
Кровавая луна kingdom two crowns

Кровавая луна

Кровавая луна — ночное событие, когда на одну из сторон королевства происходит массивная атака монстров. Происходит впервые на 5 день и далее повторяется с периодичностью каждые 5 дней.

В Kingdom: New Lands пятидневный график может не соблюдаться, вплоть до наступления двух кровавых лун подряд.

В первые два раза на королевство нападает большое количество обычных жадностей; с третьей кровавой луны (наступает около дня 15) к нашествию присоединяются летуны, а с пятой (около дня 25) — родители.

В отличие от обычных ночных нападений, при кровавой луне монстры нападают только с одной стороны, но в большом количестве. Порталы с другой стороны в ночь кровавой луны и следующие за ней сутки остаются неактивными. Более того, в сутки после захода кровавой луны неактивными остаются и порталы с той стороны, откуда пришло нашествие, то есть на следующую ночь после кровавой луны монстры вообще не нападают на королевство.

Затмение [ править | править код ]

В Kingdom: New Lands после разрушения портала начинается затмение — явление, похожее на кровавую луну: небо темнеет и окрашивается красным даже днем, из порталов выходят монстры. Это состояние будет длиться до тех пор, пока последний из вышедших во время затмения монстров не будет убит или не вернётся обратно в портал, после чего возобновляется обычная смена дня и ночи.

  • Во время затмения юниты ведут себя как ночью

Kingdom: Two Crowns [ править | править код ]

В этой части механика кровавых лун была изменена. Теперь кровавая луна происходит за несколько дней до смены времени года. Вероятность появления кровавой луны в первую весну крайне мала, так же как и в первые две зимы. Кровавые луны так же могут начать появятся в середине сезона на четвертом году.

Кровавые луны могут случится в районе этих дней (плюс-минус день):


Blood Moon

Not to be confused with counterattacks after destroying a portal.

Blood Moon is a nighttime event that is characterized by an unusually large assault of enemies. Unlike regular nights, when the Greed attack from both sides, blood moon attacks are only ever from one side.

During a Blood Moon, the sky and the moon both acquire a red hue, with ominous ambiance and music accompanying the changes, often catching a new monarch unaware if they’ve never experienced the event before.

When the Blood Moon wave is released from a portal, a deep rumbling or grinding sound can be heard. If the nearest portals are far away, the wave will be released before night falls and the sound can be an early warning for the Monarch.

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Kingdom: New Lands – If all portals have been destroyed, the moon will not turn red and no monsters will spawn, but there will still be a storm and the Blood Moon music will play that night.


Frequency [ edit | edit source ]

In Classic and New Lands [ edit | edit source ]

All Blood Moon events will happen after five or six normal days. So the first Blood Moon will take place on Day V or VI. If it happens on Day V, the second will take place either on Day X or Day XI. If the 1st happened on Day VI, the 2nd will take place on Day XI or XII; and so on.

If the Monarch wants to track more precisely when the Blood Moon will come, they’ll need to take notes about the last time it happened.

The sequence below shows the notes of a player [1] who recorded all the Blood Moons between day 35 and 100, when he was going for the New Lands Day C achievement. Numbers are days with Blood Moon, bullets represent the common days between Blood Moons and underlined days denote a 6 day interval.

In Two Crowns [ edit | edit source ]

Blood Moons start way later and happen in a schedule linked to the seasons cycle. All Blood Moons take place around two days before a season change. The following board showing the start-end days for the seasons helps to understand it:

Year Spring Summer Autumn Winter
1 1 – 16 17 – 32 33 – 48 49 – 64
2 65 – 80 81 – 96 97 – 112 113 – 128
3 129 – 144 145 – 160 161 – 176 177 – 192
4 193 – 208 209 – 224 225 – 240 241 – 256
5 257 – 272 273 – 288 289 – 304 305 – 320

Hover the mouse over the days to display its respective roman numeral.

Blood Moons have a high probability of taking place on the days listed below (margin of error of plus or minus one day). A Blood Moon in the first Spring is very rare. Blood Moons during winters before the 3rd year are uncommon. And extra Blood Moons in the middle of the season may start happening at the 4th year.

Hover the mouse over the days to display its respective Roman numeral.

Predictability [ edit | edit source ]

Blood Moons are usually preceded by rainy or cloudy weather, as well as being fairly predictable by the frequency in which they occur.

Kingdom Two Crowns – Only a specific noise can be heard during the day of a Blood Moon, allowing little time to prepare the kingdom. This is the same noise that warns of an upcoming counterattack after having destroyed a portal.

Wave composition [ edit | edit source ]

The attacks scale in number over time, much like regular attacks, making it a formidable challenge to overcome in later days, particularly after the fifth Blood Moon.

Blood Moon Monsters
1st Features only high amounts of regular greedlings.
3rd Will usually include floaters.
5th Breeders and crown stealers will appear.

Next night truce [ edit | edit source ]

All portals exhaust their resources to fuel the Blood Moon wave and will shut down for the subsequent day, which prevents the regular monster’s wave from spawning the next night. So, after each Blood Moon the kingdom will witness a day, a night and another day without attacks from the Greed.

The extra time may be useful to (listed from the least to most aggressive):

  1. reconstruct the walls, recruit and equip townsfolk that may have lost their tools and coins during the Blood Moon attack;
  2. safely recruit townsfolk from vagrant camps without the risk of an attack from the greed.
  3. deforest far from the village, as builders will have enough time to return to safety — this may be particularly useful for deforestations starting from a grass field far after a wood section, to prevent the destruction of a vagrant camp or a merchant settlement adjacent to the town;
  4. expand the kingdom frontiers, building a wall very far from the already established walls — this will give an extra time for builders to upgrade the wall to max level, and for knights, archers and catapult to join the new defense point;
  5. seize a portal very far from the kingdom frontier — the extra time will allow knights to arrive at the portal without having to fight the regular monster would normally appear. Note that the portal being attacked still will release greedlings to defend itself. And if the portal is destroyed, the counterattack will still follow as normal.

Skull Island (New Lands) – There is no next night truce.

Kingdom Two Crowns – The next night truce seems to vary. During the first Blood Moons it lasts for two days, then (maybe after the first winter) only one, and at some point is not guaranteed at all.

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Plague Island

When there’s no more room in Hell the dead will walk the Earth. [1]


Survive 10 days
Survive 20 days
Survive 40 days
Only resolute rulers will find this crown! (Survive 60 days)


Survive 10 nights and each upgrade 2 wooden walls
Survive 20 nights and each upgrade 2 stone walls
Survive 40 nights and each upgrade 4 walls to iron
Only for resolute and innoxious rulers!

Plague Island is a challenge island where the Monarch riding a warhorse will try to avoid the plague and survive a certain number of days.


Raw Fury description [ edit | edit source ]

This land has been overrun and on the brink of succumbing to the Greed… FOREVER! And now a fearsome pandemic is transforming citizens into Greed. The only thing you can do is try to survive as long as possible until your Kingdom is nothing but Greed. —Raw Fury [2]

Island layout [ edit | edit source ]

Mines Stone
Mount Warhorse
Vag. camps 6
Chests Coin chests 6
Gem chests

About ten vagrants wander by the unlit campfire when the Monarch arrives, allowing the recruitment of a good number of subjects on the first day. However, the initial coins would not be enough for paying tools and/or weapons to them all.

The stone and iron technologies are available on this island.

There are no gems, hermits or statues. There is no boat either.

Plague [ edit | edit source ]

The Greed on this island are stronger and faster than the faction found in the campaign. [3] Breeders start to spawn in Blood Moons after day fifteen, but there are no floaters. Crownstealers can spawn during blood moons after day 60, but only when riding breeders.

Blood Moons take place with the same frequency of those in Classic and New Lands—i.e. every five or six days followed by a truce the day after as usual.

Greedlings on this island infect any Kingdom subject they touch, instantly transforming them into greed-citizens. When a citizen get infected, a strange sound can be heard, regardless of the distance between the Monarch and the infected subject. However, the sound doesn’t play multiple times if more than one citizen get attacked.

