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University education is the key to getting a good job с переводом (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people say that academy is the best way to get the greatest profession but others claim that studying there is a waste of time. In this essay I am going to speculate on this issue.

Personally, I strongly believe that university education plays the most important role in getting a well-paid job. To begin with, academy gives people great knowledge and theory which will come in handy in the future, specifically, it can be used in the future profession. Moreover, such life experience help to improve personality skills, enhance status and person becomes in demand at valuable works.

However, there is an opposing opinion. Others think that getting the university education is a waste of time. They sure that nowadays is possible to find a good job without any academic degree.

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Учителя ведущих школ и действующие эксперты Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации.

Modern profession requires a personal qualities.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion because high education is guaranteed to give a good job. After graduation all universities should give to graduates the best work.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I want to say that university education is important for people. It gives lots of opportunities and helps in future life.

Некоторые люди говорят, что академия — лучший способ получить высшую профессию, но другие утверждают, что обучение в ней — пустая трата времени. В этом эссе я собираюсь поразмышлять над этим вопросом.

Лично я твердо верю, что университетское образование играет важнейшую роль в получении хорошо оплачиваемой работы. Начнем с того, что академия дает людям большие знания и теорию, которые пригодятся в будущем, в частности, могут быть использованы в будущей профессии. Более того, такой жизненный опыт способствует совершенствованию личностных качеств, повышению статуса и становится востребованным на ценных работах.

Однако есть и противоположное мнение. Другие считают, что получение университетского образования — пустая трата времени. Они уверены, что сегодня можно найти хорошую работу без ученой степени. Современная профессия требует личных качеств.

Тем не менее, я не могу согласиться с этим мнением, потому что высшее образование гарантирует хорошую работу. После окончания учебы все университеты должны предоставить выпускникам лучшие работы.

Учитывая разные мнения по этому поводу, хочу сказать, что университетское образование важно для людей. Это даёт много возможностей и помогает в будущей жизни.

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A good education is the key to a successful life

Nowadays lots of young people decide to go to the university. They want to have higher education, as it allows to get a good job and provides good future. Sometimes people who graduated are only egg heads with attitude for a big career. They forget that diplomas or certificates are not the most important. In my opinion a good education is important but there are things that are more important to achieve in life.

Imagine a young student who has just graduated his studies. He had been studying for many years to get a diploma and finally start covering his living costs. In the meantime he forgot about other important things which can be useful in his life. He thought that diploma is everything he needs and that he is independent enough to live on his own. He decided to apply for a job in many companies but it was more difficult than he had thought before. I think that in this situation family connections can be very important. Maybe someone can give him an advice and help at the beginning. In my opinion, in addition to a good education support of the family and friends can be also helpful.

Presently employers do not want to employ only an egg heads with diplomas and certificates. They also want employees with personality, interests or with ability to work in a group. These features are also useful in everyday life. It is important to have a good contact with other people as it can help in dealing in with various issues ( even at the office or at the post).

It is often said that you cannot achieve anything without education. The best refutation of this thesis are famous people which even did not end their studies for example: Steve Jobs who left college after a term. In order to accomplish successes you need a bit of luck, desire and motivation.

I think that a good education is not the key to a successful life but it is also important. In my opinion there are some more important things which can make your life a success. I hope that arguments above fully confirms my opinion

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University education is the key to getting a good job (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is generally agreed that the university education is the main thing to get a good job in the future. However, there are people who do not think the same way and find it unnecessary.

Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue. Of course, the university education is important as it gives fundamental knowledge of the future job. It is an important live step that everybody needs to pass. Furthermore, many companies do not employ workers without the university education. it becomes difficult for people who do not have this education to find a good highly paid job.

There is another side to this issue. My opponents claim that the university education is not important. They are convinced that it is just wasting of time and it will not be useful for many students in the future.

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Учителя ведущих школ и действующие эксперты Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации.

For example, there are cases in which a person after his or her graduation finds out that it is not interesting and his or her education was just wasting of time. Also, education is not cheap and many parents cannot afford it for their children.

I disagree with this position because every education is an useful experience that will really help you in the future job. If a student finds out that he or she does not want to continue the education in this sphere, it is easy to change it and start to study in the another university. Many of them offer budget places for students. If a person has good points on the exam, it will not be a problem to study for free.

In conclusion I would like to say that the university education is necessary to get a good job, but every student should find the sphere which will be interesting for him or her. Qualified people are the best candidates and they get highly paid jobs.

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К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

Тема эссе раскрыта хорошо, но есть существенное превышение допустимого объёма – в тексте насчитывается 314 слов. В соответствии с критериями оценивания, проверке подлежит только часть сочинения до слов budget places for students включительно. Соответственно, заключительные мысли четвёртого абзаца и вывод считаются отсутствующими.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст корректно разделён на абзацы, в нём в целом верно использованы средства логической связи.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) find it unnecessary – find university education unnecessary [Рекомендую заменить местоимение it на обозначаемое им словосочетание во избежание путницы относительно значения it ];

2) gives fundamental knowledge – provides a fundamental knowledge [Лучше использовать глагол provide];

3) an important live step that everybody needs to pass – an important step in life that everybody needs to take [Заменяем live на life, а pass – на take];

4) just wasting of time – just a waste of time [Предложенное выражение встречается гораздо чаще];

5) budget places – state-funded places [Слово budget имеет значение «бюджетный», когда имеется в виду что-то дешёвое и доступное – «бюджетный отдых/рейс/вариант и т.д.» В нашем же предложении следует использовать слово state-funded, т.е. «финансируемый государством»].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) the university education – university education [Артикль в выражениях со словом education обычно не требуется];

2) gives fundamental knowledge – provides a fundamental knowledge [Рекомендуется использовать артикль];

3) an useful experience – a useful experience [Неверно выбран артикль, поскольку, согласно правилу, вариант артикля зависит от последующего звука, а не от последующей буквы].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

it becomes difficult – It becomes difficult [Предложение должно начинаться с заглавной буквы].

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Это сочинение написано выпускницей 2013 года Василенко Надеждой, в котором она убедительно аргументирует своё мнение об образовании как о прочной основе успеха в жизни. Таково поколение Z !


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Success means different things for different people. Many of them are sure that it is equivalent to wealth. The greater pile of money they can spend on the attributes of a comfortable life, the greater their success is. However, for some people education comes first. Personally, I believe that it is good education that makes up a solid foundation for success in future.

First and foremost, good education forms your outlook, broadens your mind and teaches you to look into the root of the things. As a result, you are able to set life goals and to achieve them. Knowledge allows you to foresee consequences, desirable and not, and to make a right decision avoiding rough mistakes. Additionally, if you know any foreign languages, it helps you to integrate in different fields and communicate with overseas partners. Thus, a well-educated person knows what he wants and how to get it in a better civilized way.

The second thing is that good education shapes your personality. It makes you self-confident, self-actualized and independent of various happenings, crises and governments. Also, a well-educated person is free spiritually. He is free of such low human feelings as envy, greediness, meanness. I guess, a person cannot be thought to be successful if he has inferiority complex (комплекс неполноценности). Thus, good education allows you to have a high estimation which is the basis of success, as I see it.

And last but not least, good education gives you a possibility to find a better job, to get a sooner promotion and as a result to be well-paid. Though, money itself is not the aim. Well-being results from a successful professional activity. A well-educated person does not live for the sake of money. He is able to live a full interesting life, to support harmonic relationships, to create beauty around him. On the whole, there is so much good in a good education that all its advantages can be listed on and on. I think I have been quite convincing to prove that a good education is the key to a successful life.

In conclusion, success means different things, but it is apparent that good education includes all the items: high self-estimation, accomplishment of life goals, financial prosperity and spiritual health. Also, as psychologists say, well-educated people are ill less and remain young longer. It is true to life.


Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success

Working hard at getting a good education has long been seen as the right thing to do, because education is the key to success. But why? Find out more here.

Working hard at school and going on to further education or college has long been encouraged by parents and teachers for generations, as most people believe education is the key to success.

Civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.” His words still ring true today. Even at a high school level, students are encouraged to analyse texts, numbers and trends to allow them to see society in a new light. This broadens the mind and helps us to see the world afresh. But there are many other fantastic reasons that education is good for us — and many ways in which it can be the key to professional success.

Source: Unsplash

1. It helps you gain personal control of your life

You might not have been born into the life you want to live forever. And that’s where education can help. By getting an education, you give yourself the chance to change your life for the better. You might graduate and become a manager instead of an entry-level employee. You might become a CEO or shareholder and take home profits at the end of the month instead of just a salary. Over time, your whole world can open up and new, exciting personal and career opportunities can develop. University of the People offers lots of options to get educated at a university level. And as UoPeople is tuition-free, coming from a family that can’t sponsor your studies is not a barrier to getting started.

2. It helps to make the world a better place

As you gain your education, you’ll be gaining a deeper understanding of what’s right, wrong, fair and unfair. As you develop your reasoning and critical thinking skills, you’ll be able to apply these skills to situations in your life. You’ll be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a citizen. You’ll make more balanced personal judgments and over time, you’ll apply these to society and help to make the world a better place.

3. If gives you the skills required for employment

As you progress through a college degree, you’ll learn how to manage your time; how to juggle several tasks at the same time and how to interact with all kinds of people, from fellow students to professors and industry professionals. These skills are vital for the future. When you go into the workplace — or back into the workplace if you’re a mature student — you’ll take a more carefully honed set of interpersonal and organisational skills with you. All of which will help you shine at work and cope with the challenges that the professional world throws at you.

4. It gives you increased earning power

A recent study from Georgetown University found that, on average, college graduates earn $1 million more in earnings over their lifetime. Another study by the Pew Research Center found that the median yearly income gap between high school and college graduates is around $17,500. Of course, if you’re paying back student loans not all of this will be profit. But studying with a tuition-free university such as University of the People you can forgo this problem, as you won’t have to borrow money to pay for tuition as you learn. There are also many scholarships available to cover the minimal assessment fees.

Source: Unsplash

5. Education allows you to turn your dreams into a reality

When Mark Zuckerberg was at college, he dreamed of a more connected society and invented Facebook. The rest is history. But even if you don’t invent a website that will change the world, college can connect you with the chance to live your dreams.

If a higher salary is on your wishlist, you’re in luck. According to the American Institute For Economic Research, college grads aged 25-32 earn $17,000 more each year than those who didn’t go to college, and 72% of millennials of the same age say their degree has already paid off. And if you’re over 32? Don’t worry! There’s no upper limit on your earning power. Get the degree under your belt, and whatever age you are, you may find your dreams become one step closer to reality.

6. It gives you confidence and staying power

A degree is considered proof of your intelligence by many. Even at the high school level, getting a certificate in a certain subject is a way of proving to the outside world that you have an in-depth knowledge of that subject and that you can stick out challenging scenarios to the end. You can get through the tough times, the deadlines, the nights spent in front of the computer, frantically writing your paper. You did it and this will help you to believe in yourself and others (employers) to believe in you. You’ll also be one step ahead in the knowledge stakes — having dedicated time to studying the latest books, papers and learnings on a subject, you will have an in-depth understanding of your subject matter, compared to those who only have general knowledge.

7. Education sharpens your financial intelligence

Let’s be honest — a big part of getting your degree is managing your finances so you can have enough cash in the short-term to afford to finish the course. Even simple things like working out how to make $100 a week from a part-time job, or reading up on interest rates on loans for tuition fees, can help you develop budgeting skills and economic understanding that will set you in good stead for life.

Source: Unsplash

8. Education helps you channel your energy

Whether you’re learning woodwork or business economics, singing or coding, the chance to follow a curriculum from start to finish gives you the chance to channel your energy out of your body and brain and into something else in a targeted way. Learning a new skill or subject can help you feel more energetic, purposeful and positive about life in general.


Education is a mind-expanding gift that can broaden your horizons and enrich your life. But there are other pertinent reasons for getting an education too. It can really help you break into new industries, be taken seriously and boost your overall confidence. Long days in the library or studying at home on your laptop can be tough, but you will learn a lot of life-enhancing, transferable skills in between the assignments, that will be with you forever.

