
Tf2 what to do with луны

Tf2 what to do with луны

If you’re looking to play Demoknight or already are and looking to bump up your game, this guide is for you. A guide made by a person who lives and breaths Demoknight. This is also a general improvement on the use of Melee in TF2.

Updated Last: 9/8/2017 at 1:04PM
*Improved overall guide, fixed errors and redid some math thanks to a fellow named Shiro.
*Do more spellchecking, added a new tip & trick.

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What is Demoknight?

  • A player who uses ONLY a shield and sword for combat and nothing else.
  • Plays the class of Demoman

NOTE: Using a shield and sword but also using a gun in the primary is called Demopirate, this is a total different play-style.

You do not need special or certain weapons (other then the basics) or hats to be a Demoknight, and let no one tell you different.

This guide will serve as a basis to train old and new players of the way of Demoknight, as normal feel free to send me a message to tell me how wrong I am, I’m open to ideas all the time.

In this guide we will cover.

  • Play-styles of Demoknight
  • The Basics of Demoknight
  • The Advances of Demoknight
  • Tips and Tricks


When playing Demoknight (which will now be referred to as DK to save time) your load-out and mental state will show how well you can play and what you can do.

NOTE:[/i ] This doesn’t mean this will affect everyone but will affect most players.

First off we will talk about a Demoknight loadout, which differs from player to player and how you can find your perfect match.

There is three main styles of Demoknight that are as follows:

  • The Tank
  • The Builder
  • The Neutral

Lets cover each one.

The Tank
The Tank loadout is normally the use of one of two weapons; being either the Half-Zatoichi or the Persian Persuader. These weapons allows the DK to suck up most to all damage, taking the aim off other classes while also dealing great damage. When using the Half-Zatoichi the main style of play is rushing small areas where people tend to group using charge and easy crits to block and rush areas, killing players while also gaining health. This style of play is best on small maps or ones with plenty of long hallways to allow best use of this style.

Persian Persuader as a weapon can be seen as a more offensive form of damage but is easily a tankier style of play, due to quick refill on charges allowing one to escape areas and remove debuffs much quicker then other styles. This style of play works well in all types of maps (although playing in small areas is where DK shines the most), but also works well with lots of ammo packs to work with.

NOTE: Using the Tide Turner isn’t as effecitve as it use to be, this also can’t be crit charged for melee so the new use is for the Charin’ Targe for its over all defenses.

Now that we have covered the weapons in the tank style we shall cover boots or no boots and which shields to use.

In the case of using Boots or not it is only normal to use either Boots or the BASE Jumper. Although not normal to use the BASE Jumper it is also not a bad idea for the case of more vertical maps (AKA Hightower). Using boots (either works as they do the same thing) is a more normal pick for the great bonuses for DKs (+10% Movement Speed, +25% Charge Meter on Melee Kill, +25 Total HP, Increased turning speed by 200%). Which one you pick is up to the player, testing which one suits you for certain maps should help this process.

For shields the choice is up to the player but I will give my personal ideals on each loadout; they go as follows.

Tank Half-Zatoichi: Chargin’ Targe
Tank Persian Persuader: Splendid Screen

The Builder
The builder load-out is a play-style that is slow to start (at times) but once it starts its a force to be reckoned with. This style only uses two weapons; Eyelander (and its reskins), and Scotsman’s Skullcutter. Now for some people they are throwing in red flags right now saying the Scotsman’s Skullcutter is not a builder weapon as it gains no heads to build with, but this is building in the sense of damage output (as the weapon can Random Crit).

The Scotsman’s Skullcutter is used for sneaking behind enemy lines then striking at weaker classes to build damage, which increases crit rate, to take on the higher and tougher classes. Although slow this is the only style loadout that not using a shield is considered a good idea. When not using a shield this loadout will replace that setback with the Sticky Jumper to gain distance and height to sneak up on players or to catch up with them (In this case one could argue they are no longer a DK but to each their own).

The Eyelander (and reskins) is what most people would understand to be a builder style; as for each head a player gains 7.5% movement speed and 15 extra HP (capping at 4, but you still gain 15HP for every kill anyways just not towards your total HP). These weapons like the Skullcutter has a 37% longer Melee range allowing for better spacing and catching certain classes. The style of the Eyelander requries quickly killing off weaker classes (aka Sniper, Scout, Engineer, etc.) gaining speed and HP untill you can take on every other class with ease (to some degree).

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Both these play styles are the same from the tank as for boots and no boots is a personal ideal.

As for shields these are how I see fit for these play-styles:

Builder Scotsman’s Skullcutter
: Splendid Screen
Builder Eyelander: Splendid Screen (if you want sheild bash damage) or Tide Turner (for more open maps)

The Neutral
This play-style is a bit of a open style that allows total custom use of a player which most players can use if tank and builder do not work for said player. This style uses every other weapon that was not listed and can even use the other weapons that were listed if wanted. These play styles normally consist of a Hit and Run, or Pop and Drop. Hit and Run was already covered so instead I’ll talk about Pop and Drop which is like using the Sticky Jumper from Scotsman’s Skullcutter and using it on other weapon ideas, allowing one to Pop (stickies) and Drop (on players) getting a free kill (to the blind) and repeating quickly as to not be shot. This is a play-style I tend to stay away from as I find playing Builder Eyelander is much more my style, but I will state a few loadouts for such play.

«Black Jesus» (as I call it) is (was) a great loadout that (used to be great till Gun Mettle) used the Ullapool Caber to Pop and Drop on a player destorying them and running back to spawn to refill. This doesn’t work so well after Gun Mettle but can still be done!

«Terror» is a style that requires a player using the BASE and a shield (normally Splendid Screen) to allow a player to jump off a high area, float down towards an unlucky player, then charge and smash them with a Shield crit slash. best used with any melee that isn’t the default (and reskins) and the Tide turner to do insane Demotrimps (will be talked about in Advanced Demoknights) or to straight up freak a player out as they see you charging across the map to their doom.

«Normal DK» this is just straight up normal DK which is just a playstyle everyone knows how to play or has seen someone play it atleast once. This goes with any loadout and you are free to do whatever you wish, my ideal use of this is boots, Tide Turner, pan (also known as DemoPan).

This is the covering of play-styles of Demoknight, if you feel this was wrong or could have something added feel free to message me!

This section is for the newer players or older players who want to check this out anyways for basic play of the DK. Now if you have read the previous section you know your loadouts and play- styles; you are also now ready to learn how to USE said play-styles and load-outs.

How To Space attacks:
This is basically using your melee range to the best you can use, allowing yourself to swing and hit while also moving to avoid as much damage as you can. The best way to learn how to space your attacks is to practice on mediveal mode (I suggest this for all kinds of practice for DK). First start by trying to hit a target, be it BOT or Player. Then after hitting try moving left or right (sometimes even backwards works too) to avoid being hit also, this turns into a form of «dance» where players are trying to hit one another without taking damage themselves. Pratice this till you feel you can skirt around players to maximize damage and reduce damage taken.

How To know when to run:
This seems simple, such as running when low on HP or seeing one to many players around an area, but this could also apply to certain times. Here is times when you should run away from battle to fight another fight:

  • When seeing a Pyro that can see you (trust me, they can and will ruin your day.)
  • When a scoped Sniper has line of sight of you and there is no cover to protect you. (unless you can quickly kill said sniper they can and will bodyshot or headshot you dealing 150 to 450 max damage, this is very bad as it will put you in [a highway to the. ] danger zone. Avoid this as all costs)
  • A revved Heavy with you in line of sight.
  • A not revved Heavy with you in line of sight with a medic healing him (you will most likely lose this fight, so unless you are sure you can win, don’t try.)

Otherwise, if you just feel its a bad idea to strike, just try another time.

Note: I also would like to add in recent light that «fake running» to bait a player in is also a good use for running.

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How To deal Shield Crit Slashes
The best way to deal damage with your shield is to charge (right click when meter is full) and smash into a player, wait about half a second (more or less depended on your ping and fps) if you’re charging at close range to swing (to give time to turn the hit into a crit hit.) or at the end (or near the end) of your charge from a distance. If you wish to practice this to gauge when to strike, feel free to try it on BOTs or Players. This is a major part of DK and is used to make the DK a very deadly tool, allowing you to deal a normal of 195 (with most weapons) up to 234 max (with the Scotsman’s Skullcutter) with one strike, killing most if not all classes with one swing (not even account the damage a shield bash does). This of course makes the DK very powerful (in close-mid range) as a charge will rush the DK across a great distance.

How To Shield Bash:
Using a Shield a player can also «bash» with it if hitting a player with the shield from a distance full on (or up close if using the Splendid Screen). These «bashes» can deal 50+ damage, and can deal even more if you have «heads» on your Eyelander (or reskins); or even more damage if using the Splendid Screen which and deal 85+ damage. If you combine this and time your strike just right you can pull a Shield Bash and Slash (this will be covered in Advanced Demoknight).

How To know when to minicrit Shield Slash:
Sometimes you don’t need to get a full crit to end a Player and saving time can be your friend, lets say you are using Tank Half-Zatoichi and are running low on HP, you manage to strike a hit on a Scout and the Scout is running away towards its mass of team-mates. The idea here is to use a minicrit shield slash to charge, let go early and swing to deal only a minicrit (which still deals around 80+ damage) to kill the target quickly. In this case it would kill the scout allowing you to regain back to full HP and strike the rest of the team (if using the Tide Turner you can continue charging, this is called Charge Chaining which will be covered in Advanced Demoknight). To do a minicrit Shield Slash is the same as dealing a full crit with a normal charge, exept not waiting for contact with the target to swing but still close enough to hit to make it deal minicrit damge (a minor bonus in damage).

How To Turn:
Turning is a usefull tool that can be used to force a charge towards a target to attack them, using the Tide Turner allows much easier turning control (plus with boots makes it easier also) to allow much more Advanced Demoknight skills, but also allows the use of rushing into battle on not so straight maps. The best way to train this skill again is to just practice, open up a custom server and play by yourself; practicing turning can be very useful. Using the other shields doesn’t allow much turning but can be used to make slight adjustments while charging to allow more freedom to attack or to move forwards.

Note: Having a higher DPI or Sensitivity doesn’t fully make you turn faster but does help in a small degree.

This is the end of Basic Demoknight, once you feel you are ready and can play smoothly move onto Advanced Demoknight!

This is for more «pro» players of Demoknight that wish to learn more advanced skills to help really make your DK a force to be understood.

If you do not feel that you can perform or even practice said skills below, do not worry, just play more DK untill you feel you are ready again!

How To Boomerang:
To boomerang is a simple yet effective way to trick an enemy into thinking you are running away then charging back to attack, this is basically baiting. To do a boomerang the best place to try it is on Hightower on the very top platform in the middle. when attacking a target on top, jump backwards (off the hightower) to fake the enemy into thinking you are running away (they will either follow or not, learn how to deal with this accordingly) then while in mid-air with enough space to land back on the platform charge into the target. This is a great way to catch players off gaurd, it seems simple but not a lot of people expect it. This also works if you are shot, blast, pushed off a platform at which you can charge back on to attack. (in the case of a pyro reflecting you away the best time to charge is right after they push you away so they cannot do it again).

How To Spin-Turn:
This is only possible with the Tide Turner. This is simple in idea also but a great key to being a great DK (but is not required to be great, it still is good to know anyways). Start by charging on a flat area with plenty of room to run around (like the middle ground of Hightower), charge and while in the mist of the charge move your mouse to the left or right to turn while charging, keep moving to create a circle or to do a U-Turn, practice is key! Using this while in the midst of battle can confuse a Player into thinking you are running away or into thinking you are attacking, allowing to fake a player out allows you to take advatange of a Player. As simple as this may seem, its a vital skill that requires great training to use in all form of combat!

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How To Charge-Chain:
This is only possible with a loadout that allows you a total of 100% recharge of Charge Meter with Melee Kills. I find this best with Boots (25%), Tide Turner (75%), and any weapon. Start by crit Shield Slash a target that you can one shot with your 195+ crit damage, then upon regaining total charge, charge again towards another target. This is a great way to chain kills and to confuse players as you rush around killing Players left and right. Practice this with the Half-Zatoichi so you also gain back full HP while doing this!

How To Demotrimp:
This also requires the Tide Turner to do this at all! This is not easy to explain or to do, so if I don’t explain it well enough for you to practice, please feel free to watch videos on it! A Demotrimp is using a certain degree angle (kinda like surfing) while charging and crouching and while quickly turning left and right to fly through the air to reach places up high or far away in quick time. This is a really tough move to do! The best place I find to practice this is DeGroot Keep, from blue side there is a small rock with a perfect angle to try to reach the top of the castle walls. If you feel you don’t understand how to do this, please watch videos. This is a perfect way to reach the front lines quickly or to reach high up areas to sneak attack, or even to catch unweary Players off guard for an easy kill (sadly Tide Turner no longer does crits so you can only get minicrits).

How To Charge-Surf:
This is not really all that hard when compared to Demotrimp but is in the same idea of how to use it. You start by using an enemy projectile that can blast you away (demoman pills, rockets, scorch shots, Force of Nature pushbacks.) and letting it hit you while jump crouching and moving in the direction you wish to go. then upon being shoting into the air charging to gain distance (and sometimes air) to access new areas quickly. This is hard and not really used often, but when you can it looks really nice and can also get you out of tough times, you really need a friend to practice this, or to just try to do it in servers a lot.

How To Misc-Skills:
This is for all the other skills that don’t really have a name or seem that usefull but can be at time, I do not have any at this time and if you guys have suggestions feel free to send me a message!

Now that we have covered the Advanced Demoknight we will cover Tips and Tricks as a closure.
Happy DKing!

This is a general Tips and Tricks area where me and fellow people put up our ideas on how to improve your DK times. Feel free to send me a message if you feel you have a Tip or Trick to post!

Tips and Tricks:

    Using Spin Turning you can easily grab a health kit and turn around to deal a minicrit Shield Slash, catching players off guard while also gaining back your HP!

Using Demotrimping can get you the the front lines faster to set up easy sneak attacks on snipers and other unweary classes to help a Build playstyle or just to get some kills!

You can charge while carrying the Intel allowing a DK to quickly rush it back to score with Demotrimping or other fast movement skills.

With four heads and Boots a DK can run faster than a normal Scout! (93% base + 10% Boots + 30% Four heads = 133% which is base speed of Scout as of today a fellow by the name of Shiro corrected me, the speed bonuses here adds differently, when done the right was your speed reaches 135.5% which is faster then a default Scout).

With hitting people with the extended range of melee or any melee at all turning while striking improves changes of hitting a moving target due to how TF2 handles hitreg and lag delay, so generally swinging towards the enemy while strafing around them and turning to them does help connect your hits.

  • You can surf your own explosive damage with the Caber against a wall, is great for getting out at the cost of some of your own life!
  • Feel free to help me expand this but sending me a message!

    Also if you wish to train your skills with me, feel free to ask, I just might accept!

    I do not claim to be the best Demoknight out there, but I do feel I play it pretty well

    So good luck you fellow old and new Demoknights!

