JoyToKey — это компактная утилита для эмуляции опций клавиатуры и компьютерной мышки при работе в стандартных программах — приложениях «Виндовс», браузерных играх и подобных посредством как настройки джойстика, так и настройки геймпада. В ПО имеется функция настройки 32 клавиш, создания нескольких профилей с моментальным переключением между нужными и возможность автоматического нажатия клавиш. Для доступа к ПК приложению достаточно бесплатно скачать JoyToKey на русском языке.
Лицензия | Бесплатная |
ОС | Windows 7 и выше |
Язык интерфейса | Русский, английский |
Разработка | JTKSOFT |
Разновидность программы | Эмулятор |
Особенности утилиты
Пользователю доступны функции:
- программирование кнопок по личным предпочтениям;
- организация мультипрофилей;
- назначение эмуляций для отдельного ПО;
- настройка одиночных кнопок или их комбинаций;
- поддержка дублирования клавиш мышки;
- опция автонажатия.
Кроме этого, в программе имеется команда автоматической настройки.
Как работать с Joy To Key
Первым шагом вам надо скачать JoyToKey для Windows, затем переместить ПО в определенную папку, например :\ProgramFiles\JoyToKey.
Совершить подключение геймпада к порту компьютера.
Открыть свойства игры, чтобы узнать, за какое из действий отвечает каждая клавиша — эту информацию лучше выучить или записать, можно открыть экран, чтобы подсматривать данные в период игры.
Запустить JoyToKey, щёлкнуть на кнопку «Автонастройка», далее будут показываться кнопки геймпада — право, лево, вниз, вверх.
Нажать на компьютере те клавиши, которые отвечают за определенное в гейм-процессе действие, например, автомобиль в игре должен поворачивать влево — нажать «Влево».
Учитывайте такой удобный момент, что значение каждой кнопки можно поменять в любой момент, нажав на неё в JoyToKey и указав новое необходимое назначение, или убрать параметр совсем.
Если планируется настройка для нескольких разных игр, необходимо сохранить текущие в специальный файл. Потом можно будет без проблем открыть его, взять подготовленные конфигурации. Для другой игры можно создавать другие параметры, изменяя на своё усмотрение.
JoyToKey поддерживает до 8 геймпадов, так что можно пользоваться разными контроллерами для каждой игры. Для этого совершаются простые действия — подключается новый геймпад к компьютеру, настройка проводится в JoyToKey с последующим сохранением всех его свойств.
Для ознакомления с полной технической документацией, что может быть интересно продвинутым юзерам, достаточно посетить официальный сайт JoyToKey.
„The key of joy is disobedience.“
Алистер Кроули 7
Похожие цитаты
„The key to knowing joy is being easily pleased.“
— Mark Nepo American writer 1951
„If you are wholly perplexed and in straits,
have patience, for patience is the key to joy.“
— Rumi Iranian poet 1207 — 1273
„He himself must be
the key, now, to the next door,
the next terrors of freedom and joy.“
St. Peter and the Angel
Oblique Prayers (1984)
„Art always serves beauty, and beauty is the joy of possessing form, and form is the key to organic life since no living thing can exist without it.“
Источник: Doctor Zhivago
„Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.“
„Innovation is the key to the future, but basic research is the key to future innovation.“
«Will Innovation Flourish in the Future?,» 2002
„I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.“
— Bill Cosby American actor, comedian, author, producer, musician, activist 1937
Originally from Herbert Bayard Swope (1882-1958); often attributed to Cosby, he actually cites this as a sound advice he once read elsewhere, in «Dr. Bill Cosby» in Ebony, Vol. 32, No. 8 (June 1977), p. 136
„You can play the piano with the white keys only or you can play it with only the black keys. But for harmony you must use the black and the white keys.“
— Ernest Debrah Ghanian politician 1947 — 2016
On the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), in Will Ross, » Africans wary of Europe’s trade offer», BBC (8 December, 2007).
„Suffering. That was the key.“
— G. Gordon Liddy American lawyer in Watergate scandal 1930
Liddy, G. Gordon, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy (St. Martin’s Press 1980), pg. 12, describing his epiphany about how to conquer fear.
Compare the fictional reply, attributed to Liddy in All the President’s Men (1976), when asked how he could keep his hand over a lit candle until his flesh seared: «The trick is not minding.»
„The joy that is everywhere/ Is the true joy of being/ The joy that is life itself!“
Joy: Share it! p. 140.
Joy: Share it! (2017)
„It is a key to open a heaven after death and not a key with which to force open the portals of this life.“
— Isaac Leib Peretz Yiddish language author and playwright 1852 — 1915
Vegn vos Firn op fun Yidishkeit, 1911. S. Liptzin. Peretz. Yivo, 1947, p. 372.
Контексте: They are all so-called Christian nations, but. this superimposed religion. does not penetrate into the core of their souls. It has no relation to their daily experience. It is a key to open a heaven after death and not a key with which to force open the portals of this life.
„The true aristocracy and the true proletariat of the world are both in understanding with tragedy. To them it is the fundamental principle of God, and the key, the minor key, to existence.“
— Karen Blixen, книга Out of Africa
Out of Africa (1937)
Контексте: The true aristocracy and the true proletariat of the world are both in understanding with tragedy. To them it is the fundamental principle of God, and the key, the minor key, to existence. They differ in this way from the bourgeoisie of all classes, who deny tragedy, who will not tolerate it, and to whom the word tragedy means in itself unpleasantness.
„Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.“
— Corrie ten Boom Dutch resistance hero and writer 1892 — 1983
„The key to happiness was achievable dreams.“
Источник: Dear John
„Anger is the key to any evil.“
— Musa al-Kadhim Seventh of the Twelve Imams and regarded by Sunnis as a renowned scholar 745 — 799
Ibn Shu’ba al-Harrani, Tuhaf al-‘Uqul, p. 416.
„Anger is the key to every evil.“
— Hasan al-Askari Eleventh of the Twelve Imams 846 — 874
[Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi, Abdullah al-Shahin, The Life of Imam Hasan al-‘Askari, Wonderful short maxims, 2005]
General subjects
„Organization seemed to be the key.“
Vorkosigan Saga, The Warrior’s Apprentice (1986)
Контексте: Organization seemed to be the key. To get huge masses of properly matched men and materials to the right place at the right time in the right order with the swiftness required to even grasp survival — to wrestle an infinitely complex and confusing reality into the abstract shape of victory — organization, it seemed, might even outrank courage as a soldierly virtue.
„The key holds the truth“
— Libba Bray, книга The Sweet Far Thing
Источник: The Sweet Far Thing
„Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences.“
— Galileo Galilei Italian mathematician, physicist, philosopher and astronomer 1564 — 1642
Download JoyToKey
JoyToKey is a shareware. You can freely download it and evaluate it without any limitation in functionality, but after trial for continued usage, please consider purchasing a license key from JoyToKey application menu.
This product comes with no warranty. Please use it at your own risk. The author takes no responsibilities of any sort related to the use of this product.
System Requirement
Operating System: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista
How to Install
Download the installer from one of the links below, and execute it and follow the instructions.
Alternatively, in case you prefer to download JoyToKey in ZIP file format, you can unzip it into any folder you like, and then execute JoyToKey.exe.
NOTE: Some security software may show a warning when you execute JoyToKey.exe downloaded from, but you can safely ignore it. (If you are worried about the warning, you can download JoyToKey from CNET or Softpeda where the binary is double checked against computer virus before distribution)
Download the Latest Version
Latest version of JoyToKey can be downloaded from the following links:
In case you prefer the simple ZIP archive format, you can download the file below, and uncompress it and run it from any folder where you have a write permission.
Download the Latest Beta Version
In case you want to try the latest beta version, you can download it from here.
Download the Old Stable Version
In case you encounter compatibility issues in the new version, good stable versions can be downloaded from here:
JoyToKey Official Homepage
What is JoyToKey?
JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate the keyboard and mouse input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever buttons and sticks are pressed on the controllers, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so that the target application will work as if a real keyboard and a mouse were used.
JoyToKey is a shareware, but you can download the latest version for free. Try it on your PC to play games which don’t have native controller support with your favorite joysticks and/or use it for general applications to improve efficiency by registering frequently used key shortcuts as a joystick input. If you find JoyToKey useful, you can purchase a license key at any time from JoyToKey application menu.
Location of user configuration data (profiles)
Starting from version 6.3, when JoyToKey is installed from the installer (JoyToKeySetup_en.exe), user configuration data will be by default stored in «JoyToKey» folder in user’s «Documents» folder.
In case you upgrade JoyToKey from the version older than 6.3, please manually copy the configuration files (JoyToKey.ini and *.cfg files) from the old «JoyToKey» folder into your «Documents/JoyToKey» folder so that your old configuration data can be accessed. In case of issues or questions, please refer to this post for more details.
JoyToKey Version 6.6 Released
Version 6.6 includes the following changes:
- Experimental support for a «Share» button on the XBox Series X/S controller when it’s connected over Bluetooth Wireless.
By default, Windows doesn’t seem to recognize the newly introduced «Share» button on XBox Series X/S controller when it’s connected over Bluetooth Wireless. Even in that case, you may be able to use a «Share» button through JoyToKey, by enabling the experimental mode from menu «Settings» -> «Preferences», and change «Input device types» to «Experimental Logic (Beta)».
Other notable changes included in the recent releases:
- JoyToKey is packaged and distributed with an installer (Distribution of ZIP file format is still available)
- User configuration data is by default stored in «JoyToKey» folder in user’s «Documents» folder.
In case you upgrade JoyToKey from an older version, please copy (or move) the old «JoyToKey» folder into your «Documents» folder so that you can continue to access your configuration data.
- pass command parameters
- specify the starting working directory
When you connect a new joystick to the PC, you can just click the task tray icon to get it recognized (either left click or right click).
Complete version history can be founded here, and the latest version can be downloaded from here.
Old 5.2.1 version
In case you’re having a compatibility issue with some online game, the following two versions can be downloaded from here.
- the latest version — which is supposed to fix the issue
- the old version 5.2.1 — which seems to be unaffected by the issue
WARNING: Be careful with unofficial download sites
JoyToKey seems to be distributed in various unofficial websites, and some of them seem to be distributing a tweaked software (or «download manager») to install extra applications on your PC.
They are not official distributions, and the author of JoyToKey is not involved in any of those activities. Unless you have a good reason to trust those unofficial websites, you should download JoyToKey from the official download page in order to avoid unnecessary troubles.
(There does exist some useful 3rd party websites though, for example, a site for people with disabilities where JoyToKey is packaged with pre-defined configurations for PC accessibility)