
Ушку is the лун

Ушку is the лун

1 Eire

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См. также в других словарях:

Éire — (pronounced|ˈeːrʲə pronunciation|Eire.ogg) is the Irish name for the island of Ireland and of the state of the same name. Etymology Éire is the nominative form in modern Irish of the name for the goddess called Ériu in Old Irish, a mythical… … Wikipedia

Éire Óg — may refer to:* Éire Óg (band), a popular Irish rebel music band. * Eire Og/Corrachoill GAA, a Gaelic Athletic Association club in Kildare * Eire Og Greystones GAA, a Gaelic Athletic Association club in Wicklow, Ireland * Éire Óg GAA (Oxford), a… … Wikipedia

Eire — Éire (irisch) Ireland (engl.) Irland … Deutsch Wikipedia

Éire — (irisch) Ireland (engl.) Irland … Deutsch Wikipedia

Eire — [ e:ri, engl.: ɛərə ]; s: irischer Name von ↑ Irland. * * * Éire [ eːri], irischer Name für Irland. * * * Eire [ e:ri; engl. ɛərə]; s: irischer Name von Irland … Universal-Lexikon

eire — eire, n. Air. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Eire — Eire, prop. n. the Irish name for Ireland; the name used in 1937 to 1949 for the Republic of Ireland. Syn: Erin, Ireland. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

eire — eire, or eyre /er/ In old English law, a journey, route, or circuit. Justices in eire were judges who were sent by commission, every seven years, into various counties to hold the assizes and hear pleas of the crown. 3 Bl. Comm. 58 … Black’s law dictionary

eire — eire, or eyre /er/ In old English law, a journey, route, or circuit. Justices in eire were judges who were sent by commission, every seven years, into various counties to hold the assizes and hear pleas of the crown. 3 Bl. Comm. 58 … Black’s law dictionary

Eire — nom gaélique de la république d Irlande … Encyclopédie Universelle

Eire — another name for the Republic of Ireland … Dictionary of contemporary English


Перевод песни Music Is the key (Sarah Connor)

Music Is the key

Музыка это ключ

People have always been singing
To wipe away tears
To ease all their pain
Music has always been healing
Some people just sometimes
And others again and again and again
So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key – sets you free

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Stories we’ve always been telling
It’s part of our nature
To speak with a friend
Visions we’ve always been seeing
At night in our dreams
The power of music will win in the end
So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key

It’s the key to the heart of all people
It can open the door to your soul
It’s the key to a world
Where the flower of love
Always grows – don’t you know…

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key
Whenever you’re losing faith
Just wanna leave your place
Come sing along with me
Trust me that music is the key

Just sing with me loud and strong
Help us to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key – sets you free

Люди постоянно поют
Чтобы высушить слезы,
Чтобы избавиться от боли
Музыка всегда исцеляет
Одних иногда,
А других – снова, и снова, и снова.
Итак, мы надеемся, ты готов сегодня

Всякий раз, когда ты падаешь,
Теряешь надежду или подавлен,
Найди свою мелодию,
Поверь мне, музыка – это ключ.
Она даст тебе ощущение достоинства и силы,
Поможет пережить невзгоды.
Если ты опустился на колени,
Ты должен петь вместе со мной.
Музыка – это ключ, освободи себя.

Мы все время рассказываем истории.
Такова отчасти наша сущность –
Поговорить с друзьями.
Мы всегда видим образы
По ночам, в наших снах.
Сила музыки в конце концов победит.
Итак, мы надеемся, ты готов сегодня

Всякий раз, когда ты падаешь,
Теряешь надежду или подавлен,
Найди свою мелодию,
Поверь мне, музыка – это ключ.
Она даст тебе ощущение достоинства и силы,
Поможет пережить невзгоды.
Если ты опустился на колени,
Ты должен петь вместе со мной.
Музыка – это ключ.

Это ключ к сердцам всех людей,
Она может открыть двери твоей души,
Это ключ в мир,
Где цветы любви
Вечно растут – ты это знаешь, не так ли…

Всякий раз, когда ты падаешь,
Теряешь надежду или подавлен,
Найди свою мелодию,
Поверь мне, музыка – это ключ.
Всякий раз, когда теряешь веру,
Да просто хочешь сбежать,
Давай, пой вместе со мной.
Верь мне, музыка – это ключ.

Просто пой со мной громко и уверенно,
Помоги нам выстоять.
Если ты опустился на колени,
Ты должен петь со мной.
Музыка – это ключ, освободи себя.

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“Is key” or “is the key”?

This means that, as with any distributed application, concurrency is key: we have at least one flow of execution per node running concurrently with all others, and [. ]

I was told to change it to «is the key». Is that right?

3 Answers 3

«Is the key» implies that it is the only, or most important, factor. «Is key» means it’s important. Which did you mean?

When something «is key» it is essential

if «concurrency» is essential, then you used the word properly.

if concurrency is only preferable but optional then «is key» doesn’t make sense.

Regarding «is the key»

that wording would be correct if you said e.g: «concurrency is the key to making all rivers flow at the same speed» (yes, i’m playing with currents) but you could also say: «when making all rivers flow at the same speed, concurrency is key» . it really depends on where in the sentence «key» appears. hope that’s clear.

I think something that is missed here is that using «key» as an adjective (key point, key findings, etc.), although common for quite a while, is still somewhat debated, but using it predicatively (something is key), is only recently in vogue by some, and definitely not standard. So when the initial questioner was told to change «is key» to «is the key», it was to use standard English, perceived variations of meaning notwithstanding. (Since we are on a language usage page, I should point out that Chad should have used «implies» instead of «infers» in his comment.)


Should I use “key” or “a/the key”?

The word key is both an adjective and a noun meaning something is important. But which is the preferred one to use in terms of different territories? For example, should I say

In the first sentence, key means critical, crucial. And in the second sentence, key means the deciding factor for solving a problem.

As an English learner, I’m more interested in AmE and BrE, while usages in other places are also helpful to me. So which one sounds better to the those native speakers? Or are they interchangeable if they both mean something crucially important?

2 Answers 2

As you note, «key» can be either a noun or an adjective.

If you use «key» before a noun, it is usually understood to be an adjective. «Honesty is the key attribute that we are looking for.» «Attribute» is a noun. «Key» is modifying this noun.

If «key» is used without a noun to modify, it is usually a noun. «The key to the door is in the drawer.» «Key» is not modifying any noun, so it is a noun itself.

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Words like this get tricky with predicate adjectives and predicate nominatives. But in general, if there’s an article, then it must be a predicate nominate because predicate adjectives don’t take articles. So in, «The hint is the key», «key» must be a noun because it has an article. In, «The hint is key», «key» must be an adjective because it doesn’t have an article.

But this can be trickier still because we sometimes omit nouns that are repeated. Like, «Honesty is usually the most important factor and competence is the most obvious, but in this case good looks is the key.» «Key» here could be a noun, but it could also be an adjective with the noun «factor» omitted. (I suppose in this case the sentence means essentially the same thing either way so it doesn’t matter.)


Mise Éire

Mise Éire by Padraic Pearse is a poem written in Irish about nationalism. There is an English translation at the bottom of the page. Sean O’Riada’s film, based on the poem, is further down the page.

Pearse was a tireless writer and activist in Ireland’s attempt to get independence from the British government. He was one of the key members of the Easter Rising in 1916 and his passion for Irish independence cost him his life when he was executed by the British.

Mise Éire

Mise Éire:
Sine mé ná an Chailleach* Bhéarra

Mór mo ghlóir:
Mé a rug Cú Chulainn cróga.

Mór mo náir:
Mo chlann féin a dhíol a máthair.

Mór mo phian:
Bithnaimhde do mo shíorchiapadh.

Mór mo bhrón:
D’éag an dream inar chuireas dóchas.

Be a friend of Ireland Calling

Mise Éire:
Uaigní mé ná an Chailleach* Bhéarra.

* an Chailleach is an old woman meaning a ‘witch’

I am Ireland

I am Ireland:
I am older than the old woman* of Beare.

Great my glory:
I who bore Cuchulainn, the brave.

Great my shame:
My own children who sold their mother.

Great my pain:
My irreconcilable enemy who harrasses me continually…

Great my sorrow
That crowd, in whom I placed my trust, died.

I am Ireland:
I am lonelier than the old woman of Beare.

* old woman meaning a ‘witch’

Sean O’Riada’s film Mise Éire, had its world premiere at Cork Film Festival.
Mise Éire (I am Ireland), is a film based on the poem by Padraic Pearse.

The video below shows the reaction of three men to the film when it was released. This video was made by Gael Linn, an organisation dedicated to Irish language, with the music by Seán Ó Reada.

