
The лун to test

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Key to the tests

The number after the answer tells you which unit of the book has information and practice on that grammar point. The letter after the number tells you which section of the unit to look at.

The girls are playing tennis at the moment. 4B

2 Both my brothers like sport. 5B

3 Anna is wearing her new coat today. 4B

4 What colour do you like best? 5C

5 My suitcase weighs ten kilos. 7B

6 At the moment I’m staying at a hotel. 6C

7 Robert catches the same bus every morning. 5B

8 What does this word here mean? 5C, 6B

lD 1 I’m thinking 7B, cost 7C, It’s/It is getting 4C

2 look 7B, they don’t fit 7B, I don’t know 7B

3 are you doing 6A, I’m/I am weighing 7B, I need 7A

4 I think 7B, is going 6A, I agree 5A

5 I like 7C, Are you enjoying 7C, I’m/I am loving 7C

6 I’m/I am always falling 6D, do you go 6A, it doesn’t make 6A

7 I’m living 6C, I’m looking 4C, I promise 5A

8 do you want 6B, I don’t understand 6B, you’re/you are being 7B

2B 1 I was wearing my old coat. 9B, 9C

2 We were (both) on holiday. 8B

3 I didn’t make a mistake. 8C

4 The boys were playing (a game of) cards. 9B, 9C

5 I didn’t know about the change of plan. 8C, 8D

6 My friend won the competition. 8B

7 Did the Romans build this wall? 8C

walked/went 8B, 8D

It was peaceful and the birds were

2 I was washing my hair when the phone rang. 10B

3 You didn’t come to the club last night. 8C

4 It took ages to get home. 8B

5 We tried to keep quiet because the baby was sleeping. 9B

6 As I was watching him, the man suddenly ran away. 10B

7 We passed a petrol-station two minutes ago. 8B

8 Everything seemed OK. 10A

9 Where did you buy that bag? 8C

10 When I heard the alarm, I left the room immediately. 10B

2E 1 was lying 10B, rang 10B, stopped 10A

2 was 10A, left 10B, was falling IOC

3 came 10A, seemed 10A, enjoyed 10A

4 saw 10B, was standing 10B, had 10A

5 opened 1 OB, fell 10B

6 was walking 10B, felt 10B, didn’t know 10A

7 were going 10A, heard 10A, drove 10A

8 happened 10A, was driving 10A, saw 10A

‘s/has opened 1 IB

2 ‘s/has drawn 11C

3 ‘s/has broken 11C

5 ‘ve/have drunk/finished 11C, 11B

6 ‘ve/have washed/cleaned 1 IB

7 ‘ve/have learnt/learned 11C, 1 IB

8 have arrived/come 11B, 11C

9 haven’t finished 12A

2 Ve/have never seen 15B

6 did you get 15C

9 did you get 14C

10 haven’t ridden 14C

12 Have you ever baked 15B

15 Have you seen 15C

16 ‘ve/have been 15A

1 The doctor has been working since six o’clock. 16C

2 Rupert had forgotten his credit card. 18A

3 I didn’t want to go until I’d/I had taken a photo. 19D

4 Nancy has written the report. 17A

5 I’ve/I have been waiting in the queue (for) forty minutes (so far). 16C

6 When we arrived, everyone was dancing. 19C

7 I’ve had/I have had the computer for four years. 17B

8 When we were having/eating lunch, there was a knock at the door. 19C

9 Nigel felt sick because he’d/he had eaten too many cakes. 20C

4C 1 I’d/I had been on holiday. 19D

2 I’ve/I have been playing badminton. 16C

3 I’d had/1 had had a shock. 17A

4 How long have you been working? 16D

5 Lots of people were walking along the street outside. 19B

6 She’s/She has been practising her English since last summer. 16C

7 I’ve/I have passed my exam. 17A

8 She’d/She had been lying in the sun for too long. 20C

9 But the coach had already gone. 18A

4D 1 I’ve/I have finished 18C

2 have we been waiting 17A, We’ve/We have been 17B

3 we’d/we had drunk, she hurried 19D

4 I was having, I heard 19C

5 have you been doing 16D, We’ve/We have done 17A

6 she’d/she had been crying 20C, she’d had/she had had 18A

7 heard, threw 19D

5A 1 I’m/I am living 21B, I’ve/I have found 21C

2 I think, it belongs 21B

3 I’m/I am using 21B, I want 21B, I’ve/I have started 21C

4 You leave 21B, I’ve had/I have had 21D, I’ve/I have been rushing 21D

4 called/rang/phoned 21F

5C 1 It’s/It has been raining for ten hours. 2ID

2 I think it’s the right thing to do. 21 B

3 We’ve moved our/the sofa. 21C

4 I was having/eating (some/my) breakfast when Susan rang. 21E

5 They always play badminton on Tuesday. 21B

I was looking 21E

They opened 21C

3 I’ve been trying 21D

5F 1 failed 21C

5 were walking 21E

8 hadn’t arrived 21F

9 had been waiting 21G/were waiting 2IE

10 have been trying/have tried 2ID

11 have had 21D

12 are taking 21B

2 will 23B (Also possible: won’t)

10 about (Also possible: going/ready)

6B 1 What time does it get to London? 26B

2 I’ll tell her when T see her this evening. 27A

3 He’s about to fall asleep. 26C

4 We’re/We are meeting in town later, OR We’re/We are going to meet in town later. 26A

5 I’ll send you a postcard. 23B

6 I can read a book while I’m waiting. 27C

7 I’m/I am going to lie down. 24A

8 All your friends will be there. 23D

9 No one can go into the building until the police have searched it. 27C

6D 1 leaves 26B

2 I’m going to apply 25A

4 it’s about to open 26C

6 Are you doing 26A

6E 1 I’m/I am going to have a rest. 24A

2 (The) term starts on 6 September. 26B

3 There will be a world war in five years’ time. 23B

4 Judy and I are/We’re playing tennis tomorrow. 26A

5 Prices will probably fall. 25C

(Also possible: Prices are probably going to fall.)

6 The car is/We’re going to crash! 24C

7C 1 ’11/will be having 28B

2 was going to drive 29B

3 ’11/will be working 28B

4 ’11/will have done 29A

5 were going to buy 29B

6 ’11/will have had 29A

7D 1 I’m/I am going 26A OR I’m/I am going to go 24A

2 I’m/I am leaving 26A OR I leave 26B OR I’m going to leave 24A

3 I’m/I am visiting 26A OR I’m/I am going to visit 24A

4 That’ll/That will be 25A

5 starts 26B/is starting 26A

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7 I’ll/I will send 23B

7E 1 We’ll wait for you. 23B

2 This train stops at Bath. 26B

3 My friend was going to meet us. 29B

4 Adrian is having a job interview on 17 October. 26A

5 We’ll/We will have finished our meal by eight o’clock. 29A

6 I might go on the trip. 30C

7 The fire is about to go out. 26C

7F 1 I’m going to move 24A

3 we’re going 26A

4 He’s going to jump 24C

5 I’ll be using 28C

8A 1 Where have you been? 36B

2 Do you sell postcards? 34B

3 Who does this calculator belong to? 39A

4 How long are you staying here? 36C

5 What is your new office like? 38B

6 Which of the flights are full? 39B

7 What time does the carnival start? 36C

8 What holiday has Nancy decided on? 38A

What colour 36C

8C 1 Are you a student here? 34B

2 How many cakes have you eaten? 37B

3 Did you enjoy your walk? 34B

4 Where have your friends gone? 36B

5 What kind of music do you like? 36C

6 Does Peter play tennis? 34B

7 What are you talking about? 38A

8 What has happened? 37A

8D 1 Where did you buy your coat? 36B

2 Can Amy swim? 34B

3 Which band do you like best? 37B

4 Who am I speaking to? 38A

5 How much do video recorders cost? 36C

6 May/Can I come in (, please)? 34A

7 How long does the journey take? 36B

8 What did you lock the door for? 38B

9 What happens next? 37A

10 Shall we (all) go out together? 34A

8E 1 How many cars have the Smiths got/do the Smiths have? 36C

2 Where does Janet work? 36B

3 Why is Andrea learning English? 36A

4 What was the film like? 38B

5 When will the meeting take place? 36B

6 Who switched off the computer? 37A

7 Whose burglar alarm was ringing? 37B

8 Who did Anna go to the dance with? 38A

9B 1 Where do you live? 36B

2 What are you thinking about? 38A

3 Would you like to come to my room? 34A

4 Didn’t you watch the football match on television? 41C

5 May I take a photo (, please)? 34A

6 Have you seen Polly? 34B

7 How many letters have you written? 37B

8 Who is/Who’s coming to your party? 37A

9 How often does Martin cook? 36C

10 What will the weather be (like) tomorrow? 38B

9C 1 No, it hasn’t. 35B

2 No, 1 hate it/Yes, 1 love it. 41D

3 Yes, I expect so. 43B

4 It isn’t very nice, is it? 42B

5 Yes, please. 35C

6 So am I./I am too. 43A

7 I hope not. 43B

8 Neither did the second. 43A

9D 1 How old are you? 36C

2 Did you go to college? 34B

3 What are your interests? 39A

4 Which company do you work for? 38A

5 What don’t you like about your job? 41E

10C 1 We ought to be careful. 49B

2 I was able to finish all my work. 44C

3 It must have been a terrible experience for you. 53D

4 Players aren’t allowed/are not allowed to have a drink. 45C

5 You’d/You had better sit down. 49C

6 The report has to be on my desk tomorrow morning. 47A

7 Joanne mightn’t have/might not have received my message. 53C

8 Martin can’t be jogging in this weather. 46C

9 Tessa would like a cup of coffee. 52B

10 Nancy didn’t need to clean the flat. 48C

10D 1 asking permission 45A

2 giving an order 50B

3 asking for advice 49B

5 offering to help 5IB

6 making a suggestion 51A

7 refusing permission 45B

8 making a request 50A

9 expressing a wish 47B

10E 1 have/need 48B

2 may/might (Also possible: could) 46A

7 shouldn’t 49B (Also possible: mustn’t 48A)

11A 1 The film may be banned. 54C

2 Nancy was offered a pay increase. 57A

3 The mistakes need correcting/need to be corrected. 59B

4 The situation was reported to be under control. 57C

5 The new drug is being tested. 54B

6 The machine hasn’t been used for ages. 55B

llC 1 The song was sung by Pavarotti. 55B

2 Nigel had his passport stolen. 58D

3 Doctors are paid a lot of money. 57A

4 1 hope to be interviewed for the job. 59A

5 The floor was being cleaned. 54B

6 Judy is having her car repaired. 58B

7 Tessa got lost. 54D

8 It was agreed that the plan should go ahead. 57B

9 When did you get your kitchen decorated? 58C

10 Exercise is said to be good for you. 57C

The story was written by Agatha Christie. 55B

2 Baseball is played at this stadium. 54B

3 This shirt needs ironing/needs to be ironed. 59 B

4 I got my hair cut yesterday. 58C

5 It is believed that there is going to be a war. 57B

6 My parents got divorced last year. 54D

7 I’ve got a report to write. 59B

8 The winner was given a prize. 57A

9 This man on TV is supposed to be the tallest person in the world. 57C

to organize 62B

12B 1 We must avoid wasting so much time. 61A

2 Sometimes a country refuses to take part in the Olympics. 62B

3 I’d/I would like to see the Rocky Mountains some day. 63B

4 I meant to give Judy a nice welcome yesterday. 64E

5 I always like to see my doctor once a year. 63A

6 The buses usually stop running before midnight. 64D

7 I can’t face getting up at five tomorrow. 61C

8 Last year we made an agreement to work together. 60D

9 Yesterday you promised to carry on shooting the film. 62B

10 My father seems to be getting better now. 60B

3 seeing/meeting 61A

5 need 64G (Also possible: have/ought)

7 help 61C (Also possible: stop 64D)

12D 1 We’ve finished decorating the flat. 61A

2 I regret saying what I did. 63B

3 Tessa decided not to go to work. 60A

4 Do you mind helping me? 61B

5 I’m beginning to get worried. 63C

6 I can’t afford to buy a new car. 60A

7 I hope to avoid making things worse. 62E

8 Peter seems to have gone away already. 60B

12 E 1 The children couldn’t wait to see their presents. 62C

2 I can’t stand getting up in the dark. 61C

3 I happened to see your brother yesterday. 62D

4 The shop tends to open ten minutes late. 60C

5 Do you fancy going for a walk? 62C

6 The police carried on watching the house. 61D

7 I’ll/I will never forget seeing Nelson Mandela. 64A

13C 1 We saw Rupert looking in a shop window. 74A

2 I remember the clown falling over. 65D

3 Tessa wasn’t sure which way to go. 66C

4 The porter just stood there expecting a tip. 75A

5 How about going to the barbecue? 73B

6 Susan is used to (always) living in the country. 72B

7 I’m afraid of hurting myself. 71A

8 Christopher apologized for forgetting to pay. 70B

9 The food was too cold for Michelle to eat. 68C

10 It was silly of Polly to give away the secret. 67E (Also possible: Polly was silly to give away the secret.)

13E I breaking 70C, knock 74D

2 to see 69A(8), to forget 68D

3 doing 73C, to write 69A(2)

4 to bother 71C, to ask 66B

5 to play 72A, watch 69B(2)

14C 1 Every window was broken. 79B

2 My earnings aren’t enough to live on. 80A

3 There was litter everywhere. 77B

4 We went to the hotel to get some food. 76A

5 Judy bought a pair of binoculars. 81A

6 1 need a new cheque book. 82B

7 I’ll have a glass of orange juice, please. 78C

8 The reporter needed two pieces/bits/items of information. 77B

14D 1 We can’t sit here because the grass is wet. 79A

2 Do you want (some) butter on your bread? 76A

3 All my belongings were stolen. 80A

4 Do you have any information about hotels? 77B

5 The police are questioning two men. 81C

6 Can we have two coffees/two cups of coffee, please? 78D

7 The news isn’t very good, I’m afraid. 80B

8 I just want to go into this shoe shop. 82B

9 It’s only a short journey by train. 79B

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a piece of advice

the football match

13 A noise 78 B

sports club 82B

these glasses 81A

2 quite a difficult 89B

5 a really nice 89B

6 some photos 85D

7 the violin 86C

8 breakfast 84F

10 the radio 86C

11the environment 84B

12 such terrible 89C

10 some 85D/the 83B (Also possible: X)

14 a 83B (Also possible: one)

16 What 89D (Also possible: Such)

15E 1 a beautiful city 84C

2 The weather 84B

4 Princes Street 90G

5 the Royal Scottish Museum 901

6 the Highlands 90D

7 mountains 86B

11 some sunshine 85D (Also possible: sunshine)

12 beach holidays 88B

l6D 1 That was a very good idea of yours. 92E

2 You’ve got a lot of books, haven’t you? 95A

3 I don’t know the time of the meeting. 93B

4 Nigel has hurt his leg. 92C

5 All (of) the rooms in the house were cold. 96B

6 Wear anything — it doesn’t matter what. 94C

7 Each of the four doors was locked. 97A

8 I live my life, and my sister lives hers. 92A

9 Both socks/Both the socks/Both of the socks have got holes in them. 97C

10 Here’s a copy of this week’s magazine. 93C

11 This sweater is losing its colour. 92B

12 I want some paper, but there’s none in here. 96D

l6E 1 I’ve lived here most of my life. 96B

2 Every hotel was full. 97A

3 The house on the corner is bigger than ours. 92A

4 I’ve forgotten the name of my doctor. 93A

5 We have had/We’ve had little warning of the changes. 95C

6 So many people have applied for the job. 95B

7 I met an old boyfriend of yours at a party. 92E

8 Neither of the chairs is/are comfortable. 97C

9 My holiday starts in ten days’ time. 93C

each other’s 101B

17E 1 There’s/There is a train leaving in ten minutes. 99C

2 I think someone is/someone’s coming up the stairs. 103C

3 Let’s meet at eight o’clock, shall we? 100E

4 We haven’t got a camcorder, but we’d like one. 102C

5 Let’s do something different/something else today. 103D

6 They are/They’re going to build a new motorway through here. 98C

7 I’m afraid I haven’t done anything all day. 103B

8 Everyone enjoyed themselves at the barbecue. 100B, 100D

9 If you’re buying’a loaf, get a nice fresh one. 102B

10 I’ve looked everywhere for my credit card. 103A

11 The two friends still see each other/see one another occasionally. 101B

18A 1 freely 109C

2 The young man 106C

4 thoughtfully 108C

6 fascinating 107B

9 the disabled 106B

10 confused 107B

11 scientifically 108B

12 frightened 104C

18 B 1 This is a nice place. 104B

2 I can’t find the large biscuit tin. 105B

3 Tessa behaved in a silly way. 109A

4 Your coffee is getting cold. 104B

5 They live in a lovely old stone house. 105C

6 This hospital is for the mentally ill. 106B

18 D1 The drink tasted strange. 108C

2 Obviously, the sick need to be looked after. 106A

3 The dog was asleep. 104C

4 The young woman spoke politely. 108A

5 The train arrived late. 109C

6 The film ends dramatically. 108B

7 Polly shouted angrily. 108B

8 Billiards is an indoor game. 104C

9 The clown was amusing. 107B

(Also possible: People found the clown amusing.)

10 There was hardly any time left. 109C

18E I I tasted the soup carefully. 108C

3 Are the children asleep? 104C

4 It’s a school for the deaf/for deaf people. 106C

5 It’s a nice new leather jacket. 105C

6 The rich are/Rich people are very lucky. 106A

8 He used a thick green paper towel. 105C

10 The course I started was boring./I was bored with the course I started. 107B

11 I often talk to the two old people/men/women next door. 106C

12 The smoke rose high into the air. 109C

14 We felt disappointed when we lost. 107B

15 Everyone seemed very nervous. 108C

16 Tessa drives too fast. 109B

19A 1 more intelligent HOB

4 more carefully 110D

8 more useful 11 OB

11 more annoyed HOB

12 more nervous HOB

most horrible HOB

most helpful 11 OB

most recent HOB

most modern HOB

5 most boring 11 OB

the easier 112D

19E 1 is bigger than the living-room 11 IB

2 fitter than I am 11OC, 111B

3 is as big as 111D

4 just get higher and higher 112C

5 is more expensive than 110A, 111B

6 is the least difficult 112A

7 more and more excited 112C

8 most romantic story I’ve ever 111C

20A 1 I quite like old cowboy films. 115C

2 Have you finished this magazine yet? 114B

3 This coat is too big. 117B

4 Have the children already had their tea?/Have the children had their tea already? 114C

5 You certainly don’t look ill. 113G

6 We don’t go out much. 115D

7 I think everyone works fairly hard. 115B

8 I still don’t know the date of the meeting. 114C

9 The others are just getting ready. 113B

10 I have to go to work on Saturdays./On Saturdays I have to go to work. 113H

20B 1 This game is rather silly. 115B

2 I’ve already paid the bill./I’ve paid the bill already. 114C

3 The alarm isn’t loud enough. 117B

4 Jonathan passed the test easily./Jonathan easily passed the test. 113C

5 The children play cards a lot. 115C

6 They didn’t sell enough tickets. 117B

7 You ask too many questions. 117B

8 I’m not a member of the club any more. 114D

9 It’s warm enough to sit outside. 117C

20DI I didn’t sleep very well last night./Last night I didn’t sleep very well. 113E

2 I think I need to rest a little. 115C

3 I don’t work for the company any longer. 114D

4 The article is fairly interesting. 115A

5 Tessa locked the door carefully./Tessa carefully locked the door. 113C

6 You aren’t tall enough to play basketball. 117B

7 We went to town yesterday./Yesterday we went to town. 113H

8 I like this music very much./I very much like this music. 115D

20E 1 We go to the cinema a lot. 115C

2 Adrian always wears jeans. 113F

3 These shoes aren’t big enough. 117A

4 I no longer live in Birmingham. 114D

5 Polly spent too much money in the sales. 117B

2lA 1 The doctor has been working for twelve hours. 121B

2 We had a great time at the disco. 119B

3 The woman was getting out of the car. 118A

4 The players had numbers on their shirts. 119A

5 The new manager takes over in two weeks’ time. 120C

6 Anna drove to the garage to get some petrol. 118B

7 We were sitting at the back of the room. 119C

2lE 1 Scott lives in Washington. 119A

2 I’m travelling to Italy on business. 120A

3 I’m busy on Friday morning. 120A

4 They’ve/They have been playing (for) an hour. 121A

5 Jonathan is very good at tennis. 125C

6 I’m rather busy at the moment. 120A

7 We went/travelled to Budapest by air. 123C

8 Nigel goes past the newsagent’s every day. 118A

9 The company is planning (to make) a reduction in the workforce. 124C

10 We got to our guest house in time for a meal. 120B

22A 1 I must pay for my ticket. 126B

2 I’m going to put on that expensive grey coat I bought. 128C

3 She’s invited us to lunch. 127B

4 He’s looking at them. 126A

5 The police prevented me from leaving. 127B

6 I’m going to turn it off. 128C

22C 1 You’ve left one out. 128B

2 I’ve never heard of it. 126C

3 They ran away from it. 131A

4 You must congratulate her on her success. 127B

5 She’s going to set up her own company. 129B

6 He reminds me of an old schoool friend of mine. 127C

7 He wants to put it forward at the meeting. 129C

3 look/watch 13 IB

8 out 129A (Also possible: over)

10 forward 13IB

22E 1 You’re too young to give up working. 129B

2 This bag belongs to Janet. 126A

3 Everyone carried on working as usual. 130B

4 They discussed the plan. 126C

5 I’ve/1 have run out of money. 13 IB

Читайте также:  Когда остается только луна

6 I explained the problem to the police./I explained to the police what the problem was. 127C

7 I wouldn’t put up with such terrible conditions. 131B

8 They’ll have to put off the game/put the game off. 128B

23C 1 they 133B

2 that/if/whether 132B

7 wouldn’t/didn’t 134C

8 if/whether 135B

9 wanted/needed/had 135A

10 next/following/same 134B

23D I she said she felt quite excited. 133B, 134B

2 he said he couldn’t remember the code word. 133B, 134C

3 he said he wouldn’t be at the next meeting. 133B, 134C

4 they said they had/they’d got a problem. 133B, 134B

5 she said she’d been swimming/she had been swimming. 133B, 134B

6 they said they would like to be in the show. 133B, 134C

7 he said he didn’t need any help. 133B, 134B

8 she said her sister was coming to see her. ] 33B, 134B

23E 1 A policeman told Christopher to stop shouting. 136A

2 Tessa admitted eating all the cake/having eaten all the cake the day before/the previous day. 133B, 136B

3 Adrian apologized for being rude/for having been rude. 136B

4 Simon invited Susan to join him for lunch. 133B, 136B

5 Martin asked Nancy if/whether someone rang her/someone had rung her an hour before. 133B, 135B

6 Peter insisted on leaving. 136B

2 entering 143A

7 that you took 138A

24B 1 This isn’t the train on which I normally travel. 139C/

This isn’t the train (that/which) I normally travel on. 139B

2 The letter that I opened wasn’t for me. 137B

3 The reason (why/that) I didn’t know was that no one had told me. 142C

4 What we should do is ring the police. HOB

5 I didn’t know the name of the man who/that helped me. 138B

6 Rupert knows the family whose house is for sale. 140A

7 Einstein, who failed his university entrance exam, discovered relativity. 141B

8 The person we talked to was very friendly./138B The people we talked to were very friendly.

9 It’s the President who makes the important decisions. 14OC

10 I can’t find my diary, which is a real nuisance. 142D

11 Outside the door was a pair of boots covered in mud. 143A

12 Lake Superior, which lies on the US-Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America. 142A

(Also possible: that)

2 that/which 133B

3 that/which 135A

5 that/which 133B

24DI that/which crashed was 137B/, which crashed, was 142A

2 (when/that) Martin rang (,) Tessa was 142C

3 new offices are 133A/offices, which are new, are 142A

4 stolen from a car have been 143A /

that/which were stolen from a car have been 137B

5 (that/which) you were looking at is 139A-B

6 Theatre, which dates from 1896, is 142A

7 whose dog was run over was 140A

8 the first (person) to solve 143B/the first (person) who solved 137B

9 selling newspapers was standing 143A /

who was selling newspapers was standing 137B

10 (that/which) Judy gave was 138A-B/, which Judy gave, was 142A

11 where I used to live is 142C/(that/which) I used to live in 139A-B/in which 1 used to live 139C

25A 1 it would have opened 146B

2 disappear 144B

3 travelled 145B

4 would be 147B

5 they don’t build 144B

6 would suffer 145B

7 I’ll go 144B/I’m going to go 147B

8 I’d/I had known 146B

9 I’d/I would have moved 146B

10 they’d/they had done 147B

11 there won’t be/there might not be 144B

25B 1 had been 146B

25C I If you talk about football, I’m going to be very bored. 147B

2 If the baby had cried, we wouldn’t have had a good sleep. 146B

3 If you want a chat, just give me a ring. 147B

4 If Nigel had satellite TV, he could watch/would be able to watch the game. 145B

5 If you go away, I’ll miss you. 144B

6 If I was/were rich, I’d/1 would have given up working long ago. 146D

7 If we’d/we had bought that picture five years ago, it would be quite valuable now. 146D

8 If you throw a stone into water, it sinks, OR If you throw a stone into water, it’ll/it will sink. 144D

25D 1 If it rains, I’ll stay here. 144B

2 Can you tell me when it starts? 148B

3 I wouldn’t need to repeat things all the time if you listened. 145B

4 If air gets warmer, it rises. 144D

5 I’d better get another one made in case I lose it. 148D

6 I wish we’d/we had left home earlier. 149D

7 If it doesn’t arrive today, we’ll have to complain. 144B

8 I wish someone would turn it down. 149B

9 Unless we act quickly, it’ll be too late. 148C

10 But he wouldn’t have been angry if you hadn’t damaged his stereo. 146B

17 Our friends . meet us at the airport tonight. a) are b) are going to c) go to d) will be to

18 a party next Saturday. We’ve sent out the invitations. a) We had b) We have c) We’ll have d) We’re having

I’ll tell Anna all the news when

a) I’ll see b) I’m going to see c) I see d) I shall see

At this time tomorrow

over the Atlantic.

a) we flying b) we’ll be flying c) we’ll fly d) we to fly

a) Does he have b) Has he c) Has he got d) Is he having

like that coat. It’s really nice.

a) am b) do c) very d) yes

Questions, negatives and answers

What’s the weather like in Canada? How often .

a) does it snow b) does it snows c) snow it d) snows it

a) did it win b) did they win c) won d) won it

What did you leave the meeting early .

I didn’t feel very well.

a) away b) because c) for d) like

Unfortunately the driver.

a) didn’t saw b) didn’t see c) no saw d) saw not

You haven’t eaten your pudding. .

a) Are you no want b) Do you no want c) Don’t want you d) Don’t you want

28 I really enjoyed the disco. It was great. ?

a) is it b) isn’t it c) was it d) wasn’t it

29 Are we going the right way?

a) indeed b) it c) so d) yes

The chemist’s was open, so luckily I .

buy some aspirin.

a) can b) can’t c) did can d) was able to

Susan has to work very hard. I.

do her job, I’m sure.

a) can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t d) shouldn’t

We had a party last night .

spend all morning clearing up the mess.

a) I must have b) I’ve been to c) I’ve had to d) I’ve must

There was no one else at the box office. I.

a) didn’t need to wait b) mustn’t wait c) needn’t have waited d) needn’t wait

. I carry that bag for you?

a) Do b) Shall c) Will d) Would

Adjectives and adverbs

68 The house was . building.

a) a nice old stone b) a nice stone old c) a stone old nice d) an old nice stone

69 The government is doing nothing to help.

a) poor b) the poor c) the poors d) the poor ones

70 The young man seems very.

a) sensible b) sensiblely c) sensibley d) sensibly

missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch it.

a) mostly b) near c) nearest d) nearly

This detailed map is .

a) more useful as b) more useful than c) usefuller as d) usefuller than

This place gets.

crowded with tourists every summer.

a) always more b) crowded and more c) from more to more d) more and more

Yes, I have got the report .

a) I just am reading b) I’m just reading c) I’m reading just d) Just I’m reading

I’ve read this paragraph three times, and I .

a) can’t still b) can’t yet c) still can’t d) yet can’t

We’re really sorry. We regret what happened.

