
What лун is office

Where to enter your Office product key

If your purchase of Office or Microsoft 365 came with a product key, you enter your product key on one of the websites listed below for your product. After you enter your key, you can download and install Office, or you can renew your Microsoft 365 subscription.

Example of an Office or Microsoft 365 product key:

Microsoft 365, Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013 (PC and Mac)

Note: Support has ended for Office 2016 for Mac. Learn more

To redeem a new purchase

Step 2: Sign in with your Microsoft account, or create one if you don’t have one. Be sure to remember this account so that you can install or reinstall Office later, without a product key.

Important: If you’re renewing your Microsoft 365 subscription, enter the Microsoft account that’s associated with your subscription. I can’t remember my Microsoft account.

Step 3: Enter your product key, without hyphens, if prompted. If you don’t see the option to enter your product key, it was entered for you automatically.

Step 4: Follow the prompts to finish the redemption process.

To install or reinstall Office

If you see the error This product key has already been used when you enter your product key on www.office.com/setup or Microsoft365.com/setup, this means your product key has already been redeemed and is no longer needed.

Instead, use your Microsoft account to sign in to account.microsoft.com and install your Office product.

Note: If you’re trying to allow up to 5 other people to install Office using your Microsoft 365 Family subscription, see How to share your Office 365 Home subscription benefit.

Microsoft HUP

These steps apply only to Office Professional Plus, Visio Professional, or Project Professional.

Step 1: Start an Office app, like Word, Project, or Visio, depending on your purchase.

Step 2: In the Sign in to set up Office window, select I don’t want to sign in or create an account (it’s a small link at the bottom of the window).

Step 3: Enter your Office product key, without hyphens. If you don’t have your key, see get your HUP product key.

Microsoft Store

Step 1: Go to www.microsoftstore.com and sign in (upper right-hand corner) with the Microsoft account that you used to buy Office.

Step 2: After you sign in, select your name in the upper right-hand corner, and then select Order History.

Step 3: Locate the Office one-time purchase or individual Office app, and then select Install Office to view your product key (this doesn’t actually install Office).

Step 4: Select Install Office again in the window where the product key appears.

Step 5: On the Hi. Let’s get started page, follow the prompts to sign in again and associate your product with your Microsoft account.

Office 2010 or Office 2011 for Mac

Microsoft 365 Business Standard

Step 2: Enter Office product key without hyphens, and then select Next.

Step 3: Follow the prompts to finish the redemption and setup process.

Having problems with your product key?

I can’t find my product key

For help with finding your product key, select your version of Office below:

My product key isn’t working

If your Office product key doesn’t work, or has stopped working, you should contact the seller and request a refund. If you bought a product key separate from the software, it’s very possible the product key was stolen or otherwise fraudulently obtained, and subsequently blocked for use. Unfortunately, there are many dishonest sellers who offer stolen, abused, or otherwise unauthorized Microsoft product keys for sale. Sometimes these product keys are printed on counterfeit labels or cards with a download link to Microsoft software, and sometimes they’re distributed with software media that is unauthorized for resale, such as promotional media, original equipment manufacturer reinstallation media, or other Microsoft program-specific media.

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Contact support

If you still need help with your product key, visit our Microsoft support page for help.


How to find your windows 10 or office 365 product key

Most pieces of commercial software come with some form of protection to deter unauthorized copying and installation. Although software makers use different methods to achieve this goal, one common approach involves asking the user to type in a product key or serial number, which is the case for both Microsoft Windows and Office 365.

This string of letters and/or numbers is a unique identifier that the software decodes to verify that your copy is legal. It’s required to authorize the software’s installation and your eligibility for product support, so it’s important to know where it is and how to access it.

A Windows product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows.

It looks like this:


Download one of these software’s to find your Windows 10 and office365 key.
Download Magical Jelly Bean | Download Belarc | Download Sterjo Key finder

Here are some easy ways to find your product key for both Windows and Office.

Find your product key

Try to remember how you purchased your Microsoft software, which determines where you need to look to find the product key.

Find the table below to understand which method you might have chosen.

If you got Windows 10 by… Activation methodUpgrading to Windows 10 for free from an eligible device running a genuine copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.Digital licenseBuying genuine Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store and successfully activated Windows 10.Digital licenseBuying a Windows 10 Pro upgrade from the Microsoft Store and successfully activated Windows 10.Digital licenseBeing a Windows Insider and upgrading to the newest Windows 10 Insider Preview build on an eligible device that was running an activated earlier version of Windows and Windows 10 Preview.Digital licenseBuying a copy of Windows 10 from an authorized retailer.Product key

(On a label inside the Windows 10 box. A digital license will be given to your device for Windows 10 based on the valid product key you entered.

If you bought your PC from a manufacturer, the manufacturer, not Microsoft, must provide you a product key.)

Buying a digital copy of Windows 10 from an authorized retailer.Product key

(In the confirmation email you received after buying Windows 10 or in a digital locker accessible through the retailer’s website. A digital license will be given to your device for Windows 10 based on the valid product key you entered.)

Having a Volume Licensing agreement for Windows 10 or MSDN subscription.Product key

(Available through the web portal for your program.)

Buying a new or refurbished device running Windows 10.Product key

(Preinstalled on your device, included with the device packaging, or included as a card or on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the device.

If you bought a refurbished PC, the refurbisher, not Microsoft, must provide you a product key.)

  • Most software you buy directly from Microsoft Store as a digital download, like Office, Windows, and Xbox games, can be downloaded, installed, or reinstalled in order history. Find the software and then select Product key/Install.( same for office 365 and windows key)
  • If you have a digital gift card that’s good for a game or app, you must redeem it first.
  • If you bought your Microsoft software from a third-party website, you’ll need to get download and product key info from them.
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Where to find your product key depends on how you got your copy of Windows:

  • From an authorized retailer. The product key is on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in.
  • A new PC running Windows. The product key is preinstalled on your PC, included with the packaging the PC came in, or included on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the PC.
  • A digital copy from a Microsoft website. The product key is in the confirmation email you received after buying it. Or, it may be distributed as a digital license if you bought Windows 10, in which case it doesn’t include a product key.
  • Free upgrade to Windows 10. If you upgraded to Windows 10 for free from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you should have a digital license instead of a product key.

If you bought a retail copy of Microsoft Windows or Office, the first place to look is in the disc jewel case. Retail Microsoft product keys are usually on a bright sticker located inside the case with the CD/DVD, or on the back. The key consists of 25 alphanumeric characters, usually split into groups of five.

If your computer came preloaded with Microsoft Windows, the software product key is usually on a multicolored, Microsoft-branded sticker on your PC case. For Microsoft Office, you can find the sticker on the installation disc that accompanied the computer. If all else fails, you will need to contact Microsoft to obtain a replacement key.

Typically you can find your Microsoft Windows product key on a sticker attached to your PC.

Windows 10

With Windows 10 Microsoft introduced a new method for authenticating the operating system called a digital entitlement, but it doesn’t apply to all Windows 10 PCs.

Basically, you have a digital entitlement if you upgraded your PC from Windows 7 or 8.1 for free. You will also have a digital entitlement if you paid for a Windows 10 upgrade via the Windows Store, or did a fresh install of Windows 10 and then paid for it via the Windows Store.

If, however, you obtained Windows 10 by buying a new PC, buying a Windows 10 installation DVD, or buying a digital copy of Windows 10 from a retailer that’s not the Windows Store then you have a traditional product key, not a digital entitlement.

What a digital entitlement means

If your PC has a digital entitlement, Microsoft keeps a record of your right to run Windows 10 on its servers. The good thing about this system is there’s no product key to lose. If you ever need to do a fresh install from a USB drive, for example, you will not have to activate your PC. Instead, after the reinstall Windows will activate seamlessly in the background within a few hours (or at worst a few days).

The one thing to keep in mind is that your digital entitlement is based around your system configuration. If you change too many components at once and then try to reinstall Windows 10 you may run into problems. This is a rare issue, but it’s something to keep in mind if you are planning on swapping out your hard drive or SSD and hope to do some other upgrades at the same time.

It would be better, for example, to do the HDD to SSD swap first, reinstall Windows 10, and once it’s activated take care of the other component upgrades. Otherwise, you might be putting in a call to Microsoft’s robo-activation line.

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That said, major upgrades like swapping out your motherboard are almost certainly guaranteed to require a call to Microsoft for activation.

Extract your key for Microsoft Windows or Office 365

Magical Jelly Software to find your windows 10 and office 365 key

If you can’t find your key but the software is installed, you can use a program such as theMagical Jelly Bean Key Finder. This utility can quickly locate your Windows key (along with office 365 key and keys for many other installed programs) and display it for you.

  1. Download Magical Jelly Bean and follow the installation process to install it on your computer.
  2. Launch the program. You can find it by opening the Start menu, typing keyfinder, and pressing Enter.
  3. The program will scan your installations and find the product keys of supported programs, including various versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
  4. When the scan is complete, the tool will display a window with entries in the left pane for whatever installed versions of Windows and Office365 it detected.
  5. Click the entry for your version of Microsoft Windows or office 365 to reveal the key and other information about the installation. The key will be listed under ‘CD Key’ on the right side of the window. Record this information in case you need to reference it in the future. Make sure to record the information exactly, as the key will not work otherwise. Do not confuse this with the ‘Product ID’ entry, which is unneeded.
  6. Click the entry for your version of Microsoft Office to reveal the key and other information about that installation. The same advice goes for Office365: Your key will be listed under ‘CD Key’ on the right side of the window. Record this information exactly, as the key will not work otherwise.

You can also use Belarc Advisor to find your windows 10 and Office 365 key

Belarc Advisor is a free program that gives you lot of details about your installed software, hardware, network and hot fixes.

After installing the program and running it, you can find link to software licenses on left which will provide you Microsoft windows and office 365 license.

You can download the software from this link. Download Belarc.

You can choose SterJo Key Finder to find your windows 10 and office 365 key

It’s a very light weight app which will help you find windows 10 key faster.


Ключ Office (Для всех версий Офиса)

Рано или поздно любой пользователь может столкнуться с проблемой поиска ключа Office.

Конечно, если лицензия на него приобретена, то таких казусов может и не возникать. Но вот любителям сэкономить и пользоваться Microsoft Office бесплатно придется решать проблему с активацией. Существуют два пиратских способа активации Офиса: активатором и ключем. В рамках данной статьи, мы опубликуем тут актуальные на 2021 год ключи для Office.

Вот перечень рабочих ключей Office

Ключи office 365


Ключи office 2016

  • RKG2G-K2N7K-B33RT-8JGPC-4RG97

Ключи office 2013


Ключи office 2010


Ключи office 2007

  • RDD46-RBP46-4Q4TB-47BPX-VF4MJ
  • KV9MY-G6KHR-9H7VH-3WT4D-V83Q8

Это далеко не весь список доступных серийников. Если по какой-то причине вы не подобрали ключ на свой Офис, то ниже вы можете скачать огромный сборник. В нем собраны все валидные (рабочие) ключи.

Скачать ключи на Microsoft Office:

Спасибо, все работает, активировал вашим ключом офис 2016!

