key to the heart
1 key to the heart
См. также в других словарях:
Music of the Heart — Directed by Wes Craven Produced by Susan Kaplan … Wikipedia
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary to Quintessential Phases — The Tertiary Phase , Quandary Phase and Quintessential Phase are radio adaptations of the books Life, the Universe and Everything , So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish and Mostly Harmless recorded in 2003 and 2004 by Above the Title Productions… … Wikipedia
Heart of Kandrakar — The Heart of Kandrakar, (later changed to the Heart of Candracar by Walt Disney), is a fictional magical pendant from the Italian Comic book W.I.T.C.H., and the French animated series of the same name. It is bestowed to the leader of the… … Wikipedia
The Impossible Dream (The Quest) — is a popular song composed by Mitch Leigh, with lyrics written by Joe Darion. It was written for the 1965 musical Man of La Mancha. It is the main song from the musical and became its most popular hit. The song is sung all the way through once in … Wikipedia
The Mole (U.S. season 2) — The Mole: The Next Betrayal Country of origin United States No. of episodes 13 … Wikipedia
Heart failure — Classification and external resources The major signs and symptoms of heart failure. ICD 10 I5 … Wikipedia
Heart rate — is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate can vary as the body s need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or sleep. The measurement of heart… … Wikipedia
The City on the Edge of Forever — Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Enterprise crew encounters the Guardian of Forever … Wikipedia
Key West — is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys.Key West is politically within the limits of the city of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, United States. The city also occupies… … Wikipedia
The Stranger (novel) — The Stranger 1st US version … Wikipedia
key to the heart
1 (см . тж.) didn’t have heart
2 dear heart
3 Что-то, заставляющее вердце быстро биться от восторга (Something that is exciting and causes the heart to beat rapidly)
4 коронарная недостаточность (coronary heart disease)
5 didn’t have heart
7 (H — сокр . от head, heart, hands, health) программа повышения профессионального и культурного уровня сельской молодёжи
8 American Heart Association
9 Arteriosclerotic (or atherosclerotic) heart disease
10 Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
11 Associated Alumnae of the Sacred Heart
12 Brain Heart Infusion
13 Brain Heart Infusion Agar
14 Brain Heart Infusion Broth
15 Brain, Heart, And Gut
16 British Heart Foundation
17 Cambridge Heart, Inc.
18 Changing The Heart Of Instructional Practices
19 Children’s Heart Foundation International
20 Cleveland Clinic Heart Center
См. также в других словарях:
Music of the Heart — Directed by Wes Craven Produced by Susan Kaplan … Wikipedia
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary to Quintessential Phases — The Tertiary Phase , Quandary Phase and Quintessential Phase are radio adaptations of the books Life, the Universe and Everything , So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish and Mostly Harmless recorded in 2003 and 2004 by Above the Title Productions… … Wikipedia
Heart of Kandrakar — The Heart of Kandrakar, (later changed to the Heart of Candracar by Walt Disney), is a fictional magical pendant from the Italian Comic book W.I.T.C.H., and the French animated series of the same name. It is bestowed to the leader of the… … Wikipedia
The Impossible Dream (The Quest) — is a popular song composed by Mitch Leigh, with lyrics written by Joe Darion. It was written for the 1965 musical Man of La Mancha. It is the main song from the musical and became its most popular hit. The song is sung all the way through once in … Wikipedia
The Mole (U.S. season 2) — The Mole: The Next Betrayal Country of origin United States No. of episodes 13 … Wikipedia
Heart failure — Classification and external resources The major signs and symptoms of heart failure. ICD 10 I5 … Wikipedia
Heart rate — is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate can vary as the body s need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or sleep. The measurement of heart… … Wikipedia
The City on the Edge of Forever — Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Enterprise crew encounters the Guardian of Forever … Wikipedia
Key West — is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys.Key West is politically within the limits of the city of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, United States. The city also occupies… … Wikipedia
The Stranger (novel) — The Stranger 1st US version … Wikipedia
key to the heart
1 key to the heart
См. также в других словарях:
Music of the Heart — Directed by Wes Craven Produced by Susan Kaplan … Wikipedia
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary to Quintessential Phases — The Tertiary Phase , Quandary Phase and Quintessential Phase are radio adaptations of the books Life, the Universe and Everything , So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish and Mostly Harmless recorded in 2003 and 2004 by Above the Title Productions… … Wikipedia
Heart of Kandrakar — The Heart of Kandrakar, (later changed to the Heart of Candracar by Walt Disney), is a fictional magical pendant from the Italian Comic book W.I.T.C.H., and the French animated series of the same name. It is bestowed to the leader of the… … Wikipedia
The Impossible Dream (The Quest) — is a popular song composed by Mitch Leigh, with lyrics written by Joe Darion. It was written for the 1965 musical Man of La Mancha. It is the main song from the musical and became its most popular hit. The song is sung all the way through once in … Wikipedia
The Mole (U.S. season 2) — The Mole: The Next Betrayal Country of origin United States No. of episodes 13 … Wikipedia
Heart failure — Classification and external resources The major signs and symptoms of heart failure. ICD 10 I5 … Wikipedia
Heart rate — is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate can vary as the body s need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or sleep. The measurement of heart… … Wikipedia
The City on the Edge of Forever — Star Trek: The Original Series episode The Enterprise crew encounters the Guardian of Forever … Wikipedia
Key West — is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys.Key West is politically within the limits of the city of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, United States. The city also occupies… … Wikipedia
The Stranger (novel) — The Stranger 1st US version … Wikipedia
Афоризмы, высказывания, фразы на английском языке с переводом
Тот, кто становится зверем, избавляется от человеческой боли.
He, who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.
Если ты отпустил прошлое, это не значит, что прошлое отпустило тебя.
If you let your past go, it doesn’t mean that your past will let you go.
Не разрывай с прошлым, пока не уверен в своем будущем.
Don’t break up with your past until you’re sure in your future.
Люди радуются солнцу, а я мечтаю о луне.
People rejoice at the Sun, and I’m dreaming of the Moon.
Когда начинаешь много думать о прошлом, оно становиться настоящим, и ты уже не видишь будущего без него.
When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can’t see your future without it.
Мы ненавидим тех, кого любим, потому что они способны причинить нам больше всего страданий.
We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering.
Музыка создаёт чувства, которых нет в жизни.
Music creates the feelings which you can’t find in life.
Неизбежная цена, которую мы платим за счастье, — извечный страх его потерять.
The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it.
Только спустившись в бездну, можно обрести сокровище.
Only having descended the gulf, you can acquire treasure.
Каждый человек отдает без остатка другому человеку то, чего ему самому не хватало.
Every person gives away everything to another person what he lacked himself.
Иногда полезно вспомнить прошлое, чтобы сильнее ценить настоящее.
It is useful sometimes to recall your past in order to stronger value your present.
Человек всегда боится неизвестности, ведь то, что известно, не так страшно.
A man is always afraid of the unknown, because what is known is less scary.
Страх делает умных глупцами и сильных слабыми.
Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak.
Нет ничего страшного в темноте, если ты встретишься с ней лицом к лицу.
There is nothing scary in the darkness, if you encounter it face-to-face.
Cамые опасные демоны живут в наших сердцах.
The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
Каждый человек видит мир по своему.
Everyone sees the world in one’s own way.
Помни, что нет тюрьмы, страшнее чем в голове.
Remember that the most dangerous prison is the one in your head.
У каждого своя дорога.
Everyone has one’s own path.
Пламя отпылало, остается пепел, радость миновала, остается грусть.
The flame has burnt away, the ash remained, the joy has gone, the sadness remained.
Лучше мечты и идеалы, чем ничего.
It’s better to have ideals and dreams than nothing.
Память греет изнутри и в то же время рвет на части душу.
The memory warms you up inside, but it also breaks your soul apart.
Если я когда-нибудь сдамся, то лишь из милости к победителю.
If I ever surrender, it’ll happen only in mercy to the winner.
Я помню очень многое, именно поэтому мне иногда чертовски грустно.
I remember too much, that’s why I’m damn sad sometimes.
Кто не любит одиночества — тот не любит свободы.
He, who does not love loneliness, does not love freedom.
Иногда хочется испариться, чтоб тебя ни кто ни видел, чтоб все плохое прошло мимо.
Sometimes you want to vanish, not to be seen by anyone, you want all the bad things to pass by.
Не позволяй своему разуму убить твое сердце и душу.
Don’t let your mind kill your heart and soul.
Меня греет только моя мечта.
Only my dream keeps me alive.
Каждый сам творец своей судьбы.
Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate.
Зачастую, мы умираем в своих же мечтах.
We frequently die in our own dreams.
Будьте внимательны к своим мыслям — они начало поступков.
Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.
Каждый прошел через что-то, что изменило его.
Everyone underwent something that changed him.
Я помню все, что я забыла.
I remember everything what I ‘ve forgotten.
Пока дышу — люблю и верю.
While I’m breathing — I love and believe.
Все что нам нужно — это любовь.
All we need is love.
Получу всё, что захочу.
I’ll get everything I want.
Бог не делает ошибок.
God never makes errors.
Помни, кто ты есть.
Remember who you are.
Любовь всей моей жизни.
The love of my life.
Одна любовь на всю жизнь.
One lifelong love.
Уважай прошлое, создавай будущее!
Respect the past, create the future!
Мой хранитель всегда со мной.
My guardian is always with me.
Будь верен тому, кто верен тебе.
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.
Ангел мой всегда со мной.
My angel is always with me.
Жизнь прекрасна.
Life is beautiful.
Лучшее в нашей жизни — это любовь.
The best thing in our life is love.
Наслаждайся каждым моментом.
Enjoy every moment.
Одна жизнь — одно мгновение.
A life is a moment.
Никогда не смотри назад.
Never look back.
Живи без сожалений.
Live without regrets.
У терпения больше власти, чем у силы.
Tolerance is more powerful than force.
Follow your heart.
Следовать за своим сердцем.
Dad, I love you.
Папа, я тебя люблю.
Never say never.
Никогда не говори никогда.
My dreams come true.
Мои мечты сбываются.
I will get everything I want.
Я получу все, что я хочу.
Forever young.
Вечно молодой.
Endless love.
Бесконечная любовь.
I shall not live in vain.
Я не буду жить напрасно.
Let it be.
Пусть это будет.
To live forever.
Жить вечно.
Never look back.
Никогда не оглядываюсь назад.
Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
Упасть семь раз, встать восемь.
Feel the rain on your skin.
Чувствуй дождь на своей коже.
The earth is my body. My head is in the stars.
Земля — мое тело. Моя голова в звездах.
*Прим. переводчика:имеет два перевода
Faith — вера в бога, доверие человеку.
Belief — убежденность, мнение.
Fighting for life.
Борьба за жизнь.
Killing is not a murder.
Умерщвление — не убийство.
Now or never.
Сейчас или никогда.
То be or not to be.
Быть или не быть.
Wait and see.
Поживем – увидим.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
Ничего не делая, мы учимся дурным делам.
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