
Задания по теме космос английский

Викторина по теме «Космос» (Space) на английском языке
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Викторина по теме «Космос» (Space) на английском языке расчитана на учащихся, прявляющих особый интерес к изучению английского языка и желающих проверить свои знания в области астрономии.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Earth Science Test

  1. How many galaxies are there in the universe?

A) hundreds B) millions C) billions

2. How many kilometres is an astronomical unit?

A) 150million B) 170 million C) 180 million

3. An astronomical unit is the distance from…

A) the sun to other stars B) Earth to the sun C) Earth to the moon

4. How many kilometres is a light-year?

A) 7, 46 trillion km B) 8, 46 trillion km C) 9, 46 trillion km

5. Which planet is closest to the sun?

A) Mercury B) Venus C) Mars

6. Which planet is farthest to the sun?

A) Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune

7. How big is the Milky Way galaxy? It is about …

A) 200,000 light-years B) 150,000 light-years C) 100,000 light-years

8. The Milky Way is a ….galaxy

A) spiral B) spherical C) round

9. Proxima Centauri is a (an)…..

A) planet B) star C) asteroid

10. New stars form near the centre of a …

A) solar system B) galaxy C) sun

11. What is a nebula?

A) a hot ball of glowing gasses B) a cloud of dust and gas C) a dim star

12. Where do stars start life?

A) in a nebula B) in a constellation C) in a black hole

13. What does a main sequence star burn as fuel?

A) hydrogen B) oxygen C) helium

14. A supergiant might explode and become a …

A) nebula B) white dwarf C) supernova

15. What happens to a red giant at the end of its life? It shrinks and becomes …

A) a white dwarf B) a planet C) a black hole

Our Solar System

16. What are comets made of?

A) rock and metal B) gasses and metal C) ice, rock and gasses

17. Asteroids are large chunks of …

A) rock and gasses B) rock and metal C) ice and metal

18. How many moons move around Jupiter?

A) about 60 B) about 30 C) about 15

19. How do comets revolve around the sun?

A) in oval orbits B) in circular orbits C) in triangular orbits

20. The largest planet in our solar system is…

A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Earth

21. Halley’s comet appears every …

A) 45 years B) 67 years C) 76 years

22. What does Halley’s comet orbit?

A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

23. A comet’s glowing tail is made of …

A) metal B) gas C) ice

24. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?

A) a giant comet B) a giant storm C) a giant asteroid

25. Asteroids and meteoroids orbit …

A) the sun B) the moon C) Earth

Earth, the Moon, the Sun

26. How long does it take Earth to revolve once around the sun?

A) 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

27. Earth rotates on its axis once every

A) 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

28. The tilt of Earth’s axis causes …..

A) days B) nights C) seasons

29. How many phases does the moon have?

30. Who first suggested that Earth moves around the sun?

A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Socrates

31. The part of Earth facing away from the sun has …

A) winter B) day C) night

32. The part of Earth facing the sun has …

A) night B) summer C) day

33. When the northern half of Earth tilts away from the sun, it is ……there.

A) summer B) winter C) night

34. What season is it in the USA when it is winter in South America?

A) winter B) summer C) autumn

35. An equinox happens on the first day of…

A) winter B) spring C) summer

Eclipses and Tides

  1. The ocean water rises during ….

A) high tide B) low tide C) eclipses

37. A …happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth

A) lunar eclipse B) solar eclipse C) neap tide

38. The sun, the moon and Earth line up during ….

A) a full moon B) a third-quarter moon C) neap tide

39. In a total solar eclipse, people on Earth see a glow around …

A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

40. Tides make sea levels …

A) block sunlight B) rise and fall C) cause shadows

41. When did scientists first build telescopes?

A) in the 17 th century B) in the 18 th century C) in the 19 th century

42. Satellites can send ….to and from Earth

A) booster rockets B) launchpads C) radio waves

43. When did the USSR launch the first satellite called “Sputnik”?

A) in 1957 B) in 1968 C) in 1958

44. Who was the first person to orbit Earth?

A) Yuri Gagarin B) Neil Armstrong C) Buzz Aldrin

45. When did John Glenn orbit Earth?

A) in 1965 B) in 1962 C) in 1964

46. Who was the first animal in space?

A) Laika the dog B) Strelka the dog C) Vaska the cat

47. When did Apollo11 astronauts walk on the moon?

A) in 1966 B) in1969 C) in 1967

48. Who launched the first liquid fueled rocket in 1926?

A) J. Glenn B) P. Vinogradov C) R. Goddard

49. When did the US Space Shuttle make its first flight?

A) in 1981 B) in 1982 C) in 1983

50. When was the Hubble telescope launched?

A) in 1889 B) in 1990 C) in 1991

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Space Stars Our Solar System Eclipses and Tides Earth, The Moon, the Sun Space Exploration

space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.How many galaxies are there in the universe? hundreds B) millions C) billions

2. How many kilometres is an astronomical unit? A)150million B) 170 million C) 180 million

3. An astronomical unit is the distance from… the sun to other stars B) Earth to the sun C) Earth to the moon

4.How many kilometres is a light-year? 7, 46 trillion km B) 8, 46 trillion km C) 9, 46 trillion km

5. Which planet is closest to the sun? Mercury B) Venus C) Mars

6. Which planet is farthest to the sun? Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune

7. How big is the Milky Way galaxy? It is about … 200,000 light-years B) 150,000 light-years C) 100,000 light-years

8. The Milky Way is a ….galaxy spiral B) spherical C) round

9. Proxima Centauri is a (an)….. planet B) star C) asteroid

10. New stars form near the centre of a … solar system B) galaxy C) sun

stars 1 2 3 4 5

1.What is a nebula? a hot ball of glowing gasses B) a cloud of dust and gas C) a dim star

2. Where do stars start life? A) in a nebula B) in a constellation C) in a black hole

3.What does a main sequence star burn as fuel? A) hydrogen B) oxygen C) helium

4. A supergiant might explode and become a … nebula B) white dwarf C) supernova

5. What happens to a red giant at the end of its life? It shrinks and becomes … a white dwarf B) a planet C) a black hole

Eclipses and Tides 1 2 3 4 5

1.The ocean water rises during …. high tide B) low tide C) eclipses

2.A …happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth A) lunar eclipse B) solar eclipse C) neap tide

3.The sun, the moon and Earth line up during …. a full moon B) a third-quarter moon C) neap tide

4. In a total solar eclipse, people on Earth see a glow around … A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

5. Tides make sea levels … A) block sunlight B) rise and fall C) cause shadows

Our Solar System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What are comets made of? rock and metal B) gasses and metal C) ice, rock and gasses

2. Asteroids are large chunks of … A) rock and gasses B ) rock and metal C ) ice and metal

3 . How many moons move around Jupiter? A) about 60 B) about 30 C) about 15

4. How do comets revolve around the sun? A) in oval orbits B) in circular orbits C) in triangular orbits

5. The largest planet in our solar system is… A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Earth

6. Halley’s comet appears every … 45 years 67 years C) 76 years

7. What does Halley’s comet orbit? the sun B) Earth C) the moon

8. A comet’s glowing tail is made of … metal B) gas C) ice

9. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? a giant comet B) a giant storm C) a giant asteroid

1 0. Asteroids and meteoroids orbit … the sun B) the moon C) Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Earth, the Moon, the Sun

1. How long does it take Earth to revolve once around the sun ? 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

2. Earth rotates on its axis once every ? 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

3. The tilt of Earth’s axis causes …. days B) nights C) seasons

4. How many phases does the moon have? 8 B) 6 C) 4

5. Who first suggested that Earth moves around the sun? Galileo B) Copernicus C) Socrates

6.The part of Earth facing away from the sun has … winter B) day C) night

7 . The part of Earth facing the sun has … night B) summer C) day

8 . When the northern half of Earth tilts away from the sun, it is ……there. A) summer B) winter C) night

9. What season is it in the USA when it is winter in South America? winter B) summer C) autumn

10. An equinox happens on the first day of… winter B) spring C) summer

Space Exploration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. When did scientists first build telescopes? in the 17th century B) in the 18th century C) in the 19th century

2. Satellites can send ….to and from Earth booster rockets launchpads C) radio waves

3. When did the USSR launch the first satellite called “Sputnik”? A) in 1957 B) in 1968 C) in 1958

4. Who was the first person to orbit Earth? Yuri Gagarin B) Neil Armstrong C) Buzz Aldrin

5. When did John Glenn orbit Earth? in 1965 B) in 1962 C) in 1964

6. Who was the first animal in space? Laika the dog B) Strelka the dog C) Vaska the cat

7. When did Apollo11 astronauts walk on the Moon? in 1966 B) in1969 C) in 1967

8. Who launched the first liquid fueled rocket in 1926? J. Glenn B) P. Vinogradov C) R. Goddard

9. When did the US Space Shuttle make its first flight? in 1981 B) in 1982 C) in 1983

10. When was the Hubble telescope launched? in 1889 B ) in 1990 C ) in 1991

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия в рамках предметной недели.

викторина предназначена как для совершенствования лексических, грамматических умений учащихся, так и для расширения их кругозора.

Данный материал может быть использован для составления и проведения конкурсов, олимпиад, викторин по тематике»Англоговорящие страны» в 9-11 классах.

Страноведческая викторина для 6 класса по английскому языку к УМК М.З.Биболетовой.

ни для кого не секрет, что урок будет интереснее и познавательнее, а также и результативнее, если обучающиеся смогут не только работать с учебником, но и опираться на красочную наглядность. она будет .

Викторина для 5 класса общеобразовательных школ по английскому языку. Темы: : алфавит, цвета. овощи, школьные предметы, фрукты, спорт, профессии, одежда, имена, страны, дикие животные, страноведение, .

Викторина для 5 класса по английскому языку.


Материалы для урока, посвященного Дню космонавтики
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Две небольшие разработки, посвященные Дню космонавтики. Использовались на занятиях со студентами 1-2 курса техникума. Упражнения простые, подойдут для школьников 8-11 классов.


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Упражнения к уроку в День космонавтики 943.5 КБ
Упражнения к уроку в День космонавтики 13.83 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

SPACE EXPLORATION. Исследование космоса

1. The history of space exploration in Russia started with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a maths teacher from Kaluga. Tsiolkovsky never built or launched a rocket, but he was the first person to understand the main ideas behind rocket science – as early as 1903. He predicted and solved many of the problems in rocket engineering, and he made designs for several rockets. He dreamt of a space age.

2. It was nearly 60 years before Tsiolkovsky’s dream came true. On 12 th April, 1961, at exactly 9.07 a. m. Vostok 1 lifted off for its 108-minute flight. There was one man inside – Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet pilot and the first person in the world to fly into outer space. During his one orbit around the earth, Gagarin had some food and water; so he was also the first person to eat and drink in conditions of weightlessness. He didn’t have a camera to take photos, but he observed different parts of the earth.

3. Gagarin’s flight started a new stage in the history of exploration. It made more space travel possible. Now, 50 years later, many cosmonauts and engineers from different countries have made flights to outer space. Some of them have stayed in space for several months. They have done a lot of research and experiments.

4. In the 1990s Russian scientists started thinking about sending tourists into outer space. The world’s first space tourist was American millionaire, Dennis Tito. He went on an eight-day holiday in May 2001 in a Russian spaceship. He visited the International Space Station and landed afterwards in Kazakhstan with the two other members of the flight team. ‘I was worried that I might not feel well in space’, he said, ‘but I felt the best I’ve felt in my whole life. It was a trip to paradise’. Space scientists are now discussing the next idea: two-week space holidays with a trip around the moon, for $100 million… anyone interested?

1. Прочитайте текст и подберите к каждому абзацу подходящий заголовок. Один из заголовков – лишний. (5 points)

  1. Holiday-makers in space
  2. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut
  3. Outer space as a workplace
  4. Father of rocket science
  5. The flight that changed the world

2. Сопоставьте слова и фразы (1- 9) с переводом (A-I) и дефинициями (a — i). (27 points)

  1. space exploration
  2. launch
  3. predict
  4. come true
  5. rocket engineering
  6. weightlessness
  7. outer space
  8. research
  9. spaceship
  1. запускать
  2. исполняться
  3. исследование
  4. исследование космоса
  5. космический корабль
  6. невесомость
  7. открытый космос
  8. предсказывать
  9. ракетостроение
  1. a vehicle designed to be launched into space
  2. building and testing of rockets
  3. careful study of a given subject, field, or problem, undertaken to discover facts or principles
  4. journeys to space to find out what it’s like
  5. space beyond the atmosphere of the earth
  6. the condition in space when nothing has any weight.
  7. to happen in real life
  8. to say that something will happen
  9. to send something into space

3. Верно или нет? True or false? (12 points)

  1. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the first person to build a rocket.
  2. Yuri Gagarin went round the Earth once.
  3. During his flight Gagarin took photos of the Earth.
  4. Space flight is now international.
  5. Space engineers do a lot of scientific work.
  6. The Americans took the first tourist into space.

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из упр. 2. (8 points)

  1. Cosmonauts and engineers have done a lot of … and experiments.
  2. The history of … in Russia started with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
  3. Tsiolkovsky predicted and solved many of the problems in ….
  4. Tsiolkovsky’s dream … on 12 th April, 1961.
  5. Yuri Gagarin was the first person in the world to fly into ….


Читайте также:  Космос при хрущеве презентация