
Луна дота 2 лор

История Luna в Dota 2

Имя Луна
Раса Неизвестно
«I would water the trees with their entrails if Selemene would smile on me.»

Беспощадный воитель, никому и никогда неизвестная легенда. Кто она без своей армии? Всего лишь измученный странник, без имени, дома и родных. Находясь на волосок от гибели и безумия, она искала новый дом и убежище. Скитаясь долгие месяцы по бескрайним просторам земли, дорога привела ее к окраинам Серебрянного леса. Это не просто лес, ходили слухи, что он заколдован, что лес словно живой, он впускает всех, но еще никто не выбрался оттуда. Но для нее это был последний шанс выжить. Лес отлично подходит для охоты, а также можно устроить место для ночлега. Не успев войти в лес, она уже почувствовала на себе чей-то тяжелый взгляд, словно сам лес смотрел ей прямо в душу. Но бояться и отступать это не ее принцип, она всегда шла до конца, до победного конца. Волоча уже итак обессиленные ноги она шла по тропинке, которая заводила ее глубь леса, там где не проскальзывал ни один солнечный лучик, где водятся самые опасные и ужасные твари. Она сжала в руке кинжал, закаленный в боях, но успевший немного поржаветь. Ведь уже очень давно его не омывала ничья кровь.

В лесу ее окружала лишь тишина, и вокруг не было ни души, как вдруг она увидела глаза, которые смотрели на нее из темноты. Это только разозлило ее и она помчалась к этому зверю, но как близко она к нему бы не подбиралась, он всегда ускользал во тьму. К тому времени взошла полная луна и осветила все вокруг, и она увидела зверя на вершине холма. Ринувшись к зверю, она закричала и набросилась на него, но все было не так просто. Пантера огромной лапой выбила кинжал и не тронув ее скрылась в лесу. Опять она упустила шанс встретиться со смертью, но видимо не в этот раз.

Через мгновение из леса показались люди в капюшонах и поведали, что ее выбрала богиня Селемене в качестве своей воительницы, и она прошла испытание. Сама того не зная, она выполнила священный ритуал Темной луны, воинов Серебряных лесов.

Ей предложили выбор: присоединиться к Темной Луне и поклясться служить Селемене или уйти и никогда не возвращаться. Она не колебалась. Принимая свое освобождение, она отказалась от кровавого прошлого, и с тех пор ее имя — Luna, устрашающий лунный наездник, беспощадный и непоколебимый защитник Серебряных лесов.


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How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature’s trail was easy to follow.

Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast’s massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods.

She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods.

Associated with
Heroes: Mirana
Factions: Dark Moon Order
Places: Nightsilver Woods
Shrine of Selemene
Temple of Mene
Gods: Selemene
Characters: Nova
Lunar Moth
Species: Felmoth
Other Lore: Dark Moon
  • Luna’s mount is Nova.
  • Luna belongs to, and owns a relic of the Dark Moon Order, a group of warriors in service of Selemene. It was crafted from a lunar shard that fell from the skies. [1]
  • Like other members of her order, Luna is likely familiar with the Temple of Mene, and serves in its defense against the Dark Moon Horde. [2]
  • Luna has a reputation for being cold hearted. [3]
  • Judging from their lore and dialogue, Luna and Mirana are both affiliated, with Mirana bearing a higher royalty than she, something Luna seems to resent.
  • According to Mars , Luna is like a sheep in the service of Selemene. [4]
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Relationships [ edit ]

Luna knows Beatrix Snapfire from the days when she was the Scourge, the two having apparently ran together in their deeds. [5]

Pudge once insulted Luna’s mount, but has since apologized. [6]



How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature’s trail was easy to follow.

Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast’s massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods.

She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods.

Associated with
Heroes: Mirana
Factions: Dark Moon Order
Places: Nightsilver Woods
Shrine of Selemene
Temple of Mene
Gods: Selemene
Characters: Nova
Lunar Moth
Species: Felmoth
Other Lore: Dark Moon
  • Luna’s mount is Nova.
  • Luna belongs to, and owns a relic of the Dark Moon Order, a group of warriors in service of Selemene. It was crafted from a lunar shard that fell from the skies. [1]
  • Like other members of her order, Luna is likely familiar with the Temple of Mene, and serves in its defense against the Dark Moon Horde. [2]
  • Luna has a reputation for being cold hearted. [3]
  • Judging from their lore and dialogue, Luna and Mirana are both affiliated, with Mirana bearing a higher royalty than she, something Luna seems to resent.
  • According to Mars , Luna is like a sheep in the service of Selemene. [4]

Relationships [ edit ]

Luna knows Beatrix Snapfire from the days when she was the Scourge, the two having apparently ran together in their deeds. [5]

Pudge once insulted Luna’s mount, but has since apologized. [6]


Луна дота 2 лор

Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 200 620 1220 1900 2160
Health regen 0.5 2.6 5.68 9.08 10.38
Mana 75 351 663 1035 1179
Mana regen 0 1.15 2.48 4.03 4.61
Armor 2 6 13.93 21.6 24.77
Att/sec 0.59 0.73 1.01 1.28 1.39
Damage 26‒32 50‒56 97‒103 143‒149 162‒168
Magic resistance 25%
Link ▶️ Movement speed 325
Link ▶️ Attack speed 100
Turn rate 0.6
Vision range 1800 / 800
Attack range 330
Projectile speed 900
Attack animation 0.35 + 0.54
Base attack time 1.7
Damage block 0
Collision size 24
Legs 2
Gib type Default

Luna, the Moon Rider, is a ranged agility carry hero. Even though she can be seen as a tempting target for enemy heroes, Luna possesses solid early game laning presence due to her Lucent Beams, a cheap, low-cooldown nuke, and her Lunar Blessing aura, which grants all nearby allied heroes an increase in their attack damage. Mid-game, she becomes far more formidable with Moon Glaives, allowing her to kill entire creep waves with two to three attacks, and Eclipse, which can very quickly kill a hero if that hero is unfortunate enough to catch its full blast. Her Achilles’ Heel is her fragility; she has no escape abilities and cannot handle a lot of punishment, relying on her movement speed to keep her out of harm’s way. Luna begins and ends a match dangerously, and if played carefully and skillfully, she will destroy anybody who stands against her.


Bio [ edit ]

How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature’s trail was easy to follow.

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Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast’s massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods.

She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods.

Abilities [ edit ]

  • Lucent Beam first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Luna’s glaive emits particles during the cast time, visible to everyone.
  • With Aghanim’s Shard , Lucent Beam can either be cast on a unit or on the ground.
    • When targeting the ground, does not require any vision or True Sight. It can hit invisible and enemies inside the Fog of War.
    • Only searches for heroes (including illusions, clones and creep-heroes) within the search area. Other units are ignored.
    • This means if there are no heroes within the search area, Lucent Beam does no damage.
    • Provides 300 radius ground vision at the targeted point for 3 seconds when cast on the ground.
  • With Aghanim’s Shard , Lucent Beam causes Luna to perform instant attacks on 2 random enemies within 500 radius of the targeted point.
    • These instant attacks can proc any attack modifiers and on-hit effects normally (including Moon Glaives ). They do not have True Strike, but ignore disarms.
    • The targets are choosen completely randomly, there are no priorities.
    • The attacks do not target invisible units, but can target units in Fog of War.
    • The instant attacks originate from the targeted point or unit.
    • When targeting the ground, the attacks originate from the targeted point even if the beam found and hit a nearby enemy hero.
  • The bouncing glaives travel at the same speed as the leading attack’s projectile.
    • This means their speed is affected by projectile speed changing effects as well.
  • Does not perform instant attacks. The projectile is entirely spell-based.
    • This means they do not trigger any attack modifier or on-hit effects, and ignore evasion. However, damage block affects them.
    • Their damage counts as spell damage, however, they ignore outgoing spell damage amplification and cannot spell lifesteal.
  • The glaives deal damage based on the damage amount calculated for the leading attack. Attack damage amount is calculated upon attack begin.
    • This means it works with critical strike and quell, since these are included in the initial damage calculations.
    • This also means that it does not matter how much damage the attack actually did to the target, since that part is being calculated on projectile hit.
    • It also means that other conditional attack damage bonuses like a Javelin proc are not included, since these happen later as well.
  • Effectively increases Luna’s attack damage by 87.5%/114.76%/148.21%/191.49% if all bounces hit.
  • Can bounce back to the same units if it already hit all other nearby units. If no other units are nearby, the ability does nothing. Cannot bounce on enemies in the Fog of War.
    • Does bounce to, but does not damage ethereal units. Does not bounce to invisible units.
  • Does not bounce towards wards and allies, but it does bounce off of them when attacking them. Fully works against buildings.
  • Upon learning, Luna’s glaive permanently emits blue particles, visible to everyone.
  • Increases Luna’s night vision to a total of 1050/1300/1550/1800.
  • The aura’s buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
  • Affects invulnerable, but not hidden units.
  • Upon learning, Luna emits very faint pulsing particles around her.
  • Despite the tooltip, the aura affects non-hero units as well.

  • Eclipse’s beams deal damage based on Lucent Beam ‘s current level, so if not learned, Eclipse deals no damage.
    • In Ability Draft, Lucent Beam must be drafted as well for Eclipse’s beams to deal damage.
  • Eclipse turns the time of day into night-time for 10 seconds. This is independent from Eclipse’s duration.
    • Does not interfere with the night-time caused by Dark Ascension in any way, meaning Night Stalker ‘s night is not paused.
    • Has a lower priority than the day-time caused by Supernova .
  • Does not hit invisible units and units in the Fog of War.
  • Luna’s glaive emits particles during the cast time, visible to everyone.
  • Multiple casts of Eclipse work fully independently from each other.
  • When Luna dies, Eclipse ends prematurely. However, the night-time it created persists.
  • Maximum possible damage to a single target (before reductions):
    • Lucent Beam Level 1: 375 ( 875 ) ( 450 / 900 / 1350 , 1050 / 2100 / 3150 )
    • Lucent Beam Level 2: 750 ( 1250 ) ( 900 / 1800 / 2700 , 1500 / 3000 / 4500 )
    • Lucent Beam Level 3: 1125 ( 1625 ) ( 1350 / 2700 / 4050 , 1950 / 3900 / 5850 )
    • Lucent Beam Level 4: 1500 ( 2000 ) ( 1800 / 3600 / 5400 , 2400 / 4800 / 7200 )
  • With the level 25 talent, the beams also stun hit enemies for 0.2 seconds.
    • Since the stun is not based on Lucent Beam’s stun, it is applied regardless of Lucent Beam’s level.
    • The talent immediately takes effect, causing the already active casts to stun as well.
    • The beams first apply their damage, then the debuff.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter , Eclipse turns into an area-targeted ability. It may be cast on the ground or an ally.
    • When targeting an ally, it follows that ally like how a regular cast follows Luna.
      • ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
      • Can target any allied units, except for wards and buildings.
      • Eclipse ends when the targeted ally dies, instead of Luna.
    • When cast ond the ground, it stays stationary at the targeted point.
      • Provides 675 radius ground vision for its duration.
      • Eclipse still ends prematurely when Luna dies.
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Talents [ edit ]

Hero Talents
+0.2s Eclipse Lucent Ministun 25 30% Lifesteal
+100 Lucent Beam Damage 20 +8 All Stats
+25 Movement Speed 15 -3.5s Lucent Beam Cooldown
+0.4s Lucent Beam Ministun 10 +15 Attack Speed

Recent Changes [ edit ]

  • Reduced Eclipse cast time from 0.6 to 0.5.
  • Reworked Aghanim’s Shard upgrade:
    • Old: Increases Lucent Beam stun duration by 0.4, causes it to grant Luna 30% movement speed for 3 seconds upon cast, and turns it into a ground-targeted ability with a 325 search radius. Provides ground vision when cast on the ground.
    • New: Reduces Lucent Beam mana cost by 50, turns it into a ground-targeted ability with a 325 search radius, providing ground vision when cast on the ground, and causes it to launch 2 instant attacks on random enemies within 500 radius of the targeted point.
  • Talents:

Level 10 left talent changed: +350 cast range ➜ +0.4s Lucent Beam stun duration.

  • Aghanim’s Shard upgrade:
    • Increased Lucent Beam stun duration bonus from 0.3 to 0.4.
  • Increased base agility from 18 to 24.
  • Reduced base attack damage from 32-38 to 26-32.
  • Reduced Moon Glaives damage reduction per bounce from 52%/46%/40%/34% to 50%/44%/38%/32%.
  • Lunar Blessing
    • Changed attack damage bonus from 10%/18%/26%/34% to a flat 5/15/25/35.
    • Increased night vision bonus from 200/400/600/800 to 250/500/750/1000.
  • Added Aghanim’s Shard upgrade for Luna :
    • Increases Lucent Beam stun duration by 0.3, causes it to grant Luna 30% movement speed for 3 seconds upon cast, and turns it into a ground-targeted ability with a 325 search radius. Provides ground vision when cast on the ground.

Recommended Items [ edit ]

  • Iron Branch gives some good starting attributes and can be built into Magic Wand later.
  • Circlet gives good starting attributes and builds into Wraith Band .
  • Tango gives Luna some starting health regeneration, allowing her to trade hits with enemies in lane.
  • Healing Salve allows Luna regenerate almost her entire health pool in the early game.
  • Magic Wand is good on most heroes in order to get some bonus burst health as well as bonus stats.
  • Boots of Speed are core on any hero for extra move speed in order to chase and to escape.
  • Town Portal Scroll is helpful to quickly enter fights from across the map. Luna is one of the carries that can turn the tide of battle thanks to Eclipse.
  • Power Treads increase attributes and attack speed to increase Luna’s damage output.
  • Dragon Lance is among the most cost-effective items in the game, providing strength and agility at a reasonable price. The range increase is particularly nice on Luna since her own range is poor and she has no mobility tools to help her get in reach of enemies except her high movement speed. The item is also useful for early-mid game pushing and fighting.
  • Manta Style is the core item in most games on Luna giving her damage, health, and bonus move speed. Since Manta Style ‘s illusions obtain Moon Glaives passive, they are useful for pushing and increasing damage output.
  • Mask of Madness helps Luna farm neutral and lane creeps with increased movement speed, attack speed, and lifesteal. Disassemble in the late game to build Butterfly and Satanic.
  • Black King Bar improves Luna’s survivability with spell immunity, countering enemy disables, and strength.
  • Butterfly offers a great mixture of heavy damage and survivability, giving Luna bonus attack speed, damage, armor, and evasion.
  • Satanic gives Luna some much-needed survivability, offering Luna a burst heal to live through immense amounts of damage in fights.
  • Helm of the Dominator synergizes with Lunar Blessing and gives opportunity to dominate Alpha Wolf to increase damage even more
  • Hurricane Pike , a situational upgrade of Dragon Lance , provides an escaping and chasing tool for Luna.
  • Eye of Skadi provides great attribute bonuses, which also benefit illusions, and the slow effect will keep enemies within Luna’s attack range.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter increases the max single target damage of Eclipse. It is great when your team has a powerful initiator such as Faceless Void and the enemy team has few ways to dodge a long distance Eclipse.

