Find your Windows product key
A Windows product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows. It looks like this:
Locate your product key for Windows 10
Depending on how you got your copy of Windows 10, you’ll need either a 25-character product key or a digital license to activate it. A digital license (called a digital entitlement in Windows 10, Version 1511) is a method of activation in Windows 10 that doesn’t require you to enter a product key. Without one of these, you won’t be able to activate your device.
Where to find your product key depends on how you got your copy of Windows.
Select any of the following to see more information:
The product key is preinstalled on your PC, included with the packaging the PC came in, or included on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the PC. For more info, contact your hardware manufacturer, and for pictures of authentic product keys and COA labels, see How to tell your hardware is genuine.
The product key is on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. For more info, contact the retailer that sold you Windows 10. How to tell your software is genuine.
Find your product key in the confirmation email you received after buying Windows 10 or in a digital locker accessible through the retailer’s website.
The product key is in the confirmation email you received after buying your digital copy of Windows. Microsoft only keeps a record of product keys if you purchased from the Microsoft online store. You can find out if you purchased from Microsoft in your Microsoft account Order history.
If you upgraded to Windows 10 for free from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you should have a digital license instead of a product key.
If you bought Windows 10 Home, Professional, or Upgrade to Pro in the Windows 10 Store app, you’ll receive a digital license instead of a product key. You can use the digital license for activation.
If your product key is scratched, blurred, or otherwise unusable, contact the retailer who sold you the product. If you aren’t able to get help from your retailer or have already tried and couldn’t get a working key, call Microsoft Support.
For more information about digital licenses and product keys in Windows 10, see the “Methods of Activation” section in Activate Windows 10.
Locate your product key for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
A product key is usually required when uninstalling or reinstalling Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Generally, if you bought a physical copy of Windows, the product key should be on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. If Windows came preinstalled on your PC, the product key should appear on a sticker on your device. If you’ve lost or can’t find the product key, contact the manufacturer. To ensure your product key is genuine, see How to tell your software is genuine and How to tell your hardware is genuine.
Related links
For info about how to tell if your copy of Windows is genuine Microsoft software, see the How to tell page.
For more Windows 10 download info, see Download Windows 10.
If you need installation media to install or reinstall Windows, see Create installation media for Windows to learn how to create your own installation media using either a USB flash drive or a DVD.
If you need more help with activation, see Activate Windows 10.
If you’re getting an activation error, see Get help with Windows activation errors.
If you’re reinstalling Windows 10, you might not need a Windows product key. See Activation in Windows 10 for more info.
If you’re reinstalling Windows 10 due to a motherboard problem or some other hardware issue, see Reactivating Windows 10 after a hardware change.
If you’re looking for product keys for Office, apps, games, and more, see Find your Microsoft downloads and product keys
Windows key
A Windows key may refer to any of the following:
1. Alternatively referred to as the winkey, win, or WK, the Windows key is a key found on IBM compatible keyboards used with the Microsoft Windows operating system. The Windows key has the Microsoft logo on it and is found between the left Ctrl and Alt keys on the keyboard. Pressing the Windows key by itself opens the Start menu that also displays the search box.
Holding down the Windows key and pressing another key, to trigger a keyboard shortcut, can speed up common tasks. For example, the keyboard shortcut Windows key+E (press and hold the Windows key and then, while holding that key, press the E key, and then let go of both buttons) opens Windows Explorer. For a full list of Windows key shortcuts, see the Windows shortcut keys guide.
Users who are familiar with Macs can relate the Windows key to the Apple Command key.
Where is the Windows key on the keyboard?
As seen below, the Windows key is found between the Alt keys and Ctrl keys on both sides of the spacebar. Some PC keyboard manufacturers may substitute the Windows logo for another picture, but the key still functions the same. For example, some Linux users may put a Tux sticker over the Windows key or replace the key with a key that shows Tux.
Where is the Menu key (application key) on the keyboard?
Next to the Windows key on the right side of the keyboard is the Application key or Menu key. It brings up a menu for the current window or highlighted text. Pressing this button is usually the same as pressing the menu that appears when you right-click the mouse.
What keys are next to the Windows key?
On the left side of the keyboard, the Windows key is in-between the Ctrl key and the Alt key. On the right side of the keyboard, the Windows key is in-between the Alt key and the Windows Menu key (shown above).
Why is my Windows key not working?
If both Windows keys on the keyboard are not working, try the following steps to troubleshoot the problem. If only one of the Windows keys is not working, the key is either broken or dirty.
- Ensure that pressing the Windows key alone and the Windows key with another letter (e.g., E) both do not work.
- If you have a keyboard with an Fn key, make sure it is turned off.
- If you have a function key or other key with a Windows logo and a lock, see the below Windows lock key section.
- Individually press all other modifier keys in case one of them is stuck either physically or in software. For example, press the Shift , Alt , and Ctrl keys on both sides of the keyboard at least once.
- Reboot the computer.
- How to restart Microsoft Windows.
- Try other suggestions mentioned on our keyboard key troubleshooting page.
- Some of the keys on my computer keyboard aren’t working.
What is the button or key with a Windows logo and a lock?
When playing a game, if you press the Windows key , it exits you from the game, and in some cases, may even crash the game. Some gaming keyboards have a function key with a Windows logo or a separate button next to a Windows logo. This key and button are designed to enable and disable the Windows key. So, when playing a game, you can disable the Windows key to prevent it from doing anything if it’s mistakenly pushed.
If this is a separate button, pressing the button enables and disables the Windows key. There may also be an indicator light to indicate when it’s enabled or disabled. If your keyboard has a function key with a Windows flag icon, use the Fn key and that function key to enable and disable the Windows key. For example, on a Cooler Master gaming keyboard, this feature is on the F12 key, so pressing Fn + F12 enables and disables the Windows key.
Where is the Windows key on a Chromebook or Apple computer?
Chromebooks and Apple computers do not have a Windows key. The Windows key is only found on keyboards designed for Microsoft Products. With Apple keyboards, the Windows key is replaced with the Option key. On Chromebooks, there’s a Search key that’s similar to the Windows key. However, it’s located where the Caps Lock key is on most keyboards.
Related pages
2. A Windows key may also be a short way of saying the Windows product key.
Как узнать Windows key?
Бывают разные ситуации когда может потребоваться узнать windows ключ или Windows key как он еще называется, на данный момент самая актуальная ситуация, это покупка ноутбука с предустановленной Windows. Если раньше к покупке шел в комплекте диск с кодом, то сейчас все зашито и перепрошито в самом ноутбуке. И любая чистая перестановка системы допустим с windows 10 на windows 7 или любые другие комбинации, несет в себе риск полного удаления резервной копии системы (на этапе установки удаление buckup раздела) Поэтому желательно во избежании экономии нервных клеток нужно обязательно перед покупкой сделать на любой носитель бекап системы и сохранить ключ продукта Windows.
Если первый вариант с бекапом это информация не одной статьи и по времени ни одного дня, то второй вариант делается за считанные секунды!
1 Вариант: Узнаем Product key через командную строку
Это по мне самый простой и легкий способ узнать ключ продукта windows и не требующий ни чего скачивать и создавать, все делается в командной строке. Для начало я приведу список всех команд которыми мы будем пользоваться:
- slmgr /dli — отображение сведений о лицензии.
- slmgr /dlv — отображение подробных сведений о лицензии.
- открываем командную строку (Пуск -> набираем CMD и нажимаем Enter ) у нас должна появится такая вот консоль:
- Набираем в командной строке команду slmgr /dli и нам откроется сведения о лицензии
- либо воспользуемся второй командой которая введет нам подробные сведения о лицензии slmgr /dlv
Предисловие: данная команда slmgr умеет делать еще и другие действия:
slmgr /xpr — отображает дату окончания активации
slmgr.vbs /skms — установка имени или порта KMS.
slmgr.vbs /ato — активация Windows.
slmgr.vbs /rearm — сброс активации, возврат в триальное состояние.
slmgr.vbs /ipk — установка ключа продукта.
slmgr.vbs /upk — удаление ключа продукта.
slmgr.vbs /cpky — удаление ключа продукта из реестра (предотвращение хищения).
Так что пользуйтесь на здоровье 🙂 ))
2 Вариант: Узнаем Windows key с помощью скрипта
Для того что бы узнать Windows key или ключ продукта Windows для этого нужно сделать всего пару простых действия:
1) Создать текстовый документ
2) Вставить в него след код:
3) Сохраняем файл
4) Файл нужно сохранить в формате VBS
5) После этого запускаем наш файл и переписываем наш
Вот такой, незамысловатый способ что бы быстро узнать свой ключ windows 🙂
Which key is the windows + R keyboard shortcut
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On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 14:17:23 +0000, angiebrookins wrote:
which key is the Win+R KEYBOARD SHORTCUT?
I’m not sure that I understand your question, but if I do, what’s
meant is to held down the Windows key and press the R key.
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which key is the Win+R KEYBOARD SHORTCUT?
It’s the one next to the anykey (the key that you press to boot from a CD).
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I just received a call, caller ID from San Antonio, Texas, requesting I press the Ctrl and r keys. Said they had received reports I had malicious software on my computer. Said I would see a box on the next screen and they would tell me what to do. I refused.