hold the key
We hold the key, we have the wheat infinitely more than we ourselves can eat. (Fr. Norris, ‘The Octopus’, book II, ch. I) — Мы хозяева положения: у нас запасено пшеницы гораздо больше, чем мы можем съесть сами.
He would come back. She held the keys to his soul. (D. H. Lawrence, ‘Sons and Lovers’, ch. IX) — Поль вернется к ней, ведь в ее руках ключи от его души.
Magda’s world, the world of art students, was a phoney world, but it held the key to a real world of deepened experience, of art techniques that could become art. (J. Lindsay, ‘A Local Habitation’, ch. 17) — Мир, в котором жили Магда и ее друзья — молодые писатели и художники, — был миром выдуманным, но в нем был ключ к углубленному познанию мира действительного, к овладению техникой живописи, необходимой для создания настоящих произведений искусства.
Ducane was not now by any means sure that Biranne held the key to Radeechy’s suicide. (I. Murdoch, ‘The Nice and the Good’, ch. 28) — Дьюкейн отнюдь не был уверен, что Биран сможет установить причину самоубийства Радичи.
Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа». . 2006 .
Смотреть что такое «hold the key» в других словарях:
hold the key — to provide the explanation for something that you could not previously understand. Fiennes, who had been looking for the place for twenty years, became convinced that this road held the key … New idioms dictionary
hold the key (to something) — phrase to make it possible to explain or solve something Tourism holds the key to the region’s recovery. Thesaurus: to make something possiblesynonym Main entry: hold … Useful english dictionary
hold the key to power — possess something which can put one in a powerful and influential position … English contemporary dictionary
You Hold the Key — Infobox Album | Name = You Hold the Key Type = Album Artist = Beth Nielsen Chapman Released = 1993 Recorded = N/A Genre = Singer Songwriter Length = 49:23 Label = Reprise Records Producer = Jim Ed Norman Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4|5 [http://www … Wikipedia
Music Is the Key (Steve «Silk» Hurley song) — Music Is the Key Single by J.M. Silk from the album The House Sound Of Chicago B side … Wikipedia
The Gap Cycle — (published 1991 – 1996 by Bantam Books and reprinted by Gollancz in 2008 [1]) is a science fiction story, told in a series of 5 books, written by Stephen R. Donaldson. It is an epic set in a future where humans have pushed far out into space in… … Wikipedia
The Cat in the Hat — … Wikipedia
The Adventure of the Three Gables — by Arthur Conan Doyle Released 1926 Series The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Client(s) Mary Maberly Set in Unknown Villain(s) Isadora Klein The Adventure of the Three Gables , one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short … Wikipedia
The Doctor Who Role Playing Game — Publisher(s) FASA Publication date 1985 Genre(s) Science Fiction, Time travel System(s) C … Wikipedia
The Death of the Incredible Hulk — DVD cover Directed by Bill Bixby … Wikipedia
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