
Mixing in the лун

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На вопрос «Рекомендовали бы вы Mixed In Key своим друзьям ди-джеям?» 97% опрошенных ди-джеев отвечает «Да!».
(Опрос проведен в июле 2008 года)

Ди-джей: Играющий в темноте

Кто такой диджей?
Суперзвезда? Пустое место?
И то и другое — чистая правда. Нам ли не знать.
(2010, тираж: 3000 экз.)

Mixed In Key — программное обеспечение созданное для лучших мировых ди-джеев. Используя дружелюбный интерфейс и надёжные технологии Mixed In Key делает гармоничное сведение необычайно легким.

Mixed In Key выведет твою технику сведения на новый уровень, показывая какие треки ты можешь сводить без музыкальной дисгармонии. Работает с CD-проигрывателями, «Ableton Live», «Traktor», «Serato Scratch Live» и с любым другим програмным обеспечением или оборудованием. Теперь твои сэты всегда будут гладкими и профессиональными.

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2008—2021. Спасибо всем кто на нас ссылается!


Official Harmonic Mixing guide


We instigated the Harmonic Mixing revolution and have shown millions of DJs how to use this powerful technique. In this guide, we’ll show you how world-famous DJs like David Guetta use Mixed in Key software for harmonic mixing.

Whether blending whole tracks, samples, vocals, melodies or basslines, Harmonic Mixing will help you sound amazing. This simple technique unlocks a treasure chest of creative possibilities. You’ll have the key to flawless mixes, impeccable mash-ups and learn how to control the energy of your set in a myriad of new ways.

The best Key Detection software. Period.

To use Harmonic Mixing techniques, you need to know the key of the music you want to play. Our market-leading software scans your collection and matches the results to our groundbreaking Camelot EasyMix system . It tells you what key your song or sample is in, and what will mix best with it. You don’t even need an understanding of keys or music theory… it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

We’ve been developing this software for over a decade, and independent tests consistently show Mixed In Key to be the most accurate key detection system on the planet. These days, most DJ software comes with an in-built, inferior system of its own, yet Mixed In Key remains the ultimate choice for the world’s top DJs. We’re the original and best key detection software available.

Doesn’t my DJ software come with Mixed In Key?

In a word, no. Some DJ software uses our Camelot system, but you will only find the accuracy and peace of mind that comes from our Mixed In Key algorithm by downloading our software direct. Mixed In Key will instantly feed your results to your DJ software, giving you the most accurate key information possible and ensuring your mixes are spot on.

Spin the wheel

It’s so simple. Mixed In Key tells you at-a-glance which tracks and sounds will work together. You can stick to the exact same key, ie 5A to 5A, or move through the gears in a harmonically pleasing fashion. 5A can go to 4A, 6A or 5B smooth as a knife through butter. Here’s how that works:

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This is the Camelot Wheel. Each musical key is represented by a number and letter combination. The outer ring has Major Chords, while the inner ring shows Minor Chords. Our Camelot Easymix system makes navigating through keys as easy as counting up and down.

Up, Down, Around.

Key matching matters because it makes the music sounds like it belongs together. You could, therefore, stick to the same key for your whole set and everything would sound ‘correct’. But after a while it would get pretty boring. Liven things up by moving around the Camelot Wheel – go up or down one increment in a straight line on the wheel and you’ll sound great. Check it out: 8A goes to 9A or 7A, because they’re one number up/down on the wheel, in a straight line from 8A.

Mixing from inner circle to outer circle

For a pleasant harmonic mix, you can keep the same number, but change the letter. For example, 8A goes with 8B because the number 8 is the same. You can mix between them.

That gives you four great options. If you’re looking at your Mixed In Key results and trying to decide what song to play next, look for something that’s adjacent to your current Key Code. All of those songs will be harmonically compatible.

Get creative

So you’ve nailed the basics – you can mix up and down on the Camelot Wheel and are loving the results. But don’t be fooled, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Try plotting your way clockwise or anti-clockwise around the wheel… nice, right? Moving in this kind of sequence keeps your set sounding harmonically pleasant, fresh and dynamic. You can even go wild and drop in occasional curveballs. Some top DJs will grab their audience’s attention with a crazy move like slamming a mix from a 3A track to a 9A track. It sounds pretty brazen, and should be used with extreme caution, but goes to show how creative you can get when you master Harmonic Mixing!

Harmonic Mixing in Action

OK, this is extreme, but a great example of what can be done when you unlock the power of Harmonic Mixing. 32 tracks, 6 minutes, zero key clashes!

Download Mixed In Key today and start your Harmonic Mixing journey.

Everything in this mini-DJ set is harmonic, which means there are no key clashes. You can do the same thing with your favorite DJ software – just analyze your tracks with Mixed In Key and create a playlist that sounds amazing to you.

Our unique Energy Level Rating System

Not only do famous DJs use Harmonic Mixing to ensure tonal perfection, they are also adept at manipulating their audience with track selections that have the ideal Energy Level. Mixed In Key makes it super easy for you to understand your collection’s potential by rating every track with an Energy Level from 1-10. It’s an awesome way of ensuring you pick the perfect track for that hands-in-the-air moment, set finale or super smooth warm-up vibe. Harmonic Mixing combined with Energy Level ranked selection is the secret trick of the professionals. Only Mixed In Key can give you that professional know-how at the touch of a button.

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Advanced Harmonic Mixing

Mixed In Key unlocks the power of Harmonic Mixing. We’ve outlined the basics and given a glimpse into some more advanced techniques. For the complete lowdown on these Advanced Techniques, check out these dedicated guides:

Inspiration from Armin van Buuren

Watch out for Jaws! We analyzed Armin Van Buuren’s DJ set with Mixed In Key software and shared our thoughts on what makes him an incredible DJ and an inspiration.

Inspiration from Diplo

We analyzed Diplo’s DJ set with Mixed In Key software. These are our thoughts on what makes him an incredible DJ and an inspiration.

Get your Mixed In Key now.

Buy with confidence. We give you a 30-day money-back guarantee with every purchase.


Mixed In Key Studio Edition Award-Winning Key Detection for your DAW

Speed Up Your Workflow

Make Mashups and Re-Edits In Your DAW

Mixed In Key Studio Edition will show you detailed information about the Notes present and the Root Key of your tracks. Just choose two tracks with the same key, and you’ll be able to mash them up in your favorite DAW.

Analyze Your Sample Library

Splice samples? Melodies you wrote yourself? Analyze everything with Mixed In Key Studio Edition. It’ll show you when your samples clash with each other.

Analyze Acapellas and Create Remixes Faster

Want to remix an acapella? Find its root key using Mixed In Key “SE”, and then start adding more samples to your composition. Our key results work great with your Captain Plugins as well – you can compose Chords, Melodies and Basslines in those plugins, based on the Key Results you got from Mixed In Key.

Mixed In Key Studio Edition – An essential tool for your studio sessions.


Nicky Romero

“I love how easy it is now to see what key your music and samples are playing while working on a track. No more opening different software packages, really love MIK Studio Edition”


“Perfect. That’s all I wanna say. Perfect.”

Dada Life

“I slam this plugin on just to double check that I’m correct with the tuning of my audio.”

“Mixed In Key Studio Edition is perfect for music production and to save time in the studio. Very useful plugin and I 100% recommend it.”

Morgan Page



“Automatic analysis, simple operation, precise results, low resource consumption, fair price. 5/5 stars. No downsides.”

EastWest Studios, Hollywood

“Mixed In Key is installed on all computers at EastWest Studios. An easy and practical software that helps us on a daily basis to have the sessions go smoothly.”

Mixed In Key Studio Edition


  • Fastest way to detect the key in your DAW
  • Usable on any audio source – just add it to an audio channel as a VST or AU
  • Works on the Master bus as well
  • Analyze your samples
  • Establish the root key
  • Be able to see key changes inside your audio source
  • Easy to use, and includes the industry-favorite Mixed In Key algorithm

We’ve been improving our algorithms for the last 4000 days, so you can get the best results. 🔬

One button. Advanced key detection. No guesswork.

Matching samples to your productions can be hit-and-miss.

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Mixed In Key Studio Edition analyzes your samples and provides advanced key and notation data to help you blend the perfect sounds in harmony.

Tune your drums. Instantly.

Drum-tuning can be the difference between sounding professional or sounding like an amateur.

With Mixed In Key Studio Edition, it’s as easy as clicking a button.

You’ll instantly know the exact key and pitch of your drum sounds and percussion.

Master your Master Bus.

You can analyze individual channels, send busses or your master bus so you know exactly which key and notes feature in your composition.

How can Mixed In Key Studio Edition benefit you?

Help Tune Your Vocals

See which Key+Scale to put into Melodyne or Autotune, so your vocals are easier to tune correctly.

Key Detection for your DAW

Analyze any sample, acapella or track. Retune the samples using your DAW and make them fit your music productions.

Make Mashups

Find tracks that sound great together. Make your own DJ sets and plan your performances inside Ableton Live or any other DAW – and be 100% sure that you’re using harmonic mixing.

Get to know your samples better

Mixed In Key Studio Edition tells you what percentage of the song is using the note C, the note C#, and so on. It makes sampling easier.

What DAWs are supported? keyboard_arrow_down

We officially support Ableton Live, Logic Pro X, FL Studio, Pro Tools, and Cubase on Mac OS 10.10.5 and higher.

On Windows, we officially support Ableton Live, Pro Tools, FL Studio and Cubase.

For a complete listing of DAWs click here.

Both Windows and Mac versions are now available! keyboard_arrow_down

Mixed In Key Studio Edition is available on both platforms. You’ll be able to download it on Mac and Windows right away.

Is Internet access required? keyboard_arrow_down

Yes. You need to be connected to the Internet to use the plugin.

What’s the relationship between Mixed In Key, Mixed In Key Studio Edition, Odesi and Captain Plugins? keyboard_arrow_down

The same people created all 4 products.

Mixed In Key was our first product. It’s used by the world’s top artists to analyze music and find the Key and Energy Level for every track, for perfect harmonic mixing.

Next, we created Odesi to help you sketch musical ideas, and write the core foundation of every track.

Captain Plugins are an evolution of Odesi. We took the technology inside Odesi and broke it apart into “modular” VSTs that you can add to individual MIDI channels. You can put Captain Chords on a new MIDI channel inside Ableton Live, Captain Melody on your Melody channel, and so on. Captain Plugins are like smaller versions of Odesi that run inside your favorite DAW like Ableton Live or Logic.

Mixed In Key Studio Edition was then designed for producers to find the key and scale or notes of samples, loops, drums, vocals and any other audio in real time to help make their productions sound better and harmonically correct.

