
Кто такая луна драгнил

Кто такая луна драгнил

6 апреля x799года

Человек. Но есть капли крови ENDа от отца.

Слабости Луны сильно переплетаются с её страхами .

1. Это конечно же друзья и семья. Но это скорее просто страх и очень сильный.

2. Луна очень наивная.

Луна звёздная убийца драконов . Она убийца драконов 7 поколения.

7 поколение убийц драконов — это смесь силы дракона и другого мага. В случае Луны смесь магии огненного убийцы драконов и заклинателя звёздных духов

7 поколение легче переносит транспорт ,но всё же тоже плохо.

Луна использует простейшие заклинания огненного дракона , как Нацу. И часто пользуется звёздными ключами. У неё куча серебряных ключей ( в том числе Плю) а так же такие золотые ключи как:

Луна может призывать до 2 золотых звёздных духов ,и в редких случаях до 3 одновременно. Так же она обладает одеяниями звёздных духов. И союзом двух одеяний.

Хвост Феи , метка голубого цвета на правой кисти

Мать — Люси Хартфилия ( Сердоболия)

Отец- Нацу Драгнил

Старшие братья- Неш Драгнил

Брат — Близнец — Люк Драгнил.

Луна девушка среднего роста , прекрасных форм и милого лица. Её внешность точная копия отца. У девочки ярко- розовые волосы. Глаза у Луны необычного цвета. А их особенность в том ,что они меняют цвет с голубого на карий. Есть метка Хвоста Феи на правой кисти, голубого цвета. Луна носит разную одежду от милых платьев до удобных шорт. И часто одевает шарф отца

Луна добрая девочка. Веселая и жизнерадостная. Луна любит своих друзей и семью. Но часто подшучивает , как Лексус ,что друзья это её слабость , а сама так не считает. Луна часто скрывает свои проблемы за улыбкой и много возлагает на себя ,но если вы докажете ,что она может доверять то увидите очень ранимую девочку. Но со стороны иногда кажется ,что она очень самовлюбленная. И в гильдии ходит шутка» если бы не внешность и то что мы знаем Лу с рождения ,то можно было бы подумать ,что она дочь Лексуса , а не Нацу».

Луна родилась в городе Магнолия. Она младший ребёнок Драгнилов. Она на пять минут младше своего брата близнеца Люка. Когда ей было 3 года , её магическая сила начала проявляться и на её правой кисти появилась метка гильдии небесно — голубого цвета. Первые 5 лет жизни Луны прошли спокойно и без приключений , но «веселая » жизнь малышки началась на её 6 день рождения. В тот день она с семьёй и друзьями поехали на пляж праздновать. Первые пару часов всё было прекрасно. Луна плавала достаточно плохо , но одев круг

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она совместно со Штормом Фуллбастером поплыла поглубже. И вдруг на них напали маги тёмной гильдии Яд Змей. Луна и Шторм не заметили , как к ним подобрался тёмный водный маг и устроил огромную волну. Круг Луны слетел и она стала тонуть и так бы и погибла если бы не Шторм. После прошло ещё 6 лет. Эти годы было всё хорошо. Но потом Нацу и Люси пропали ,оставив Луну , Люка и их старшего брата Неша , на попечения самого старшего Драгнила Игнила. Прошло ещё три года. И однажды Луна пошла на очень сложное задание ,но оно казалось простым . Она была одна. Луна была на грани смерти ,но её спас Марк Эвклиф. После этого они с Марком дружат и часто ходят на задания.


Luna Dragneel

Blondie (by Gale)
Blondie-girl (by Gale)
Printzipessa (by Gale)
Baby girl (by Natsu)
Looney (by Gary)
Pup (by Icarus)
Cub (by Icarus)

Professional Status Affiliation

Fairy Tail

Third Fairy Tail Building

Anna Heartfilia (Maternal Ancestor; Deceased)
Natsu’s Mother (Paternal Grandmother; Deceased)
Natsu’s Father (Paternal Grandfather; Deceased)
Igneel (Adoptive Paternal Grandfather; Deceased)
Jude Heartfilia (Maternal Grandfather; Deceased)
Layla Heartfilia (Maternal Grandmother; Deceased)
Zeref Dragneel (Uncle; Deceased)
Mavis Vermillion (Aunt; Deceased)
August (Cousin; Deceased)
Natsu Dragneel (Father)
Lucy Heartfilia (Mother)
Igneel Dragneel (Younger Brother)
Luke Dragneel (Younger Brother)
Luna Dragneel (Younger Sister)Nashi Dragneel (Older Sister)
Igneel Dragneel (Older Brother)
Luke Dragneel (Older Brother)

White Magic
Spatial Magic (Celestial Spirit Magic)

Fairy Adventure: Episode 001

Luna Dragneel (ルナ・ドラグニル Runa Doraguniru) is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is Gale Redfox’s partner. She is the little sister of Nashi Dragneel and twins Igneel and Luke Dragneel.



Luna Dragneel is a petite girl (161.5cm) with long, golden hair like her mother Lucy. She keeps her hair down with part of it pulled into a ponytail with a ribbon-bow to hold it in place. She has short bangs and one long lock of hair on either side, though her hair is tucked behind her ear on her right (it often untucks itself). She has brown eyes. For her age, she has a curvaceous body as she started blooming early. Her Fairy Tail mark is pure white and on her right hand along with a black bracelet to correspond with Nashi’s own.

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Luna typically wears a high-waisted skirt with a tucked-in shirt of a favorite character from Poko, a child LV series. She wears black stockings as well as brown leather booties. As of late, she wears the bracelet of the Sea King Shenlong. However, she changes her outfits.


Luna is a kind spirit who easily forgives and cares for everyone, showing compassion. She appears quite childish due to her love of the titular character Poko. She appears easily angered like her mother and often is quick to draw conclusions but reflects on such behavior and will apologize for it. She is prone to give in to her insecure nature and can be temperamental, but she tries hard to overcome it to be there for her guild-mates and family. Still, she is still naïve in the ways of boys and life, itself.

Luna happens to be sensitive when it comes to people watching her dance and has stage fright. She is also sensitive about her body and embarrasses easily, though Gale seems to be the main culprit of her embarrassment. Though, she finds him awfully cute when he is flustered and is amazed at his smarts. She appears to have a close connection with him and often used to flirt or tease him. She has gotten him addicted to cuddling, much to her amusement.

Luna has a deep respect for her friends and family. She has no problem with her heritage after she takes time to process it and has close friendships with Ena Fernandes, Silver Fullbuster, and Paige and Penelope Strauss as well as Cane Alberona-Groh. She often mediates between Ena and Silver’s fighting. She is also noted as being the only one who can calm a normally aggressive Gale from fighting. She is also the only one Mary Jane Dreyar deeply respects and appears to be closer than acquaintance but less than friends with her, often listening to her advice. Once Mary Jane underwent her change, Luna and Mary Jane have gotten closer.

Luna has recently delved into the world of boys and has accepted a possible romance and dates with a boy named Bleu, a friend to Mary Jane.

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Luna seems to have a passion for animals and bonds extremely well with them, even magical animals. She is seen with the capability to communicate with them without the need of Telepathy and has even gotten the respect and friendship of a sea king with his mark as well as able to calm the raging suzaku Nayda and become the foster mother of the rare ikenga she dubbed Syra. She has mentioned she enjoys to cook and read and watch Poko. She has reintroduced herself into photography and she is a massive J-pop and Magia fan.

A comical note is that Luna is constantly protected from mature situations by her friends and family.


Luna was an outgoing child who had an obsession for photography, Poko, and Magia. She often followed her siblings along happily and, in turn, her siblings often protected Luna from mature situations to the point even her guild mates did the same. When Luna learned she was a Spiritless, she lost herself and gave up on her hobbies, steeping into depression and acting out against her parents.

Magic and Abilities

Unnamed Magic: Luna has not displayed Magic in one category, so a name for her Magic has yet to exist. She has, however, displayed techniques to her Magic when she is in high-pressure situations.

  • Portal: Luna can make portals with her Magic.
  • Healing: Luna can heal just about any wound with her Magic, though it shows she cannot leave Igneel’s lightning wound without a scar.
  • Banishment: Luna can banish familiars and demons and reduce a demon to their gemstone form.

Time Magic: When Luna and Gale traveled through time in the Festival of Gratitude Arc, the residual Time Magic integrated with her normal being. As such Luna has been able to receive visions of the future and different outcomes of the future. There is no specific trigger. Though, when Luna touches Gale, it sparks her visions. When Gale and Luna mutually touch, they can see past and present and future.


Gate of the Canis Minor Key: Summons the Clifford, Icarus.

Dragon Scale: Shenlong gifted Luna a Dragon Scale of his on a necklace as an act of protection.

