
Лун focus was on

Focus On/Be Focused On?

I want to know the usage of focus on/be focused on.

* I focused on identifying problems.

* I was focused on identifying problems.

Are both sentences correct?

Which sentence would you use?

Could you tell me any difference between «focus on» and «be focused on» in terms of nuance?

«To focus» can be transitive or intransitive. You can focus your camera, and you can focus on your camera.

When you use the transitive in active voice, it imphasizes your intention. I focused my attention on getting the ball over the plate.

Intransitive may be a little less forceful: I focused on getting the ball over the plate.

Transitive passive is a little unusual: I was focused by my vehicle’s sudden loss of traction, and I worked desperately to regain control.

Active voice with verb «to be» plus past participle (adjective) complement is the one you’re talking about. «I was focused on my work.» It describes your condition, but in my opinion doesn’t have the deliberateness of transitive active. You might use it as an excuse. «I didn’t see the train coming because I was focused on the guy behind me.»

  • Avangi

Thank you for your comment and I am sorry for the delay in my response to your message.

«I didn’t see the train coming because I was focused on the guy behind me.»

If I understand what you have said, this sentence seems to include the nuance like the person failed to see the train coming because the presence of the guy distracted him/her.

It is interesting.

«Be focused on A» sounds like «focus on A involuntarily.»

lexi0077 «Be focused on A» sounds like «focus on A involuntarily.»

It can be exactly that, because «focused» in this case works as an adjective. There’s no actor, as there could be with a finite verb, implied or otherwise.

In some cases the «past participle derived adjective» has been recognized by the grammar community as an adjective in its own right. You must look in the dictionary to see if it has its own listing, with «adj.» after it. I haven’t yet checked on «focused.» Sometimes one dictionary will list it and another will not.

Once the true status of «adjective» is achieved, we’re relieved of the burden of calling it a non finite verb, and the attendant issues of whether or not it has objects and agents. (I think. Perhaps it may still optionally be treated as a verbal.)

  • Avangi

My apologies for my delayed reply! Thank you for your detailed comment.

I think this forum has been supported by many excellent people, like you.

Some English grammatical terms that appeared in the comment were difficult for me, but I think I have understood them.

«Focused» is shown as an adjective in the dictionaries that I have.


focus on

1 focus

2 focus

3 focus

4 focus

Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык . С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова . 1995 .

5 focus

6 focus

7 focus

8 focus of

9 Focus

10 focus

11 focus

центр, средоточие;
focus of interest круг интересов;
to bring to a focus выдвигать (вопрос и т. п.) focus очаг (инфекции, землетрясения)

собирать(ся), помещать в фокусе;

сосредоточивать (внимание и т. п.;
on — на)

(pl ci, ses) физ. фокус;
in focus в фокусе;
out of focus не в фокусе

центр, средоточие;
focus of interest круг интересов;
to bring to a focus выдвигать (вопрос и т. п.)

центр, средоточие;
focus of interest круг интересов;
to bring to a focus выдвигать (вопрос и т. п.)

(pl ci, ses) физ. фокус;
in focus в фокусе;
out of focus не в фокусе

(pl ci, ses) физ. фокус;
in focus в фокусе;
out of focus не в фокусе

12 focus

13 focus

14 focus

infinity focus — фокус, установленный на бесконечность

15 focus

out of focus — не в фокусе; расфокусированный

16 focus

17 focus

18 focus

19 focus

20 focus

infinity focus — фокус, установленный на бесконечность; установка объектива на бесконечность

rear focus — задний фикус; вершинное фокусное расстояние

См. также в других словарях:

FOCUS — Beschreibung Nachrichtenmagazin Verlag Hubert Burda Media … Deutsch Wikipedia

Focus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término véase Focus (desambiguación). Focus Información personal Origen Holanda Información artística … Wikipedia Español

Focus — Beschreibung Nachrichtenmagazin Sprache … Deutsch Wikipedia

Focus — may refer to:In science, mathematics or computing: *Focus (optics), a point toward which light rays are made to converge **Autofocus, a feature of some optical systems that obtains and maintains correct focus on a target **Focal length, a measure … Wikipedia

Focus II — (Moving Waves) Studio album by Focus Released October 1971 … Wikipedia

FOCUS — is a software product of Information Builders Inc. Originally developed for data handling and analysis on the IBM mainframe, as newer systems were developed and smaller computers became more powerful, the available platforms for FOCUS were… … Wikipedia

Focus — Fo cus (f[=o] k[u^]s), n.; pl. E. (f[=o] k[u^]s*[e^]z), L. (f[=o] s[imac]). [L. focus hearth, fireplace; perh. akin to E. bake. Cf. , , the firearm.] 1. (Opt.) A point in which the rays of light meet, after… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

focus — fo‧cus [ˈfəʊkəs ǁ ˈfoʊ ] noun [uncountable] MARKETING when a company tries to serve particular groups of customers in a market with particular needs, rather than trying to serve the whole market focuser noun [countable] : • The focuser seeks to… … Financial and business terms

Focus TV — Produktions GmbH Rechtsform GmbH Co. KG Gründung 1995 … Deutsch Wikipedia

focus — [fō′kəs] n. pl. focuses or foci [fō′sī΄] [ModL, adopted in math. senses by KEPLER Johannes (1604) < L, fireplace, hearth < ? IE base * bhok , to flame, burn > ? Arm boc̣, flame] 1. the point where rays of light, heat, etc. or waves of… … English World dictionary

FOCUS — микропроцессор производства компании 1982 году. Стал первым коммерческим, однокристальным, полностью 32 битным ЦПУ выпущенным на рынок. В то время все 32 битные микропроцессоры конкурентов (DEC, микросхем, составлявших модульную конструкцию ЦПУ.… … Википедия


focused on

1 focused

2 focused

3 focused

4 focused

5 focused

6 focused

7 focused

8 focused

9 focused

10 focused

11 focused on

12 focused

13 focused on

14 focused

15 focused

16 focused

17 focused

18 focused

19 focused

20 focused

См. также в других словарях:

focused — UK US (also focussed) /ˈfəʊkəst/ adjective ► giving a lot of attention, time, effort, etc. to one particular area of a business, and knowing exactly what you want to achieve: »The chief executive of the company attributes their success to focused … Financial and business terms

focused — adj. [Also spelled .] 1. being in focus or brought into focus; clearly delineated; of an image. Opposite of . [WordNet 1.5] 2. converging on a point; of light rays; as, focused light rays can set something afire. [WordNet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

focused — fo|cused [ foukəst ] adjective 1. ) concentrating on a particular goal and not wasting time or energy on other things: I m much more focused this year. We need a more focused approach to finally eliminating polio. 2. ) a focused sound or image is … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

focused — [[t]fo͟ʊkəst[/t]] also focussed ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ (approval) If you describe someone or something as focused, you approve of the fact that they have a clear and definite purpose. I spent the next year just wandering. I wasn t focused. … … English dictionary

focused — UK [ˈfəʊkəst] / US [ˈfoʊkəst] adjective 1) showing approval concentrating on a particular aim and not wasting time or energy on other things I m much more focused this year. We need a more focused approach to finally eliminating polio. 2) a… … English dictionary

focused — /ˈfoʊkəst/ (say fohkuhst) adjective 1. producing a sharp image: accurately focused binoculars. 2. intent on one s goal; determined: to stay focused despite all distractions. Also, focussed … Australian-English dictionary

Focused — Focus Fo cus, v. t. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] To bring to a focus; to focalize; as, to focus a camera. R. Hunt. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

focused — concentrated concentrated adj. 1. Having a high density of (the indicated substance); as, a narrow thread of concentrated ore. Note: [Narrower terms: (vs. diluted)] [WordNet 1.5] 2. Gathered together or made less diffuse; as, their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

focused — adj. Focused is used with these nouns: ↑training … Collocations dictionary

focused — un·focused; … English syllables

focused — adjective 1. being in focus or brought into focus • Syn: ↑focussed • Ant: ↑unfocused 2. (of light rays) converging on a point focused light rays can set something afire • Syn: ↑focussed … Useful english dictionary


Starlight 10, Module 1 FOCUS ON RNE

На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Module 1 FOCUS ON RNE.

Reading – Part 2 Read the text and choose the correct parts of sentences (A-G) to complete gaps 1-6.There is one extra part of a sentence you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table.
Прочитать текст, вставить в пропуски предложения, данные под текстом.

Moscow Marathon

The procession winds its way through Moscow. Leading the way are smiling, waving women dressed in uniforms 1)___. Next comes a full military orchestra, in step and playing loudly. After them are the runners, several thousand of them, representing the four corners of the globe. I am among them, and I simply cannot believe that I am a participant in this awe-inspiring event.

We stop at Red Square in front of the cathedral of St Basil, one of the most beautiful buildings on Earth. The bells on the Spassky Tower of the Kremlin strike 11 times, and the Deputy Mayor of Moscow shouts out the signal 2)___.

I am running the Moscow Marathon! I repeat these words silently to myself like a mantra. As I quickly look around me, I see that most of my fellow runners are Russian. They are not wearing fancy sun-glasses or namebrand shorts, 3)___. What is more, they look incredibly determined to not only complete the course, but to win it. I realise I have my work cut out for me.

The Moscow Marathon course is surely among the most scenic on the planet. It runs through the heart of Moscow, along the Moscow River, 4)___. Along the route are palaces, cathedrals, churches with shining gold cupolas, well-kept parks, sparkling fountains and stately monuments. The wide avenues and boulevards are spotlessly clean 5)___. From almost anywhere along the course, the seven huge neo-Gothic skyscrapers built by Stalin can be seen.

Before I know it, the finish line comes into view. The last quarter mile! I am nowhere near the front of the pack, but I can hear the boisterous applause ahead 6)___. I feel no sense of defeat. I came to this historic city to compete, to complete the Moscow Marathon. In a few minutes I will have done what I had set out to do. And with the little breath that I have left, all I can say is that it is the greatest feeling in the world.

A. but they still look like professionals.
В. and lined with busy shops, restaurants, and cafés.
С. which are similar to those worn by the proud soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars.
D. as the first few lead runners cross the finish line.
E. and I wonder whether I can complete the run.
F. that starts us off on our gruelling 26.2-mile race through the streets of the ancient city.
G. passing the ancient walls of the Kremlin.

Moscow Marathon
Московский марафон

The procession winds its way through Moscow. Leading the way are smiling, waving women dressed in uniforms which are similar to those worn by the proud soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars.. Next comes a full military orchestra, in step and playing loudly. After them are the runners, several thousand of them, representing the four corners of the globe. I am among them, and I simply cannot believe that I am a participant in this awe-inspiring event.

Процессия охватывает улицы Москвы (дословно: процессия обвивает свой путь сквозь Москву). Идущие впереди – это улыбающиеся, машущие женщины, одетые в форму, которая похожа на ту, которую носили гордые солдаты во время войны с Наполеоном. Следующим в такт идет полный военный оркестр и играет громкую музыку. После них идут бегуны, несколько тысяч, представляя пять уголков земного шара. Я среди них, и я просто не могу поверить, что я участник этого захватывающего дух события.

We stop at Red Square in front of the cathedral of St Basil, one of the most beautiful buildings on Earth. The bells on the Spassky Tower of the Kremlin strike 11 times, and the Deputy Mayor of Moscow shouts out the signal that starts us off on our gruelling 26.2-mile race through the streets of the ancient city..

I am running the Moscow Marathon! I repeat these words silently to myself like a mantra. As I quickly look around me, I see that most of my fellow runners are Russian. They are not wearing fancy sun-glasses or namebrand shorts, but they still look like professionals.. What is more, they look incredibly determined to not only complete the course, but to win it. I realise I have my work cut out for me.

Я бегу московский марафон! Я тихо повторяю про себя эти слова,словно мантру. Когда я быстро осматриваюсь, я вижу, что большинство товарищей – из России. Они не носят причудливых солнечных очков или брендовых шорт, но все они выглядят, как профессионалы Более того, они выглядят невероятно решительными не только пробежать всю дистанцию, но и выиграть. Я понимаю, что это задача по мне.

The Moscow Marathon course is surely among the most scenic on the planet. It runs through the heart of Moscow, along the Moscow River, passing the ancient walls of the Kremlin.. Along the route are palaces, cathedrals, churches with shining gold cupolas, well-kept parks, sparkling fountains and stately monuments. The wide avenues and boulevards are spotlessly clean and lined with busy shops, restaurants, and cafés.. From almost anywhere along the course, the seven huge neo-Gothic skyscrapers built by Stalin can be seen.

Московский марафон – это, безусловно, одно из самых зрелищных событий на планете. Он проходит по центру Москвы, вдоль Москвы-реки, проходя мимо древних стен Кремля. На его пути находятся дворцы, соборы, церкви с блестящими золотыми куполами, ухоженные парки, брызгающие фонтаны и величественные памятники. Широкие улицы и бульвары безупречно чисты и усеяны магазинами, ресторанами и кафе. На всем пути почти отовсюду можно видеть семь огромных нео-готических небоскребов, построенных Сталиным.

Before I know it, the finish line comes into view. The last quarter mile! I am nowhere near the front of the pack, but I can hear the boisterous applause ahead as the first few lead runners cross the finish line.. I feel no sense of defeat. I came to this historic city to compete, to complete the Moscow Marathon. In a few minutes I will have done what I had set out to do. And with the little breath that I have left, all I can say is that it is the greatest feeling in the world.

Я и не заметил, как в поле зрения показалась финишная линия. Последняя четверть мили! Я совершенно далек от толпы, но я могу слышать бурные аплодисменты впереди, когда первые лидирующие бегуны пересекают финишную линию. Я не чувствую поражения. Я приехал в этот исторический город, чтобы состязаться, пройти всю дистанцию московского марафона. Через несколько минут я сделаю то, что наметил для себя. И, испытывая нехватку воздуха, все, что я могу сказать, – это величайшее чувство в мире.

Use of English – Part 1 Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.
Поставить глаголы в правильное время.

The Walk

Natalie raised her face to the warm spring sun and took a deep breath. How wonderful it was, she 1) __THINK__ to be out in the fresh air again after a long, cold winter.
“Come on, hurry up, or we 2) __BE__ late for lunch!” Leo said as he walked along the forest path ahead of her.
They 3) __WALK__ through the woods all morning and Leo was beginning to get hungry after all the exercise.
“We’ve got plenty of time,” replied Natalie cheerfully,“and I 4) __ NOT WANT__ to go home yet. It’s so lovely here,” she added.
Leo 5)__SURPRISE__ by her enthusiasm. Natalie hadn’t been very keen to come walking when he first suggested it.
“You are funny,” he said.“Where 6) __ GET__ (you) so much energy from all of a sudden?”
“Oh, I’m not sure,” Natalie said, 7) __LAUGH__ happily, “but perhaps the fresh spring air and the good company might have something to do with it.”

The Walk

Natalie raised her face to the warm spring sun and took a deep breath. How wonderful it was, she THOUGHT to be out in the fresh air again after a long, cold winter.
“Come on, hurry up, or we WILL BE late for lunch!” Leo said as he walked along the forest path ahead of her.
They HAD BEEN WALKING through the woods all morning and Leo was beginning to get hungry after all the exercise.
“We’ve got plenty of time,” replied Natalie cheerfully,“and I DON’T WANT to go home yet. It’s so lovely here,” she added.
Leo WAS SURPRISED by her enthusiasm. Natalie hadn’t been very keen to come walking when he first suggested it.
“You are funny,” he said.“Where DID YOU GET so much energy from all of a sudden?”
“Oh, I’m not sure,” Natalie said, LAUGHING happily, “but perhaps the fresh spring air and the good company might have something to do with it.”


Натали подняла лицо к теплому весеннему солнцу и сделала глубокий вздох. Каким же чудом было, подумала она, оказаться вновь на свежем воздухе после долгой, холодной зимы.
“Давай, поторопись, а то мы опоздаем на обед!” – сказал Лео, идя по лесной дорожке спереди.
Они гуляли по лесу все утро, и Лео начинал чувствовать голод после такой нагрузки (дословно: после всех таких упражнений).
“У нас много времени”, – радостно ответила Натали. – “И я пока еще не хочу идти домой. Здесь так мило”, – добавила она.
Лео был удивлен ее энтузиазму. Натали не очень-то и хотела идти на прогулку, когда он первый раз предложил ей это.
“Забавная ты”, – сказал он. “Откуда у тебя так внезапно столько энергии?”
“О, я не знаю (дословно: я не уверена)”, – сказала Натали, счастливо улыбаясь. “Но, может быть, свежий весенний воздух и хорошая компания имеют какое-то отношение к этому”.

Use of English – Part 2 Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они подходили в контекст.

Unusual Restaurants

All over the world there are restaurants for people who are looking for dinner with a 1) __DIFFERENT__ Dubai may be hot, but diners need to dress up very 2) __WARM__ for a meal at the Chillout restaurant, where everything is made of ice. Other ice restaurants can be found in Finland, Canada and Russia.

In the Canary Islands, the El Diablo Restaurant uses 3) __VOLCANO__ heat to cook the meals. Situated on the volcano itself, the 4) __CIRCLE__ restaurant has glass walls, providing breathtaking views of the moon-like landscape and the sea beyond.

The Ithaa Restaurant in the Maldives is 5 metres below the Indian Ocean. The curved, transparent walls give diners an amazing view of the 5) __SURROUND__ coral reef. There is a covered staircase leading down to the restaurant so diners remain 6) __COMPLETE__ dry.

Unusual Restaurants

All over the world there are restaurants for people who are looking for dinner with a DIFFERENCE.

Dubai may be hot, but diners need to dress up very WARMLY for a meal at the Chillout restaurant, where everything is made of ice. Other ice restaurants can be found in Finland, Canada and Russia.

In the Canary Islands, the El Diablo Restaurant uses VOLCANIC heat to cook the meals. Situated on the volcano itself, the CIRCULAR restaurant has glass walls, providing breathtaking views of the moon-like landscape and the sea beyond.

The Ithaa Restaurant in the Maldives is 5 metres below the Indian Ocean. The curved, transparent walls give diners an amazing view of the SURROUNDING coral reef. There is a covered staircase leading down to the restaurant so diners remain COMPLETELY dry.

Необычные рестораны

По всему миру есть рестораны для людей, стремящихся пообедать необычно.

В Дубаи может быть жарко, но, чтобы поесть в ресторане “Chillout”, где все сделано изо льда, люди должны одеваться очень тепло. Еще ледяные рестораны можно найти в Финляндии, Канаде и России.

На Канарских островах ресторан “El Diablo” использует вулканическое тепло, чтобы приготовить еду. Сам по себе расположенный на вулкане, движущийся по кругу ресторан имеет стеклянные стены, обеспечивающие захватывающий вид освещенного луной ландшафта и лежащего за ним моря.

Ресторан “Ithaa” на Мальдивских островах находится на уровне пяти метров под Индийским океаном. Изогнутые прозрачные стены дают посетителям удивительный вид окружающего кораллового рифа. Есть также закрытая лестничная клетка, ведущая в ресторан, так что посетители остаются совершенно сухими.

Part 3 Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose А, В, С or D to complete each gap correctly.
Прочитать текст и вставить в каждый пропуск (1-7) нужный вариант ответа (А, В, С или D).

Moscow hosts unique Winter Sports events

In February 2008, 25.000 spectators attended a Snowboard World Cup event at Moscow State University. The youngest competitor, 15-year-old Roope Tonteri from Finland, 1)___ the finals and finished second. The event was made possible because a special ramp, 46 metres high, was built.

In January 2009, Russia again showed its support 2)___ winter sports. In the Vorobyevy Hills, in central Moscow, a giant purpose-built ski ramp was constructed for the International Ski Federation (FIS) World Cup Race. It was so large that it entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The FIS had been encouraged by the 3)___ of the 2008 snowboarding event to hold an Alpine event in Moscow. Ironically, at the time of the event, it was the warmest winter 4)___ in Moscow, and snow had to be brought in from Siberia. The snow was transported to Moscow in refrigerated train carriages.

More than 20,000 people watched the 2009 event in Moscow. Sixteen top international competitors from 10 countries 5)___ part in the parallel slalom race, including two Russian athletes. After the competition the athletes visited Sochi. They were shown the 6)___ of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games and went skiing with the Russian Prime Minister.

These events in Moscow clearly demonstrated to the world Russia’s readiness to 7)___ winter sports events in the future.

1) A. achieved B. arrived C. reached D. competed
2) A. to B. for C. at D. with
3) A. success B. victory C. feat D. triumph
4) A. never B. ever C. still D. yet
5) A. put B. did C. got D. took
6) A. position B. place C. area D. site
7) A. play B. act C. stage D. perform

Moscow hosts unique Winter Sports events

In February 2008, 25.000 spectators attended a Snowboard World Cup event at Moscow State University. The youngest competitor, 15-year-old Roope Tonteri from Finland, reached the finals and finished second. The event was made possible because a special ramp, 46 metres high, was built.

In January 2009, Russia again showed its support for winter sports. In the Vorobyevy Hills, in central Moscow, a giant purpose-built ski ramp was constructed for the International Ski Federation (FIS) World Cup Race. It was so large that it entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The FIS had been encouraged by the success of the 2008 snowboarding event to hold an Alpine event in Moscow. Ironically, at the time of the event, it was the warmest winter ever in Moscow, and snow had to be brought in from Siberia. The snow was transported to Moscow in refrigerated train carriages.

More than 20,000 people watched the 2009 event in Moscow. Sixteen top international competitors from 10 countries took part in the parallel slalom race, including two Russian athletes. After the competition the athletes visited Sochi. They were shown the site of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games and went skiing with the Russian Prime Minister.

These events in Moscow clearly demonstrated to the world Russia’s readiness to stage winter sports events in the future.

Москва принимает уникальные зимние спортивные события

В феврале 2008 года 25 тыс. зрителей посетили чемпионат мира по катанию на сноуборде в Московском государственном университете. Самый молодой участник соревнований, 15-летний Руп Тонтери из Финляндии, попа в финал и занял втрое место. Это событие стало возможным благодаря особой наклонной установке высотой в 46 метров.

В январе 2009 года Россия вновь проявила поддержку зимним видам спорта. а Воробьевых Горах в центре Москвы была построена специальная гигантская лыжная установка для чемпионата мира, проводимого международной горнолыжной федерацией. Она была такой большой, что попала в Книгу Рекордов Гиннесса.

Для проведения в Москве чемпионата по горным лыжам Международную горнолыжную федерацию вдохновил успех чемпионата по катанию на сноуборде, который был проведен в 2008 году. По иронии судьбы во время проведения нового чемпионата в Москве стояла самая теплая зима, и снег пришлось доставлять из Сибири. Снег транспортировали в вагонах-рефрижераторах.

Более 20 тыс. людей увидели чемпионат в Москве 2009 года. Шестнадцать лучших участников международного класса из 10 стран приняли участие в параллельном слаломе, включая двух Российских спортсменов. После соревнования эти атлеты посетили Сочи. Им показали место Зимних Олимпийских Игр 2014 года, и они прокатились на лыжах с Российским премьер-министром.

Эти события в Москве ясно продемонстрировали миру готовность России устраивать зимние спортивные события в будущем.


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