найти в современном программном обеспечении для создания презентаций, такие как слайд-навигатора, возможность добавлять таблицы, формы и диаграммы к слайдам и мощный медиа-браузер, который позволяет пользователям перетаскивать музыку с ITunes, фотографии из Iphoto и Aperture в слайды.

.key Файл на самом деле сжатый ZIP-файл состоит из ряда других различных комбинированных файлов что вместе составляют .key файл. Самая последняя версия Keynote сохраняет файлы с индекс каталога, содержащего собственный формат Apple, IWA файла, каталог метаданных с .plist файлами, каталог данных с изображениями (например, фоны и фотографии, используемые в слайдах) и один или более JPG файлов для превью.

Файлы, созданные с помощью Keynote в iWork в не могут быть открыт в сторонних программах.

Расширение файла .key
Категория Document File
Действия KEY в PPT — Конвертировать файл сейчас
View other document file formats
Технические детали
Ассоциированные программы Apple iWork
Keynote 5.1
Keynote 5.2
Keynote 5.3
Keynote 6.0
Keynote 6.1
Keynote 6.2
Keynote 6.5
Разработано Apple Inc
Тип MIME application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey
Полезные ссылки Основные сведения в Википедии
Основные поддерживаемые форматы файлов
Обзор Ars Technica iWork 14
Тим Брей о ранней истории формата файлов Keynote
Страница продукта Apple iWork
Совместимость формата файлов
KEY Converter

PPT (Document)

Расширение файла .ppt
Категория Document File
Описание Первоначально разработанный Forethought, а затем выкупленный Microsoft, PPT — самый популярный в мире формат файла презентации. Это очень мощный инструмент, который можно использовать для создания презентаций, которые включают в себя изображения, графики, тексты и многие другие объекты. Много компаний и студентов, которым необходимо что-либо представить, почти всегда будут использовать Microsoft PowerPoint.
Действия PPT Converter
View other document file formats
Технические детали Большая часть любой презентации состоит из ввода текста, его появляется и вывода на экран. Ввод, выделение и вывод элементов на слайд, регулируемые PowerPoin, называется настройками анимации. Они могут быть анимированы разными способами. Например, вы можете настроить анимацию для создания небольших заставок, анимируя картинки посредством ввода, вывода и путей перемещения. С помощью различных видов сносок и текстовых облаков можно создавать речь. Общий дизайн презентации может задавать стиль внешнего вида и функционирования остальных слайдов, это называется мастер слайдов. Все — от дизайна до текста на слайде можно редактировать с помощью примитивного макета.
Ассоциированные программы Apple Keynote
Microsoft PowerPoint
Разработано Microsoft
Тип MIME application/mspowerpoint
Полезные ссылки Больше информации о Microsoft Powerpoint
10 Великолепных советов о Powerpoint
Спецификация бинарного формата файлов Microsoft Office
PPT Converter

Преобразование файлов KEY

Используя Zamzar можно конвертировать файлы KEY во множество других форматов

  • key в html (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • key в jpg (JPEG compliant image)
  • key в key09 (Apple iWork ’09 Keynote Document)
  • key в mov (Apple QuickTime Movie)
  • key в pdf (Portable Document Format)
  • key в png (Portable Network Graphic)
  • key в ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
  • key в pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation)
  • key в tiff (Tagged image file format)

